Laurie Roth
Obama calls it change and an adjustment--I call it war against God, freedom, and America
By Laurie Roth
June 5, 2012

Obama has obviously plagiarized from the work of Cloward and Piven, Saul Alinsky, and Hitler. The goal — quickly morph what is left of our republic into massive government Marxist controls, international submission, and economic redistribution. Throw in European-style socialism and communism, then sprinkle with Sharia law. You now have Obama's utopia....AND IT SURE AIN'T AMERICA.

Other than his on and off affair with cigarettes, Obama must also love parking lots, since he likes to flatten things so much. America almost looks like a parking lot under his treacherous rule.

How is Obama transforming America to his totalitarian regime?

He is crushing our leading coal and energy industries through regulations, threats, and taxation. With the massive shut down of coal plants and "over the top" regulations to power plants, energy and utility rates are skyrocketing. This is forcing many businesses to raise their prices, making it hard for seniors to afford heat and electricity.

Obama has orchestrated huge increases in gas prices by showing zero leadership with development of gas and oil. Instead, he has made sure oil development, jobs, and energy independence could not happen under his reign. He said no to the Canadian oil pipeline project. which was also a big no to potentially hundreds of thousands of much needed jobs for struggling Americans.

We have watched Obama slaughter our 1st Amendment rights and right to peaceful assembly, while turning our military on our people over trumped-up terrorist charges. Obama's "health" moment for the nation was to force mandated and rationed care on the people, with threat of fines if we do not pay for government-approved health insurance.

As in Obama's favorite Marxist playbooks, chaos, and assaults on freedom, business, and speech are everywhere. Now, we have Obama's next assault — freedom of religion. Thankfully, the Catholic Church has awakened and realized that they cannot reason with this tyrant. He demands submission to his evil and unbiblical views of abortion. His message to the Catholic Church, their hospitals, and charities — "support abortions, fund abortions, educate about abortions, and give abortions!!!"

Let us call this what it is. Obama is crafting a new, internationalist, amoral, and hybrid religion that he he demands. He needs this much like Hitler did, to give the people pabulum, and indoctrinate them while in church as to Obama's beliefs and rules. Then he can draw people away from the Bible and worship of the REAL God.

Obama has a "Unitarian"-type spin with his distorted worldview. All religions should have a "controlled sameness," except Islam — they should be way above. Religion should reflect and be controlled by government. Jesus and the Holy Bible are in the way.

The "Unitarian" view continues on to how Obama views our country — not exceptional or as the leader of the free world, but the same as everyone else. The only majestic mountains Obama wants to see in the distance are the speed bumps in the parking lot he is creating.

Freedom, self-government, our Judeo-Christian values, and ability to excel are ALL under organized attack. If we do not stop Obama and the progressive turncoat thugs he has surrounding him, we will lose our country, freedom, and future.

I predict Obama will try all kinds of schemes and chaos to keep and grow his power. Between now and November, expect a war or major attack to blow up, a growing and unexpected crisis to rise up in America, made up attacks on Obama, and contrived and growing race manipulations.

We already know Obama has studied the playbook of Cloward and Piven, and Saul Alinsky. Expect lies, chaos, distraction, and crisis to rise up all over. You must not focus, but be manipulated and led like cattle to the slaughter shute.

Help me make a difference in our country. Stand with me and my outside-the-box presidential campaign. I cannot do it without you rising up, showing leadership in your state, and getting me signatures signed and sent in to the Secretary of State. Each state has a specific amount needed for me to get on the ballot. It has to happen especially in these states: California, Texas, New York, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Washington Indiana, Tennessee, Missouri. These are the big Electoral College states.

I have the guts, vision, and ability to get our country back in shape quickly. We only have 5 months before the election. I need volunteers to sign up, network online, help get donations, and get signatures. I need you NOW, if we are going to get this done. Contact: Media Director Sher Zieve at and Team Captain Al Garza at

Finally, help make this movement go viral online. An independent who is not owned CAN be elected if the people rise up and do it. You can also contact me at

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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