Laurie Roth
How many times must America bend over and take it with politicians?
By Laurie Roth
February 3, 2012

As predicted, the GOP establishment and poser conservatives are quickly anointing NDAA, abortion, gay marriage, and big healthcare supporter Mitt Romney as their guy. He just won Florida, as we saw a shred-fest against Newt Gingrich. I wish I could rescue poor old Newt as the underdog, but for some reason a few things about him get stuck in my throat and cause me to hurl.

Regarding wannabe Gingrich, how many times can you have affairs on wives and be sorry? Is it really serving America being for the mythological "global warming soap opera" that was proven a sham by thousands of scientists? In my view, the global warming "cartel" is nothing but another communistic scheme hiding behind the garters of environmental and international crisis. Its only goal has been to steal money (mostly from America), redistribute our wealth (preferably controlled by the UN), and cause even more suffering for America. Gee, I thought we just had nearly four years of that madness with Obama.

We all know there is no perfect candidate for president. We all have blemishes and warts. However, I must draw a few critical lines in the sand regarding what real leadership should look like and what America should not compromise on, especially with her president.

First, we must have a president who loves America first and will lift her up, not submit her to the Communist global elitism agenda and drive her down until she is last. Borders matter; sovereignty matters; the Constitution matters; freedom matters!

Second, we must have a president with a lifestyle of integrity and character, not just a passing glance. Ends don't justify the means for getting elected. Shame on Romney for continuing to insult our intelligence and lie to the American people about his position on abortion. His whole political career he ran as a pro-choice Republican, then magically became pro-life in 2010 when it became politically expedient to present that view when running for if we were "dumber than posts" and couldn't see what was obvious.

Romney and his wife have given to Planned Parenthood and been abortion supporters most of their lives. It is on the record that Romney had a hand in instituting gay marriage in his state so he could get the gay vote, and he did. Shame on him for not standing up for the constitutional, biblical, and historical definition of marriage. Do you want Mr. Compromise handling life and marriage issues in our country?

Other than the obvious horror of Romneycare, offering co-pays for abortion, and inspiring Obamacare, the real tell-tail sign of danger with Romney as president is that he supports the NDAA bill, which is nothing but a vicious assault on our Miranda rights, freedom, Constitution, and Posse Comitatus. Don't even think of minimizing this in your mind! Do you want a president who has the legal right to grab you out of your house for some blurry, unproven, terrorist suspicion and take you to GITMO or anyplace in the world for an indefinite period of time without charges, without trial, not even a phone call to your honey? That is what Romney supports!!!

I am the presidential candidate who believes that all who signed on to the NDAA bill should be impeached. Shame on them all.

How many have I heard say that with this upcoming election, our only objective is to get Obama out of office, and we must vote the lesser of two evils to do that. Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

God in the Holy Bible never says to do or support the lesser of any evil. Evil is evil. We must do what is right and vote for who is right, not for who looks a tinge nicer than Obama but is essentially evil as well. How does that work — "the lesser of two evils" — anyway? Can I have a partial affair on my husband. How about I go to Vegas once with this cute guy, get a room, and do light kissing. If I don't go all the way, it won't be a real affair." "I will only take small change out of the cash register. The company won't need or miss it. That's not stealing, because no one will get hurt and the company won't feel it." There is no lesser of two evils. Evil is evil and wrong is wrong.

We must have a president who has their ego, personality, and soul submitted to the living God of the Holy Bible, not Islam or anything else. Our president must reflect our real history, real Judeo-Christian values and traditions. We must restore Christian values to protect real freedom, excellence, and the future of our children. There is zero room for Sharia law and Islamic rule in America.

Our president must have ideas that build America up, bless the people, and restore and protect our freedom, Constitution, and sovereignty.

As many of you know and others are finding out, I am the outsider who is running for president. As a Conservative Independent, my candidacy and success depend on the American people — on patriot and Tea Party groups — to get me the thousands of signatures needed to get on the ballot in all 50 states. This is very possible if some of you can help me organize this and work with me to get it done. Look what the Tea Party did with the historical midterm elections. We can do this again, together in November, and get our country back in line.

I am more imperfect than most, but I will also tell you the truth. I love my husband and have not had any affairs on him. I love my country and refuse to have affairs on her or be owned. I will give America every ounce of my creative, entrepreneurial, visionary, and gutsy spirit in service. I didn't quit when I was nearly killed in 2005, and I won't quit on America either.

First, I will set forth tax liberation for America. This will do so many wonderful things, like get us out of debt, stabilize social security, make us the number-one exporter of energy in the world, triple border security, and stop the 200 billion dollars a year in drug trade. The concept of putting in a 2% point of purchase tax and eradication of all other federal tax is just what our country needs right now.

Imagine the healing in our economy when folks aren't paying income tax and businesses aren't having their profits stolen ....what a concept. People would hire and spend again. The IRS could go flip burgers somewhere.

There would be so much extra money coming in that all the huge battles in our face would be quickly won and we could build back America and lead again WITHOUT APOLOGY.

I am not doing this for my career, for power, or to be popular. God did call me, and I answered and am trusting Him for the details in this unique time in our country.

Let's get this done. Join me if you want to help. Check out my first videos I did, speaking from my heart with no notes: Listen in to my national radio show and call in:

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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