Pete Riehm
Will incompetence finally expose corruption?
By Pete Riehm
January 17, 2023

The Biden administration has been a pathetic comedy of errors since its inauguration, but as its repeated failures have made life harder on most Americans, the effect is no laughing matter. The Democrat Media Complex (DMC) has shamelessly excused, ignored, or covered up Biden’s uninterrupted fiascoes, but Americans are not fooled—because they are suffering the very real hardships inflicted by this careless buffoon. The main effect of the complicit media has been that Biden and his clown-car companions have evaded accountability, but is that changing?

The DMC's out-of-control spending and high interest rates have resulted in relentless inflation. Biden and his environmental wackos have eliminated our energy independence, jeopardizing national security and further aggravating our economic woes. Border security is so bungled that crime is surging, illegal immigrants are depressing employment and wages, and the situation for border towns is disastrous. But such abject incompetence has become routine as the media waves us off, saying “nothing to see here.”

Despite the media's persistent intervention on Biden’s behalf, the recent collapse of FAA systems—causing in flight interruptions across the country—reminded us that it’s really that bad. The FAA has the money and technology to manage flights, but they lack leadership at the highest level. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has no experience, talent, or qualifications to run anything important, much less national transportation, but he personifies the notion that jobs should be awarded on some basis other than ability when we need the planes to run on time.

If Buttigieg was not openly gay and willing to exploit his public displays of affection with his “husband,” no one would know him, but his identity is useful to a woke administration’s politically-correct virtue signaling. In short, he is being used to represent diversity at the cost of competency. As we watch the Biden administration continue sinking, we must wonder if Biden is a pawn in a larger game?

Biden’s competency is easily assailed, but it has been steadfastly protected the past few years by the information elites. So Biden’s recent mishandling of classified documents is richly ironic. When the FBI infamously raided President Trump’s home last year to retrieve alleged classified documents, Biden jumped in to castigate Trump as unacceptably "irresponsible."

What poetic justice that Biden doesn’t even know how many classified documents he has misplaced, but we must ask why is this happening? And why now? It appears Biden now has a real problem as the media and even some Democrats seem to be turning on the hapless president. The media is asking tough questions and some Democrats surprisingly seem even-handed as they advocate for investigations into the matter.

What?! Democrats never endorse an investigation of their own, much less admit there may have been some wrongdoing—so what’s really going on here?

As we all know too well, justice is elusive in Washington. Despite Hillary Clinton’s well-documented mishandling of classified information, former FBI Director James Comey subverted justice by unilaterally exonerating her, claiming he saw no “intent” by her to mishandle classified information. Mishandling classified information is illegal, whether it's intentional or simple negligence, so don’t expect any real consequences for Biden. At least for the time being.

The Biden administration happily covers up corruption, so it’s quite odd that they are seemingly self-reporting these problems, some going back to Biden’s time as Vice President. It’s not about mishandling classified documents, it’s about the 2024 presidential election.

The handlers behind the scenes are simply gaming for 2024. Biden claims he will run for reelection, but the power brokers controlling Biden are not sure he can win again. If they think he can win, this will all come to nothing, like with Clinton. But if they determine he cannot win, they are just putting this ace in the hole to remove Biden when they need him out of the way.

That may seem extremely cynical, but the battle for power in Washington is ultimately Machiavellian. The ends too often justify the means. Don’t expect some wonderful display of justice where Biden is held accountable. If and when Biden faces any real consequences, do not rejoice. Rather, ask what other nefarious forces are at work to manipulate the next election.

“Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household, but he who hates bribes will live” (Proverbs 15:27).

Pete Riehm is a conservative activist and columnist in south Alabama. Email him at or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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