Pete Riehm
Leftist abortion tantrum is absurd and alarming!
By Pete Riehm
May 10, 2022

The recent malicious leak of the "draft" Supreme Court ruling that could potentially overturn Roe v. Wade is again exposing two inescapable facts about the radical left. They are flat-out bat guano crazy or stump stupid; and they are dangerous because they will resort to intimidation, lying, and violence when they lose in the legal or legislative process. Democrats, liberals, and progressives have lost their minds, as evidenced by their unbelievably moronic, overheated rhetoric and vicious threats.

Whether you oppose or support abortion, do NOT be misled or mistaken about what this impending ruling means. This ruling does not particularly condemn abortion; it merely points out that Roe v. Wade was simply bad law. The 1973 ruling tried to say abortion was a matter of privacy protected under the 14th Amendment, but it callously ignored the implicit rights of the unborn person growing in the womb. So, in effect the 1973 Supreme Court cavalierly and erroneously manufactured out of the thin air a Constitutional right to commit infanticide. Abortion supporters have been hiding behind “precedent” ever since.

The other misperception about this potential ruling is that it bans abortion; it does not. The ruling would simply stop federal intrusion into this vital matter—it would end the national prohibition that prevents states from banning abortion. This grotesque federal overreach has violated the Tenth Amendment for half a century. This ruling would just return the regulation of abortion to the states where it belongs. However, contrary to the glee of conservatives and gloom of liberals; it will NOT end abortion. Some states may ban abortion, and many may substantially limit it, but blue states will likely make abortion easier and even allow it up until the time of birth. Some of these ghouls are even talking about abortion for some period after birth!

With the prospect of overturning Roe v. Wade, leftist apoplexy is only outpaced by their abject absurdity. Ironically and perhaps positively, Democrats have suddenly rediscovered the definition of a woman; in their umbrage, they concede women will be affected by this ruling because they are the ones that bear children. However, they are again trying to use cynical euphemisms to disguise abortion as “Reproductive Rights” or “Women’s Healthcare.” That’s utter nonsense; abortion is the murder of one life for the convenience of another—it’s evil!

Beyond the typical word games, leftists are fully embracing fearmongering and conjuring some incredible nonsense. Democrats are howling that with this ruling, states could ban birth control, prohibit interracial marriage, and segregate LGTBQ+ children in schools. Rubbish! The Supreme Court ruled in 1965 and 1972 that birth control and contraceptives are protected by privacy. Americans have rights as humans created by God, so any insinuation that race plays a role is just dumb. And sexuality simply should not be an issue in education. Although these allegations are incredibly idiotic, they are just weak attempts to rile the Democrat base. Democrats are losing on every issue, so they are grasping at straws to fabricate a wedge issue to create some enthusiasm in their base to turnout for the midterm elections.

Unfortunately, leftists won’t stop with wild-eyed hyperbole—they will resort to violence. Contrary to their constant accusations that right-wingers are violent, it has been ANTIFA, BLM, and environmental wackos that burn property, riot, and even assault people with impunity when they are unhappy with a law or ruling. It was no coincidence that abortion protestors were on the steps of the Supreme Court about ten minutes after the leak and Democrats had all their talking points in hand.

This leak was a coordinated attack on the Supreme Court. Democrats are trying to intimidate the justices, hoping some will scare and change their votes. Beyond undermining the foundation of unmolested objective legal review, it’s illegal to go to a judge’s home to threaten them and terrorize their families—but unlike Jan. 6 protesters that are being relentlessly hounded, the FBI is doing nothing to prosecute these actual insurrectionists.

Once again, Democrats are trying to subvert the system when they don’t like the outcome. If they can’t coerce a couple justices to flip, they are again threatening to pack the Court. It’s not just our Constitutional Republic Democrats despise; they loathe average Americans and our traditional values. Americans overwhelmingly oppose abortion or at least want it to be rare, but Democrats don’t care what you think.

The radical leftist position on abortion is patently absurd. Science shows without doubt that a fetus is a living person with a heartbeat by about six weeks and technology allows women to know they are pregnant fairly early on, so why is it so important to Democrats to preserve the right to murder babies even after viability?! Babies in the womb are given anesthesia for surgery, but nothing if they are hacked to pieces in an abortion! The law already protects unborn babies when a pregnant woman is killed, the killer is charged with two murders, so why are Democrats so intransigent insisting they must be allowed to murder a child right up to the point of birth?! Because they want to advance immorality and a basic disregard for life. An immoral people are much easier to subjugate.

The good news is leftists’ absolute absurdities expose their untenable positions and destructive designs, but their willingness to employ any Machiavellian measures to deconstruct our society and dismantle our Constitutional Republic is alarming. Democrats’ constant pursuit of socialism is dangerous, but their sinister strategy to circumvent the Constitution and destroy the fabric of our culture just so they can slaughter the innocent must be rejected! Until Democrats return to respecting the Constitution, they should be shunned and driven from power.

“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Pete Riehm is the host of Common Sense Radio heard 8 pm every Thursday on FMTalk106.5 or streaming at Email him at or on MEWE @PeteRiehm or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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