Pete Riehm
Excusing horror emboldens evil and entices terror
By Pete Riehm
October 17, 2023

As the gruesome details of the vicious vile attack on Israeli civilians by the Palestinian terror group Hamas continue to develop, decent people around the world are horrified and shocked, but not everyone is repulsed or even alarmed. Incredibly, many are rationalizing or excusing Hamas’ depraved depredations and some are even openly cheering the wanton rape, torture, and slaughter of innocent women and children. The massacre by Hamas is disturbing but obvious. Perhaps more troubling is the large number of Americans that condone terror.

When the Allies in WWII discovered the unspeakable horrors of the NAZI concentration camps, Supreme Allied Commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower promptly ordered every aspect of the heinous crimes be documented and photographed because he said one day unscrupulous people would try to deny it ever happened. He was right. Many have tried to deny the Holocaust, but there are ample pictures in many museums of the emaciated and mutilated prisoners and open pits with piles of naked corpses. If that proof of the Holocaust had not been catalogued, the Holocaust would already be denied and forgotten.

Here we are again. With social media posts by the terrorists themselves and over 1,300 brutally massacred Israelis, the evidence is inescapable. The charred bodies of entire families testify to Hamas’ use of Thermobaric Bombs (ordnance that instantly creates a 3,000 degree explosion) to incinerate Israeli families in their homes. The naked bodies of women repeatedly raped were paraded on video by Hamas. Mutilated corpses of grandmothers and beheaded children silently bear witness to the barbaric assault on humanity by Hamas.

Yet too many supposedly mainstream Americans are trying to excuse the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas. Celebrities like actor John Cusack attempt to whitewash the Hamas terror attack as simple self-defense. Completely ignorant and plain dumb college students across the country openly support Hamas and endorse the carnage as some grotesque resistance to oppression. Pro-Palestinian protests bizarrely cheer the murder, rape, and torture. A speaker, Michael Wilson, at rally in Philadelphia said “he smiled” when he heard the news and went on to congratulate Hamas on job well done, all to a cheering audience. Folks, that is brazen raw evil right here in America.

Americans must resoundingly reject these wicked people embracing Hamas. First, the unspeakable atrocities are indisputable and there is no excuse for such cruelty. Second, there is no political justification for such barbarism. The reality is the Palestinians are autonomous and any suffering of the Palestinian people has been at the hands of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Israel has offered every concession for a peaceful coexistence for decades but was rebuffed by the Palestinians every time because their single demand is that Israel be destroyed. For Hamas, the only path to peace is if Israel ceases to exist.

Many Democrats, leftists, and muddle minded students do not grasp the simple truth that if Hamas lays down their arms, there will be peace. If Israel lays down their arms, Israel will be annihilated. It’s impossible to negotiate or coexist with those demanding your death!

Who would want to deny such awful evil events?! The short answer is those that either deny evil exists or even endorse evil. Hamas like any Jihadist group and for that matter western leftists embrace totalitarian rule. They hate capitalism and freedom, so they will not tolerate any dissent because Jihad or socialism cannot coexist with any other philosophy and therefore, they must impose their will the people by force.

Therein lies the huge dilemma for America. The Palestinians are oppressed by Hamas and here average Americans are oppressed by the rogue leftist regime in Washington, but the problem is much deeper and disturbing. All those Americans rationalizing the rabid terror by Hamas are not unlike the Germans that rationalized the persecution of Jews in NAZI Germany. They either turn a blind eye to the atrocities by Hamas or even endorse them. They are too eager to dehumanize the Israelis and claim they deserved it; and those same people gladly dehumanize other Americans that disagree with them, like conservatives.

Some might say that is an extreme leap, but just look at how Democrats persist in the gross lie of the January 6th insurrection, and the Biden administration ruthlessly imprisons average Americans with practically no due process. ANTIFA and BLM were given passes for far worse, but hapless January 6th protesters are treated like animals without any rights.

Americans must face the fact that leftists will absolutely persecute their political opponents—they already are. Look no further than former CIA Director Michael Hayden who tweeted that Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville should be “removed from the human race” for holding up military flag promotions. Ponder that—he not so subtly advocated the political assassination of sitting U.S. Senator!

When you understand that leftists pursuing totalitarian rule will eliminate political opposition by whatever means necessary, you must accept they will persecute and oppress their fellow Americans. Folks, we have blatant antisemitism parading through our mainstream media and Americans excusing the horrors in Israel. That’s how the Holocaust happened in NAZI Germany – those same evil seeds are here in America. If we do not absolutely reject Hamas and its supporters, evil in America will be emboldened and terror enticed.

“Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them” (Ephesian 5:11).

Pete Riehm is a conservative activist and columnist in south Alabama. Email him at or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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