Pete Riehm
Americans are tired of Democrat duplicity
By Pete Riehm
April 24, 2022

As former Secretary of Defense, Roberts Gates, has stated, even Democrats know Joe Biden has been wrong about every foreign policy issue for half a century, but now it’s beyond apparent and unavoidable that Democrats are pretty much wrong about everything. The Democrat Media Complex arrogantly and incessantly lectures Americans about how everything they believe and the values they hold dear are flat wrong. Americans are more than tolerant of diverging opinions; in fact they expect it. Our experiment in self-government relies on the market place of ideas to debate competing ideas to determine which will work best. However, our system breaks down when one side decides our principles of freedom are hopelessly flawed and their singular goal is to dismantle our Constitutional republic.

Since FDR, Democrats have enjoyed the reputation of being the party of average Americans – working people, the middle class. Therefore, they had built-in credibility that they were representing common citizens, but Democrats have abandoned their integrity and forfeited their trustworthiness. Perhaps the most blatant catalyst for their fleeting reliability has been the utter mess of COVID public policy.

Democrats and their henchmen in the media maligned anyone who mentioned alternative treatments, but now we know they all have some degree of efficacy. The policy on masking has been all over the board, but the evidence is now clear masks are essentially useless. From the beginning, Democrats scolded Americans that they must wear masks; it was our patriotic duty, but they shamelessly dined mask-less at opulent restaurants while forcing their servants to wear masks – a grotesque display subservience.

Despite their myriad excuses, Democrat’s arrogant hypocrisy is obvious, but also consider their double standards for illegal immigrants and their duplicity is inescapable. Democrats insist Americans must mask up in mass transit and our children who are least vulnerable suffer the ill effects on their development and health from masking, but masses of illegal immigrants can storm our borders without masks, testing, or vaccines. In addition, Biden talks about protecting Ukraine’s borders, but completely ignores our own.

Americans are suffering the worst inflation in forty years because our government’s reckless ridiculous monetary policies. They flooded our economy with money printed out of thin air which has so inflated the money supply that inflation is out of control, but the only answer our government offers is spending more money. Americans are losing purchasing power daily, so they understand the fallacy of profligate government spending.

One of the key components of consumer spending is fuel costs, so eviscerating the American energy industry has accelerated inflation. America was energy independent under President Trump, so Americans know that relief is within our capacity. Democrats are fiercely fighting every attempt to restore our energy industry claiming climate change is a greater threat than any short term economic discomfort.

Americans are not fooled. None of the climate change doom and gloom has come to pass, so Americans can plainly see Democrats are intent on punishing us at the pump. The proof of Democrat mendacity here is the Biden Administration will do nothing to liberate American energy, but they are begging our enemies, like Iran and Venezuela, to sell us more oil. They had to be forced to stop buying Russian oil, but Biden has not insisted the EU stop buying Russian oil. So for all the hand wringing about the awful Ukrainian war, the west is still funding Putin’s vicious genocidal war.

Of all the brazen lies Democrats are trying to foist on Americans, perhaps the most absurd is that sex or gender does not exist – that boys can be girls. This would be a joke, but these depraved monsters are trying to impose their perverted notions on our children! And when parents object, Democrats tell them they have no say or stake in such misguided indoctrination. Despite losing this issue badly in Virginia, Democrats don’t care. Democrats comfort themselves that they are just more enlightened, but Americans understand basic biology and are quite aggravated with such deception.

Democrats ignore the very real problems plaguing Americans. They dismiss or disregard the border crisis, crime, drugs, inflation, and international threats, but they double down on their lies telling Americans to just mask up, pick a gender, and buy an electric vehicle.

Americans have had a belly full. They see the hypocrisy, but it’s the abject absurdity of everything Democrats are doing that is collapsing their brand. When the press and pundits are predicting Democrats will lose badly more than six months out from the midterm elections, you can bet we will see a Democrat wipeout of epic proportions. Americans are angry; they will likely drive Democrats from power for at least a generation.

While taking Congress from the Democrat death grip is good news, if Republicans don’t step up to reign in Biden’s leftist handlers and reverse all the leftist woke rubbish, we cannot hope to revive our economy and restore our American traditional values. Furthermore, Republicans cannot be left unchallenged or we will just have a red version of corruption, so Democrats must reform their party and purge the leftists poisoning their party.

American political discourse must have at least two viable parties to survive, but they must be parties committed to our Constitution and devoted to American ideals of freedom.

“They conceive trouble and give birth to evil. Their womb produces deceit” (Job 15:35).

Pete Riehm is the host of Common Sense Radio heard 8 pm every Thursday on FMTalk106.5 or streaming at Email him at or on MEWE @PeteRiehm or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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