Laurie Roth
Unholy Trinity: Monsanto, Big Pharmacy, New World Order
Goal — depopulation
By Laurie Roth
July 23, 2012

Pharmaceutical companies will control and make you dependent on their medicine of choice. Monsanto will engineer seeds and control food supplies. Obama, the UN, and his New World Order handlers will manage and control it all.

Long before Obama's tyrannical and controlling rule of America, we were viewed as cattle to be forced into shuts to either brand or slaughter. Underneath our noses — and beyond most people's understanding — food, medicine, property rights, and even the length of our lifespan has been assaulted, designed, and planned.

You thought all this time you had the right to live, breath, grow food, and function as you felt led??? Aren't you a precious little cow? Obama, Monsanto, and the New World Order crowd believe they have the right to control you — not you. You are simply in the way, other than being trained and pushed around as a good little "serf" who creates income for the elite international power brokers.

Who is Monsanto and what are they doing?

Monsanto is a huge international GMO that plans to control and IS controlling more and more of the international food supply. They aren't just a little start-up research group studying food supply. They are in 60 countries, have over 14,000 employees, and have revenues of $6 billion. They have invested over 500 million in one of their destructive schemes — genomics and biotechnology. I call it what it is — "depopulation" hiding behind "Mother Theresa" goals.

Monsanto is quite famous for the release of the "Terminator Seed," which renders a seed as a controlled and neutered item that can only produce a crop one time. Farmers and growers cannot use and re-use seeds as they have historically done for thousands of years. Monsanto has made sure that their Terminator Seed is good for one crop only. Thus, the farmer is forced to come back to them and get more seeds that "hark" Monsanto controls. Now growers are dependent on Frankenstein's laboratory.

Where do they hide and do they have real influence?

One whistleblower using an assumed name, "Miguel," talked of Monsanto's domination in our colleges and universities. He also said that after watching them and working with them for 25 years, it was most clear that their care for the safety and welfare of people and health is seriously in question. Monsanto has been accused numerous times of fraud, threats to health, ecological disasters, and false evidence.

Some say that "genetically modified food" is the harbinger of saving a hungry humanity. Monsanto talks a good game on the surface — food protection, stopping world hunger, and controlling viruses, but it appears more and more that their goal is just the opposite. Control the world food supply, and depopulate parts of the world by creating massive illness and death, and dependency on them for modified seeds. They will have the increasing power to turn the "modified" spicket on and off — create diseases at will, and get rid of unwanted populations. Obama and the UN must be thrilled...and you thought abortion was the big depopulation weapon.

With most of the world standing against Monsanto's terminator technology, they are verbally distancing themselves from it, but in truth pushing and funding it worldwide. It is a known fact that poor farmers feed up to 1.4 billion people a year. If they cannot afford to buy seed after the first year, millions if not billions stand to die from starvation.

Big pharmacy

The bottom line is that pharmaceutical corporations control billions of dollars, influence research, and determine what competition is allowed in the drug world. They also need people sick and dependent on dangerous and expensive drugs.

There has long been a systematic attack on the natural health movement — products and people who support health and keep you healthy. Big pharmacy needs to keep making money from our dependency on their drugs and an ill population. They have evolved to a version of the Gambino crime family. Who cares about getting people well and off medication?
    In medicine, we see the dominating power of big pharmaceutical corporations, spending millions to court doctors, influence research (all once deemed unethical), all the while expanding the mechanistic model of the human body. Corporate support of medical schools seems to be turning physicians into sales representatives, winning trips for pushing one drug over another. (James Redfield)
How many times have we heard of the FDA threatening and shutting down perfectly safe and fine milk and cheese farms, hiding behind contrived and extremely controlling regulations? Threats are made, fines are issued, guns are drawn, and farms and businesses are shut down, and many times perfectly good animals slaughtered. The American people do precious little to stop these endless assaults on our liberty and health. We are becoming good little serfs just as Pharmacy, Monsanto, and the New World Order has planned.

Healing hero and miracle of the day — MDS Forte

Recently, I had the honor and thrill of interviewing Dr. Alberto Ruiz, who has devoted his life to helping people get healthy. He reminded me in our interview that rates of cancer have increased from 1 out of 20 to 1 in 3 now. It appears more and more that we are being poisoned and killer diseases are now flourishing.

Ruiz discovered, through much painstaking research, a natural, safe, and organic product from the rain forests in Guatemala that he calls the "rain forest miracle." He found miraculous, even unbelievable, healing responses with MDS Forte. Naturally, most of you haven't heard about it because it heals people and reverses blood sugar to normal if you are diabetic. It also returns cholesterol levels to normal and activates your glucose control mechanism to start working again. I'm surprised the FDA, Obama, and Pharmacy crowd haven't identified him as a terrorist by now since he is taking away from Pharmacy income and seeing so many get well.

What does Dr. Ruiz MDS Forte do? Check it out and make up your own mind (and, no, he didn't pay me to say this). Here are a few morsels I know about this product. It is changing the world of diabetics by putting blood sugar back to normal within the first month. It reactivates your own insulin so your glucose control mechanism starts working again, balances cholesterol levels, achieves healthy triglycerides, and is known for banishing unwanted fat and adding lean muscle by destroying food and sugar cravings.

Imagine using affordable, safe, and natural products instead of expensive medication. Imagine normal cholesterol levels and normal blood sugar levels again. Check out for yourself and start getting dramatically better instead of feeding and medicating your illness. Go to The responses from very real people are more than amazing. Try it for yourself, and spread the word.

We must as a nation rise up and protect our right to natural healing, natural foods, our right to grow and buy what we want to. We must stop international corporations like Monsanto from controlling and destroying our food supply by pushing Terminator Seed technology and demonizing naturally grown food and natural health remedies.

Join me in getting our country back. Listen to my national radio show 7-10pm PAC at

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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