Laurie Roth
Burning Qurans won't do it--Exposing the Quran will
By Laurie Roth
September 12, 2013

We just saw 9/11 and its bloody memory come by again. I spent time with investigative journalist, Sher Zieve, on my show remembering the shock and horror of that day. I remember that morning my Mom calling me early in the morning screaming for me to turn on the TV..."we were under attack." Tragically, the curse of 9/11 has continued torturing us with the Benghazzi murders and cover-ups. Islam and its caliphate goals continue.

Pastor Terry Jones of Florida caused a huge stir back in 2010 when he threatened to burn a Quran. He finally backed down, but in response, there were violent protests throughout the Middle East which killed many. This 9/11, Jones planned to burn 2,998 Qurans to commemorate all the victims in the 9/11 attack. It was going to be a much louder protest this time but his plans were stomped on.

Polk Country sheriff's deputies arrested Jones and Marvin Sapp Jr, his associate pastor, on felony charges before they could set these Qurans on fire.

This has caused me to think long and hard about freedom of speech and how to affectively confront Islam and its stated caliphate agenda. Are we allowed to express anger against Islamics and their constant attacks? For as long as I can remember, Islam has boldly exercised its "freedom of speech and action." While it screams and preaches Jihad, racism and murder, we are just to shut up and take it. Be good little serfs and walk politely to our graves.

When someone like Pastor Jones or a military person dares to destroy a Quran, the world comes to an end, bodies and buildings blow up, and careers are destroyed. We have all heard by now about our troops in Afghanistan burning 100 Qurans. Six of our soldiers got in big trouble for this, and President Hamid Karzai called it "inhuman" and wanted a public trial. Obama about had a cow and apologized profusely to the Muslim world – his world.

Are we all to say nothing, have no vigorous debate over Islam, no opinions of concern, and no first amendment rights at all? Do we only talk about the "nightmare" verses throughout the Quran quietly with a friend over coffee? What about the call to Jihad – you know, that inner struggle? There is certainly a big inner struggle all right. Which sword or gun shall I use to slaughter my victim this time?

If it was just another "stupid set of scriptures" reflecting the heart of another cult, you could just grimace and look the other way, but it is not. It has and continues to inspire attacks, torture, and murders worldwide as radical Islam grows and has taken control in Libya, Egypt, and trying to close the deal in Syria. Islam marches on and Infidels must submit or die. It hides behind the veil of "peace" and "minority status."

To add more danger to this Muslim horror show, Obama is making news in Egypt. Tahani al-Gebali, Vice President of the Supreme Constitutional Court in Egypt, stated..."the time was nearing when all the conspiracies against Egypt would be exposed – conspiracies explaining why the Obama administration is so vehemently supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood." She allegedly said this on Bitna al-kiber, a live TV show.

In addition, the son of jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader in Egypt, Saad al-Shater has also said he has the goods on Obama, and it will incriminate Obama and the U.S. He accuses Obama of giving a secret bribe of $8 million to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Regular guest, Whalid Shoebat a former Islamic terrorist himself and now peace activist, translated this from a Turkish news source and shared it on my show and in print. "In an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad Al-Shater, the son of a Muslim Brotherhood leader, the detained Khairat Al-Shater, said that his father had in his hands evidence that will land the head of the United States of America, President Obama, in prison." Such documents, he says, were placed in the hands of people who were entrusted inside and outside Egypt, and the release of his father is the only way for them to prevent a great catastrophe. He stated that a warning was sent threatening to show how the U.S. administration was directly connected. Other Arab sources confirmed this report – Voice of Russia,,, Anatolia News Agency.

How do we act around Islam then?

Burning Qurans isn't going to accomplish anything. Exposing Islam and its Quran will. Alternative media and commentators must rise up and reveal what the Quran actually teaches. It teaches racism, violent Jihad, is void of rights for women, and is actually a political, legal, and government takeover strategy housed in religious garb.

The website reveals many Quranic scriptures the world should know about. I will cut to the bottom line of what is being said for the purpose of this article. I encourage you to go to this web site and read the actual scriptures. Better yet, get a Quran and verify this yourself.

Get ready for the Quranic inspiration

Snapshot on women
    • Slave-girls are sexual property for their male owners.
    • A man may be polygamous with up to four wives.
    • A Muslim polygamist may simply get rid of one of his undesirable wives.
    • Husbands may hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives.
    • Mature men are allowed to marry prepubescent girls.
    • "As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them, and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them."
    • A woman's testimony counts half of a man's testimony.
    • Husbands are a degree above their wives.
    • A male gets a double share of the inheritance over that of a female.
    • Women are described as soil to be tilled and valued a little above animals.
What about the whole theme of Chapter 9 in the Quran that gives us three choices: Forcibly convert to Islam, submit to their high taxation, or be killed. Whalid Shoebat and IQ Al Rassooli, both formerly Muslims and from the Middle East, have stated on my show many times how many hundreds of thousands of Christians and non-Muslims worldwide have been threatened and tortured into converting to Islam.

I understand "acting out." I understand anger and the desire to burn a Quran. Instead, spread the word and tell the truth where ever you can about what the Quran really teaches and preaches. As the world starts listening to the horrors of Sharia Law, daily violations against women and their rights, violent and funded goals to take over and control the world, maybe we will get somewhere and some will actually have the courage to confront and leave Islam.

Join me each day on air as I take on these issues. Listen from 7-10 pm PAC or later on an archive at

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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