Laurie Roth
Dear Catherine Grove at Church of Wells
Personal letter to your heart from Laurie Roth
By Laurie Roth
August 12, 2014

Greetings from a sister in Christ and one who also loves our Lord Jesus. We are so fortunate to rest in HIS almighty power, plan, and love.

I have been praying for you and have believed in you and God's plan for your life since I first became aware of you and your journey into "Church of Wells." I have been honored to get to know your amazing and wonderful family and have seen their love for you in spades over the last year. You should hear them talk about you and all the times you had together! What a wonderful legacy of memories. You are truly fortunate that God has blessed you with this kind of love in your family. This is certainly a huge praise and thank you for you and the Lord. They are a gift from God NOT AN IDOL FROM SATAN.

Though I have been praying for you for over a year now, the Lord boldly put it on my heart several times just the last few days that I was to write you personally and share with you some promises and reminders from our Lord's heart to you. I believe the Lord Jesus wants to get your attention, loves you deeply, and wants you to listen.

I am just being obedient and writing what the Lord told me. May He lead accordingly per His will in you. Here we go....

Let's get this off the plate right now

Salvation is a gift from Jesus and a price already HIM, not you or the elders

Regardless of what any elder of any church says or twists God's word, promises, love, protection, provision, and salvation message are ALWAYS THE SAME. The Holy Bible boldly warns that anyone who twists, cuts out, or changes the message and words of Christ will be in fear of damnation. So...we must listen to the Lord and know what HE says about salvation and HIS plan for our life, not anyone who has stepped in between and is taking authority over us. Catherine...The Lord Jesus wants to remind you of the "big one" first. How do you get saved and keep saved? Go to His word, NOT an elder for the answer.

There are nearly 100 verses on salvation alone in the New Testament. Just a few from the King James Version include: (look them all up yourself)

Ephesians 2:8-9 – For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves (It is clear that it is a gift from God and not about our goodness and any work we do.)

John 6:37 – All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. (Catherine...does this sound like eternal insecurity and an unsafe place to rest?)

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

2 Timothy 1:9 – Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.

You ARE saved and belong to the Lord Jesus Christ already, Catherine. There is no suffering, work, struggle you have to endure to get there. YOU ARE THERE IN FAITH. You have repented of your sins and asked for forgiveness. It is done. DON'T LET ANY ELDERS OR SATANIC LIES STEAL YOUR SALVATION, PEACE AND ASSURANCE AWAY. WALK AWAY NOW AND GET BACK INTO THE TRUTH.

"Holiness" is a safe and loving process of simply growing closer over time to Jesus and where we become more like him. It is Satan and his hoard who tricks Christians into panicking about their salvation, feeling insecure, never being good enough, and focusing on what they are not. Satan and his servants get people addicted into submitting to rules, suffering, appearances, shoulds, and oughts.

There is total freedom, peace, and joy in Christ Jesus. (There are over 400 verses on joy alone in the Holy Bible. Are you joyful?) All other experience and teaching is from the enemy. Walk away and get back to the truth again, Catherine. You can do it – I know it.

What about the attitude of the elders around you, Catherine? Countless witnesses now have told me over the last year that several elders had called down death upon them when they were inquiring nicely to see their son, daughter, or friend. Others reported to me that elders growled like dogs, which sounds at the very least demonic and threatening again. Several have reported, perhaps even you, Catherine, being put in locked prayer closets and for what reason, Catherine? That is satanic, evil, and dangerous, not the way Christ deals with people.

Remember, God shuns and hates arrogance and pride. The Bible clearly boldly reminds us that pride comes before a fall.

Proverbs 16:18 (NIV)
"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."

Proverbs 11:2
"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."

Catherine, it sounds to me as if the Church of Wells elders are walking in pride and arrogance as they "scripture attack" you and others, completely taking scripture out of context and using it to threaten and control members. Am I persecuting the elders, Catherine, by exposing them? I think not. They have no right to redefine the salvation message into a doctrine of endless works that they end up controlling. They have no right to order and direct members to marry whomever they choose. They have no right to take the vast majority of money, savings, and possessions from members and leave them with $1 or $2 an hour for their work in the community. Catherine, that is not Christian behavior at all and is rather human slavery and human trafficking.

Catherine, do not stay in Church of Wells because you now doubt yourself and are intimidated by the church elders. Look to the Lord and the Holy Bible again for strength.

Should you be afraid of anything? The answer is no. Draw courage from God's very own protection covenant Psalm 91. I pray this almost everyday over myself and family. Pray this protection promise over you and your family.

Catherine, there are several ways out of Church of Wells where you are stuck, but you must, get up and walk out in faith. Trust God for the next step and the one after that. He has the way, the plan, power, and will to heal you. Walk away from Church of Wells and walk to a safe house and/or local church and ask for help. You can walk to the Methodist or Baptist church in town and get help now. You can also call at 206-984-6859, or

email at Leave a message that you want out and we will help you.

Catherine, I am praying for you daily and will continue to pray that God empowers, encourages, and strengthens you to get out of there and get your REAL life in the Lord back. Walk away and watch God work in your life.

I can't wait to meet you on the outside.

Love in Christ,

Laurie Roth

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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