Laurie Roth
America is "road kill" and needs a real "comeback kid" story and visionary to lead her back from her dying state
By Laurie Roth
April 26, 2012

We are all barely surviving as we tread water in the United States of Obama. Obama sharks continue charging and biting at our feet. These Obama attack pets include 45 various czars, Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Biden, progressive Democrats in Congress, Islamic leaders, and Islamist conferences. Their cherry on top is the sold-out liberal and traitorous media.

Thousands of victims are floating dead around me, and countless others are bleeding out with the onslaught of continuous attacks. In the large and growing sea of red blinding me, I wonder, will there be any left? Are there any who will, live? I am fighting for my country, and I do demand to live and get my country back on track! I could care less what the money people, politicians, and power mongers say. WE THE PEOPLE AND GOD DO HAVE THE POWER TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY AND GET BACK OUR FREEDOMS. LET"S DO IT.

Christians, Tea Party patriots, and citizens who love God and country, WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! I need you, your power, and your willingness to volunteer, and get signatures in your state. I must have our bold prayers and donations to win against the literal forces of hell...the Obama and Romney machine. Remember, George Soros, the most dangerous man in America, says there is zero difference between the two.

Don't just let the enemy of our country enclose you in any more shark pens. Get out. It is no longer just Republican and Democrat, Coke and Diet Coke. It is RC Cola...survivor, mom, patriot, talk show host, and visionary — Dr. Laurie Roth. I AM ALSO a real option. I am only an option, though, if YOU wake up to your power and focus your energy and help my way. With your help, I intend to crush the massive sharks attacking us...the NDAA bill, the Obama-mandated healthcare, abortion, the illegal war in Libya, the attacks on our 1st Amendment rights and Constitution. I will also stop the endless attacks on our Judeo Christian values, energy, and borders.

I am running on something no one else has ever run on — a 2% transaction tax and eradication of all other federal taxes. No more income tax, capital gains, payroll, excise, gas tax — total tax liberation, and with this alone we would bring in enough to fund our government. Do you get it yet? THIS IS THE TAX REVOLUTION THAT AMERICA DESPERATELY NEEDS RIGHT NOW. With the Roth 2% tax program in place, for the first time ever, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and Chips would be stabilized. We would be able to fund energy infrastructure projects in all 50 states, creating millions of jobs. We would get completely out of our nearly 16 trillion in debt within my first 4 years of service. This is revolutionary, totally liberating, and gets me VERY excited for America and our future.

"Anyone but Obama. We have to vote for Romney." Really? If Romney wins, though, the suit will be different, the hair spray he uses is more expensive, and his skin color is lighter, but he is just as addicted to power, compromise, and control as Obama. Remember, one of the most traitorous and violating bills ever voted into law was the NDAA bill. All who supported this bill should be impeached! Romney boldly said he was for the NDAA bill in a national debate. Remember what it is. It will turn our own military on the American people for the first time, violating Posse Comitatus and our Miranda rights. It will hold us on potentially trumped-up terrorist charges indefinitely, anywhere in the world, without representation or trial. Obama quickly signed this into law, and Romney, the GOP savior, has said he is for it.

We also know that Romney inspired Obamacare by authoring Romneycare, with $50 abortion co-pays in his state. He backed gay marriage and ran as a pro-choice Republican most of his career until magically he became pro-life in 2004, when it became more politically expedient. Romney is a political, totally compromised, power machine.

Do we have the vision and power to get something else done, like OUR agenda for the nation, instead of theirs? I pray that we do. I AM walking forward in faith, and I am one of you. Along with my communication skills and leadership ability from hosting a national radio show for 12 years, publishing 1000's of articles and breaking stories, I am a visionary and normal chick who has struggled and suffered as many of you have.

In August 2005, I was nearly killed and ended up in a coma for 2 weeks, in the hospital for 2 months, when a deer jumped on me when I was riding a motorcycle. The accident devastated me and my family, ended my national radio show, my looks, our finances since we didn't have health insurance, and practically every dimension of my life. I had to learn and struggle to talk again, walk and jog again, see again without extreme double vision and basically function again. I wanted my life and show back. I rejected "victim" as my new normal.

I remember the humbling lesson that exposed my own hypocrisy of spirit when we applied to Medicaid to help pay my nearly $500,000 in hospital and treatment bills. My husband, Rich, was told by Medicaid that in order for them to pay the horrifying bills, he had to work a minimum wage job. So, Rich got a job immediately building houses with a construction company working for minimum wage, while dealing with a 2 and a 9 year-old. His wife was in the hospital barely out of a coma and drooling as she staggered down the hospital hallways.

After nearly 2 months in the hospital, I came home to continue my recovery. We got on food stamps for about a year. I remember how embarrassed I was when showing my food stamp card at the grocery store. I was Dr. Laurie Roth, national radio host, and hard worker. I had never had a government handout in my life. Then it hit me, that this was exactly what the food stamp program and part of Medicaid was really for. It was to help people in REAL struggles and emergencies that threaten a person or family's most basic needs.

I also shamefully realized how many times I had secretly in my mind judged a person showing their food stamp card at the grocery store, just assuming they were trying to take from the system and most likely lazy. Now, I was in the same place, as the Ph.D. who showed her food stamp card to get desperately needed groceries for her family.

Our country needs a warrior, survivor, and real visionary to lead us back. I have worked my way through a Ph.D. I am not from a rich family and have struggled to pay my bills to this day. I was called by God to run for president, not because I had money, groups, or fancy anyone behind me.

I decided to be obedient and run because God asked me to do so. The vision of what to do for the country unfolded from there.

The shark attacks continue and must be stopped everywhere. We see 1st Amendment attacks by Pelosi and the Democrats, and the Secret Service forbidding peaceful assemblies within miles of Obama appearances. Our president and Congress have allowed for the first time a company from Spain to count our presidential votes in November. The blood still flows, but I will stop it, working with you if you will get behind me and embrace the Tea Party candidate and RC Cola instead of Coke and Diet Coke.

Sign up, volunteer, and donate. Then tell your friends and social networks.

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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