Pete Riehm
When governments turn on their citizens
By Pete Riehm
February 7, 2022

Most western governments are grounded in the principle that the ultimate power resides with the people; they have the power of the ballot and wield their votes to decide who will govern. President Abraham Lincoln summed it up best in the last line of the Gettysburg Address when he said: “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” It’s a simple concept, but also the most powerful axiom on earth that all our rights come from God and therefore each of us was created to be free. It’s not a particularly controversial concept unless you are a dictator, king, or leftist craving unassailable power.

The current tyrants may not be obvious like dictators and kings, but it has become obvious too many governments covet indisputable power. They see their own citizens as competition or even a threat to their rule instead of the source of their authority.

Americans were aghast the past year to learn many schools and politicians believe parents should have no influence or even a role in education. But even more stunning was when parents objected, the Biden Department of Justice labeled ordinary concerned parents as “domestic terrorists” and even targeted them for investigation and surveillance. Thankfully, the fed-up people of blue Virginia ousted Democrats from controlling the executive and legislative branches for the first time in over a decade.

Anti-lockdown, anti-mask, and anti-vaccine mandate demonstrations have been fairly common in Europe for over a year, but the American press has paid them little attention. Americans have become increasingly frustrated with all the government double speak, Democrat Media Complex obfuscation, and social media blatant censorship about the Chinese virus, but it was our mild-mannered neighbors to the north that finally had enough!

Americans are known for heated, intense political debates and demonstrations, but when the Canadians are angry enough to hit the streets, a nerve has been struck. Canadians, like Americans, are past frustration, but Canadian truckers drew the line when Canada tried to impose vaccine mandates on truckers crossing the border and strict quarantine mandates for any truckers who refused the jab. These new overreaching decrees violated basic human rights, but also severely impacted their ability to make a living.

The Canadian Freedom Convoy has captured the attention of the world and brought the Canadian capitol of Ottawa to a virtual standstill. Over a week ago, a convoy of truckers started from Vancouver growing to over 43 miles long to arrive in Ottawa to protest the Canadian government’s draconian COVID restrictions. Thousands of truckers have jammed the streets and tens of thousands of supporters have joined them to demand their freedom from government-imposed tyranny disguised as public health measures.

The protests have been peaceful and imbued with a cheerful sense of duty and unity. Supporters are routinely offering aid and comfort in the form of beverages, food, and fuel. The people are coming together in a common cause for freedom. They know it’s threatened!

Freedom-loving people around the world rallied to their cause, raising about $10 million dollars at a “GoFundMe” account. The leftists at GoFundMe had no problem helping BLM raise millions to purchase mansions for BLM leaders while they were burning and looting cities, but they were somehow offended by working folks demanding liberty. So, they froze the account and at first said they would pick the charities for redistribution. The backlash was so severe and swift, they backed up and now say they will refund the contributors. Too late. We now know that GoFundMe is a leftist company shielding tyrannical governments and shilling for violent leftist extremists. Avoid them at all costs.

It should scare all liberty-loving people that so many non-governmental and private groups are more than willing to help governments oppress their citizens. It’s also aggravating, disturbing, and frightening that the Canadian government has turned on its citizens. The police have threatened to bring in the military and now they are confiscating citizens' fuel. The media wants to deny the truckers their freedom of speech and the police want to deny them their freedom of assembly.

The metro-sexual Prime Minster of Canada must know he is mistreating his people, because he went into hiding as soon as the truckers hit town. Aside from being a coward, leftist Justin Trudeau is a charlatan. He refused to hear the people, but didn’t hesitate to smear them as bigots and racists. Trudeau brazenly lied about the truckers, saying they were hateful and violent. He excused his lack of engagement by erroneously ascribing racist motivations to the truckers, saying he could not support any protest steeped in racism and violent rhetoric.

Wait?! What?! This is the smarmy leftist who appeared in blackface. This is the ignorant jerk who took a knee with BLM while they were rioting, but he maligns hard-working Canadians as violent bigots?! Just contrast how Trudeau and the Canadian media catered to coddled BLM as they rioted and tore down statues of Queens Victoria and Elizabeth II and admonished us to understand their rage and excuse their mayhem. Now when hard-working Canadians show up to protest peacefully, Trudeau and the fake news breathlessly warn of a threat to democracy and label them “insurrectionists.” Canadian leftists are trying to manufacture their own January 6th hoax. It’s about oppression and power.

Trudeau is pathetic and shameless, but he may have helped freedom fighters everywhere. His lies about the protesters were so brazen and obvious and his nauseating claims that he won’t protest with violent bigots have exposed the abject hypocrisy of leftists everywhere. Average Americans and Canadians are seeing that leftists simply hate liberty and prefer tyranny; and they will always choose criminals and traitorous thugs over their own law-abiding citizens. The backlash is building. Drive leftists from power everywhere!

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness” (Isaiah 41:10).

Pete Riehm is the host of Common Sense Radio heard 8 pm every Thursday on FMTalk106.5 or streaming at Email him at or on MEWE @PeteRiehm or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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