Laurie Roth
Obama and his plans for tyranny will destroy all guns and gun rights, IF WE LET HIM
By Laurie Roth
December 27, 2012

Be warned. Obama and his "hate America" destruction team have always needed crisis to crush freedom after freedom. Remember, years back in his first term run for president, Obama described our Constitution as problematic and dated, while attacking our very Star-Spangled Banner as too bellicose and bloody.

Our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Judeo-Christian values are simply in the way. All people who stand for these and worship the God of the Holy Bible and His son, Jesus are emerging domestic terrorists and anti-government thugs. They must be controlled, punished, and stopped.

The Newtown, Connecticut shooting was a hot-button tool for Obama and the left agenda to destroy America and control what is left of our cherished gun rights. Already, radical Pelosi and Joe Biden are crafting gun control legislation to betray Americans, our very 2nd Amendment rights and freedom in general.

Proposals emerging with Biden's Gun Control Task Force talk boldly about restricting our 2nd Amendment, government-controlled mental health services and governmental oversight of violence in society and culture. Josey Wales outlines just what Biden, Pelosi, and Obama are making plans to do as we drink our New Years Eve drinks and plan for 2013. He states:

"The GCTF (Gun Control Task Force) will be empowered with propaganda studies and research proving that the federal government must do something about the American fascination with violence by rendering the 2nd Amendment useless." Further goals are stated at:

• Overall gun restrictions

• Permanent banning of assault weapons

• Limits on the type of ammunition available

• Federal mandates on background checks on gun sales at gun shows

• Addressing violence in American culture

Obama has practically declared war on gun owners, our 2nd Amendment, and is already targeting and confronting the NRA. No doubt, he will also be in the face of Gun Owners of America and the 2nd Amendment Foundation. He must manipulate and seduce them and their members or destroy them.

People, representatives, senators, governors, Tea Party patriots, and military wake up NOW! We all know that guns don't kill people, people do. Just like Hitler did, using and creating crisis to first control the German people and collect their guns door to door, Obama is following suit. Obama will need more crisis and calamity to force people to submit to his gun assaults, so get ready.

My prediction at this stage

At first, the full-on assault will target only certain guns, and cram through "emergency" changes to the 2nd Amendment to diminish our ability to even use guns at all. Gun shops and stores will be increasingly controlled and threatened.

In the beginning as the first quarter unfolds, amnesty and money will be offered for people to turn in their guns, which will include more and more brands until ALL guns will be ordered turned in and registered.

That is when people, businesses, and gun stores will be honored with tax breaks and rewards for turning in "non-compliant" gun owners who stand on their freedom and now destroyed "2nd Amendment" rights.

Get ready with your American response or be a sellout and spineless coward. Who are you? It is about ready to slam into our face.

I call on "the people, the House, the Senate, governors, all in leadership, the military, what is left of our media to STAND FIRM. Don't ever turn in any guns. Don't ever be seduced, threatened, or manipulated into "reporting," "signing up;" or recording anywhere what guns you rightfully and Constitutionally have. It is none of their God-forsaken business!

Don't turn in any of your guns for money. Consider that if you would do this as selling out America, her Constitution, and your family. Is that clear?

Join the NRA, Gun Owners of America, and the 2nd Amendment Foundation this week and strengthen these organizations with millions more members and prepare to follow their lead. We will need to work together no matter what additional names Obama, Biden, and Pelosi see fit to call us gun owners...let me guess: "child killers," "sovereign citizens," "anti-government, domestic terrorists," and more.

Draw your line in the sand now, as I am. Here is my line, and I am standing. Won't you join me? First, I have to get in the right position as in the big battle in the movie "Braveheart." Remember when the Scottish bent over and exposed their butts to the British Army in response to their tyranny and attempt to force the Scottish to compromise more freedom? Ah that is better. I am in the proper American position now to speak my mind to tyranny.

"No wannabe president, no House, no Senate, no UN, no VOTE, no executive order or treaty from hell — NO ONE has the legal, moral, or any right to crush even one of our Constitutional amendments, and that includes our 2nd Amendment rights. An attack on our 2nd Amendment and order to turn in any guns, along with targeting of ammo and gun sales is an act of war against the people and America."

"Like the view? That is what I think of you, Obama, Pelosi, Biden, and your whores who assault my freedoms."

The American noise MUST increase and now. We must daily email, fax, call our representatives, senators, governors, Tea Party leaders and make noise. March on Washington and stand by our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the God of our Holy Bible. None of these are for sale, to be negotiated out of existence, or to be destroyed.

Join me each day as we fight to save America at:

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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