Pete Riehm
Welcome back, Carter!
By Pete Riehm
May 18, 2021

It only took a little over 100 days, but that good old 1970s Carter malaise is back. Biden and his leftist puppeteers were in such a rush to undo everything Trump that they took no time to consider the grave ramifications of reversing wholesale the most successful presidential policies in our lifetimes. Of course, Democrats want a stagnant economy to erode the Middle Class, and a feckless America to weaken her for induction to globalism, but they do NOT want to be blamed for it!

Thinking it was a lay-up, Biden’s first order of business was restoring illegal immigration. Democrats expected and wanted some surge in new illegal alien Democrat voters, but the system has been completely overwhelmed by their partners in crime, the cartels. So Americans are watching the worst border crisis in memory. It’s so bad, the media can’t hide it and even some Democrats are complaining. No matter how many times Biden’s Press Secretary Jen Psaki tries to blame President Trump, and that moron DHS Secretary Mayorkas lies about the border being closed, everyone knows this is Biden’s mess.

Biden also quickly cancelled the Keystone Pipeline and tens of thousands of good-paying jobs, re-imposed onerous regulations, and stifled fracking to abruptly end America's brief respite with energy independence. Gas prices soared 25-35%, invoking horrid memories of the 1970s, and a suspicious cyber hack of the Colonial Pipeline brought back long gas lines to much of the country.

The Trump economy was incredibly robust, so slowing it even with a pandemic will take time. However, Biden has already spent extra trillions and proposed even more extra trillions, so another ghost of the 1970s is returning to haunt American consumers – inflation! April recorded the largest jump in CPI in over a decade and the turbocharged money printing is sure to spur it on, but the government cannot raise interest rates to try to combat inflation because any substantial rise in interest rates makes the interest owed on the national debt untenable.

The Trump economy still has many jobs, yet they go unfilled because Democrats have seduced too many Americans to stay home with enhanced unemployment benefits. Instead of returning to work to rebuild the pandemic- stricken economy, gullible workers are being tricked into government dependency. Democrats have deviously made unemployment a problem amid plentiful jobs with unscrupulous leftist schemes.

Domestic policies are in shambles and the administration offers no solutions, only lies, so like the Carter years, the national outlook is growing hopeless. Everything is going in the wrong direction, Democrats refuse to relent from their destructive policies, and Republicans are ineffective and largely timid. The doom and gloom of the 1970s is returning and the only one cheering is Jimmy Carter. Obama didn't supplant him, but Sleepy Joe has already taken the mantle of worst president in history from old Jimmy.

The Chinese Democrat Party conjured the perfect plan. Push all Democrat candidates out of the presidential primary to elevate the most malleable and near-death candidate, then steal the 2020 election to install an empty suit with a fake folksy demeanor to foist the most extreme leftist agenda in American history on an unwitting electorate. However, Democrats miscalculated how hard it would be to keep Biden’s blundering under wraps.

Biden has been a buffoon his entire political career. Always near the spotlight, but never in it. With Biden in the oval office and the center of attention as the whole world watches his every move, it is impossible to hide his abject incompetence and utter complicity with corruption. This creates quite a political problem for Democrats in next year's midterm elections, but it poses great peril for America.

America's indecision and weakness are plain to see, and our enemies around the globe have been emboldened. The absolute lack of any forceful response to the attack on the Colonial Pipeline tells them Sleepy Joe won't act. Russians are amassing forces again on the Ukrainian border. Iran is selling weapons to the Palestinians and so Hamas attacks Israel again without any fear of the United States. But even more troubling is China now believes they can prevail against the USA in a military confrontation.

China has been much more aggressive in the South China Sea and more bellicose in their threats against Taiwan. The U.S., Japan, Australia, and France just conducted military exercises in the South China Sea intended to deter China from further aggression. After watching bumbling Biden stumble through the presidency, China declared they won't back down and if necessary, they are confident they can defeat us.

Aside from the pathetic domestic malaise, these are ominous warnings for America. The Biden administration is already shaping up to be a replay of the Carter years, but this isn't 1979. We have almost four years more of this rudderless, incredibly weak leadership. America will only survive by God's providence.

"But they won’t get away with this for long. Someday everyone will recognize what fools they are" (2 Timothy 3:9).

Pete Riehm is the host of Common Sense Radio heard 8 pm every Thursday on FMTalk106.5 or streaming at Email him at or on Parler @PeteRiehm or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm

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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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