Laurie Roth
Three assault weapons to intimidate, punish, and silence Americans: Illegal alien, gay, and Islamic rights
By Laurie Roth
October 28, 2014

Obama and his progressive-transformationalists have always targeted the desires of groups and turned those into mountain-size needs that only Obama and progressives/Democrat politicians can fill. They cannot function in a country that is free and standing on the Constitution and Holy Bible for direction. Obama and the progressives/Democrats must have a nation of dependent and obedient "Stepford wives."

We have heard now for many years about the extraordinary rights of gays, Islamics, and illegal aliens. Let us look for a minute at these "special" groups of people. Regarding the gay rights movement...Now, even our compromised Supreme Court has voted against our states' rights, how God Himself defines marriage in the Holy Bible, and what most Americans want – marriage between a man and a woman.

Marriage has been neutered, and pastors and the media are to shut up about it. The new landscape has so much variety to its evil. Children are to be raised by two women, two men, or a group of women and men. The same men and women can change their sex the next weekend. Then, there are those who even marry the neighborhood or themselves.

Only recently, we saw the lesbian mayor of Houston throwing subpoenas at the local pastors and demanding to see any sermons on homosexuality or related topics. Thankfully, there was such a national backlash with pastors standing their ground that she backed down. What if the public, media, and pastors hadn't stood up for their rights, she and the aggressive "no rights for you" gay agenda would have bolted forward in its preferred dictatorial, all or nothing manner? Now is not the time to back down...ever.

We saw the same "no rights for you" madness regarding "The Hitching Post" wedding chapel in Coeur d 'Alene, Idaho, close to where I live. Pastors Donald and Evelyn Knapp were asked to officiate a gay marriage ceremony at their chapel. They respectively declined. All hell broke lose at them with Coeur d'Alene officials threatening them with thousands if dollars of fines, building each day they wouldn't grant the gay wedding. They were also threatened with potentially years in jail. Well...this nightmare caused a national and local media uproar. The Knapps thankfully stood up for their religious and constitutional rights. With the legal and media heat coming at Coeur d 'Alene officials, they are backing down a bit now. We shall see where things go.

Marriage rights for gays is landing in over half our states now and being slammed into school curriculums all through the unconstitutional Common Core government school curriculum. Now, we are seeing more and more the assaults on anyone of difference – pastors, parents, anyone in media who dares have a different opinion.

Regarding Islam...How many times have we heard that we Americans caused Islam to attack us. We persecute them, thus they have to blow us up and behead us. Really? The truth is known by most of us with any size brain that the Islamic Disneyland of variety groups are mostly murderous. They target anyone of difference, especially Christians and Jews for torture and murder. They do this because they are obeying Muhammad and Allah, not getting revenge because we terrorize them. How many times have I read and printed from their own Koran chapter 9, which gives us infidels three choices: 1) forcibly convert to Islam, 2) submit to their high tax and slavery just so we can live, or 3) be executed by them.

How many times has Obama said that ISIS and Al-Qaeda are not Islamic, when the truth is they are boldly and completely Islamic, obeying the jihad calling of Muhammad? As usual, the Islamic in-your-face activist groups play the persecuted victim card. We are all violating them and their speech. We are to notice nothing and say nothing about Islam re-writing their real history and slamming their religion down our children's throats throughout Common Core school curriculum and the media. Business owners are to have no rights but to submit 100% of the time to the endless rights of Islamic workers who demand a multitude of things while suing if they don't get their way and playing the martyr to perfection.

Illegal aliens...oh, yes, that is now hate speech. They are undocumented workers or immigrants...never mind that they knowingly break our laws, violate our borders, bring in endless diseases, drugs, terrorists, and danger to America. With this last planned and orchestrated entourage of tens of thousands of illegal aliens at the hands of Obama, buses were shipped in the cover of darkness to cities all across America. Cities and schools have been lined with tattoo covered adult criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists masquerading as children. Obama has enabled his illegal and criminal group to soar by now defining a child up to age 23.

We are seeing dangerous diseases spread to our children in public schools all across America and some are already dying from these viruses, while Obama and the progressive Democrats scream about their rights. What rights? They shouldn't be here. Our children are getting sick and dying. Terrorists and cartel members are going back and forth across the border making billions, while we are insulted and told we hate Hispanics, children, and poor people. The cherry on top for Obama and the progressive left is a hoped for numb-brained voter block.

Do not forget the truth about Islam, the gay agenda, and Illegal aliens when you go to vote soon. Most of us don't want to hurt anyone and their rights, however, we won't put up with groups rewriting and destroying all our rights, crushing our real history, Judeo/Christian values and Constitution.

Stand up for all your rights and be counted. Vote conservative and with heart. Remember, Americans who love God, family, freedom, and our Constitution ARE the special class.

Join me each day on my national radio show from 7-10 pm PAC at Or listen later on my free archives at

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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