Laurie Roth
Islam and Sharia law on paper-thin ice
By Laurie Roth
May 30, 2013

Words fail me as I search how to describe just how dangerous, evil, and driven Islam is. Since the 1920s, the Islamic caliphate agenda of worldwide control has exploded, inspired and directed by the Muslim Brotherhood. Its last agenda and prize possession is taking over America, and it is almost complete thanks to Barrack Hussein Obama, our Muslim President who plans the downfall and Muslim take over of America.

Is Islam at its core really dangerous, or is it just the "radicals" and "jihadists?"

Yes and yes. First of all, Islam's core teachings are based on fabrications, lies, perversion, and the narcissism of Muhammad. Islamics tell us that Allah is the same god as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob referred to in the Holy Bible. There are even poser "Christian" pastors who have created "Christlam,", to mold the two together.

Christlam tries to spread the fantasy that we are all one, part of the same extended family and worship the same God at the top. The only problem is that it is nothing but bold, slanderous lies, and designed to further a new, Satanic-inspired, internationally-sanctioned religion where the truth of Jesus Christ, and the gospel of the Holy Bible is neutered and lost. Islam is elevated, and its real agenda of worldwide domination is hidden. This movement is right in line with the Islamic lying technique of Taqiyya – the principle of lying for the sake of Allah...ends justify the means.

"By Allah, and Allah willing. If I take an oath and later find something else better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath." Sahih Mukhari, Volume 7, Book 67, Number 427

I Q Alrasoolli, former Muslim and weekly guest on my national radio show, has exposed the truth about "Allah" and his origins. From Arabic sources, IQ says Allah has nothing to do with the God of the Holy Bible and was, in fact, the most powerful of the 300 Arabic gods at the time. He was one of a pantheon of Arab gods. Allah was the big bully on the block of 300, so Muhammad picked that one.

Now we know the god of Islam is NOT the God of the Holy Bible. We also know from history that Mohamed married many women, including a 6-year old whom he had sex with when she was 9. The picture is becoming clear. Mohamed worshipped one of 300 Arab gods and was a pedophile.

IQ also shared the cruelty and violence of Muhammad as he grew his dictatorship of Islam. He was known to torture and murder people in many villages and was a classic sociopath and narcissist. He demanded worship and conversion, or people were tortured and beheaded.

Wonder no more how it is possible that attacks against Christians, Jews, and people of difference occur almost daily around the world at the hands of Muslims. They yell out during every murder spree, "Allahu Akbar," thinking their beheadings and murders are acts of worship. Most recently, "Allahu Akbar" was heard yelled out by the two Islamic terrorists who slashed British soldier, Lee Rigby, to death a few days back in London.

What about Shariah law

Sharia law has become the legal and constitutional structure of Islam that reflects the evil, violence, and spirit of Mohamed. There are no human rights, freedom of expression, and decency in Islam, thus any behavior that falls outside of Mohamed's controlling and sexist world means torture or death.

Just the last few months of headlines demonstrate the evil heart of Islam and Sharia.

President Morsi told his soldiers to rape female protestors at will.

This week a Saudi Islamist called for sexually molesting any woman who works as cashiers in grocery stores.

Sharia law reads like a NAZI party training manual of torture, evil, and death. Just some of the principles laid out in Sharia law include:

1. Jihad, defined as "to war against non-Muslims" to establish the religion is the duty of every Muslim and Muslim head of state (caliph). Muslim caliphs who refuse jihad are in violation of Sharia and unfit to rule.

2. A caliph can hold office through seizure of power meaning through force.

3. A caliph is exempt from being charged with serious crimes such as murder, adultery, robbery, theft, drinking, and in some cases of rape.

4. A percentage of Zakat (charity money) must go towards jihad.

5. It is obligatory to obey the commands of the caliph, even if he is unjust.

6. A caliph must be a Muslim, a non-slave, and a male.

7. The Muslim public must remove the caliph if he rejects Islam.

8. A Muslim who leaves Islam must be killed immediately.

The lists of tyrannical rules goes on and on. Some of my favorites include: stoning a rape victim if they don't have at least four witnesses (as you know there are always so many witnesses during a rape), crucifying gay people and women having half the worth of men.

The bottom line is that Sharia law acts as the claws and hammer of Islam while the religious books, the Koran, Hadith are the training manuals which fulfill Muhammad's fantasy of worldwide dictatorship and sexist controls.

Chapter 9 in the Koran gives us all three options: 1) convert to Islam, 2) submit to their tax, or 3) be killed. I have said it before and will say it again. I like option 4) "Kiss my grits."

What should be done regarding the real danger of Islam and Sharia law?

Any mosque or Islamic school in America caught teaching violent jihad, funding jihad, and preaching or teaching death to our soldiers, civilians, or Israel must be shut down and people arrested and/or deported.

Sharia law is the opposite of our U.S. Constitution and is already creeping into our court systems. It MUST be outlawed in all 50 states. It is the proven opposite of law and freedom.

We must stop any more Muslims from immigrating into the United States.

We must have all Muslim workers in America submit to our mainstream and Judeo-Christian values at work, at events, and in schools. We don't submit to theirs.

I don't believe in persecution, but our politicians and authorities must let Muslims know they can live here in peace but are being watched closely, and they may be on ice but they are on very thin ice.

Join me each day as I explore these and other issues on my national radio show from 7-10 pm PAC, or listen later to archives at

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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