Laurie Roth
Church of Wells--Parents worst nightmare
By Laurie Roth
April 9, 2014

Thank you for your emails and Facebook messages of courage, Wells, Texas citizens. Bravo to you all. Also, thank you for the invite to come to town. Someone had referred to a get together this Saturday. However, it will take a bit of planning and work for me to get there. I live in Washington State, am a Mom, and busy national radio talk show host and commentator. Nevertheless, I want and plan to come to Wells, Texas. More and more, I have felt in my spirit I am to come there. I will keep you posted as the details fall into place. It will be soon.

A few of you noticed my passion. You are right. I AM passionate about freedom, the real message of Christ and the truth. Sadly, it appears Church of Wells leadership is passionate about slavery, the invented message of their redefined, "puppet Christ," and lies.

I am working boldly on coming to town, speaking, supporting you all and confronting the bad guys. They and their big-mouth, martyr-infested arrogance are simply gnats to me and a growing number of you. They are more pathetic then gnats to Jesus, who loathes arrogance, pride, and lies.

Church of Wells elders and leaders all serve and are devoted to God all right, but it is vividly clear as they growl like dogs to various visitors and parents, that it is the God of the underworld – Lucifer. Remember, Satan knows the Bible better than any of us. It doesn't mean he is saved.

Don't give up people of Wells, Texas and parents

Keep lifting the light of truth high and until there is relief in Wells from these pseudo-Christian liars, put extra protection around your schools, children, and community. Explain the basics to your children as to what is going on and tell them in advance what to do and how to get adult help quickly if they are confronted, threatened, or surrounded by a shrieking Wells member. Tell them about the real, loving, and freeing message of Christ so they know the difference.

Remember, Jesus called for the children to come unto Him. He was gentle and welcoming to the kids. He never screamed "you are going to hell – you are going to hell," as Church of Wells members did during the 50-year Wells homecoming celebration and parade recently. Witnesses and parents report that as the Head Start float with children on it came by, Church of Wells members were seen and heard yelling out "you are going to hell, you are going to hell." People saw the kids crying and wanting to get off the float, which had now become a target for Church of Wells "hell attacks." Moms were rushing to get their kids off the float.

It is almost unbelievable to imagine Church of Wells leaders stooping so low to target and terrorize the children during a parade and special town event, but that is how they play folks.

No wonder 4-5 guys pounced on a few of the loud mouth morons. Anyone watching this would have wanted to beat them to a pulp! Any real person would have rushed to protect the children from the torment and many did.

The plan

Church of Wells leaders and elders know that the town has awakened to your evil and games. You are not wanted in Wells, and you had better head this warning real quick. STAY THE ##@@***&&&***AWAY FROM THEIR CHILDREN, YOUTH GROUPS IN TOWN, AND SCHOOLS! Although various authorities are playing the 50-yard line, local, state, and federal, you don't have the luxury to play games. This has been put in your face in Wells, Texas. With clarity and persistence, contact your school principals and teachers, requesting and demanding that Church of Wells members stay off the grounds of any school event, church youth group event.

Get daily prayer groups together, and pray for Psalm 91 protection over your families and town.

Church of Wells brave townspeople, protect your families and children. Encourage and get behind your local pastors and pursue peaceful and legal strategies to protect yourselves. Do not set yourselves up for lawsuits and counter attacks by Church of Wells members by physically attacking them. They will just play the martyr card and pursue action. Use wisdom and band together in prayer, common sense, and protection strategies.

I will get to your fine town soon and am working on the details of this. Remember the Bible says that "perfect love casts out fear" (1st John 4:18), and "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil: 4: 13).

I can't wait to meet you amazing people of Wells in person, and I am also looking forward to meeting the "martyr people"...the "scripture attack people"...the "locked prayer closet" people...the I "growl like a dog" elders. Doggie want a bone?

BRING IT, and I and the citizens of Wells, Texas will GIVE IT.

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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