Victor Sharpe
An unholy alliance – Saudi Arabia and Iran
By Victor Sharpe
March 21, 2023

Saudi Prince Mohammad bin Salman is no friend of Biden

President Joe Biden’s foreign policy has been highlighted by one disaster after another. His advisors, who write the scripts for him and which he then parrots from his ever-present teleprompter, are mostly holdouts from the Obama regime. As if their malign impact was not bad enough during Obama’s eight long years, now their continuing influence directs Biden’s disastrous policies. Meanwhile our southern border remains destroyed and in taters even as millions of illegals flood in. No doubt future Democrat voters.

But one consistent theme has been the attempt on the part of the Obama administration alumni back at work in Washington to revive their old boss’s pivot in the Middle East away from longtime allies Israel and Saudi Arabia to a new alignment based on a rapprochement with Iran. The two longtime foes, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran, are re-establishing diplomatic relations and the Saudis have received promises – presumably guaranteed by China – that Iran will cease trying to overthrow the monarchy via the use of its terrorist auxiliaries in the region.

That’s a coup for Beijing that further reinforces its effort to establish itself as a global superpower rival to the United States. But it’s also a sign that the Saudis understand its alliance with the Americans was always predicated on trading oil for security. That is now meaningless with a president like Joe Biden whose combination of weakness and prejudice against the Saudis left their nation vulnerable to the Iranians.

The Saudis, like much of the Middle East, know that the United States is no longer, in the parlance of the region, the “strong horse” feared by its enemies. By contrast, Iran has shown its contempt for the United States. Thus, the real culprit is yet again the Biden administration and its Obama holdovers.

The pact between Saudi Arabia and Iran will not usher in peace on earth; instead, it offers a harrowing glimpse of the region’s future, as Washington D.C. fumbles and Beijing makes inroads in its effort to reshape global realities. The agreement brokered is seen as a major diplomatic triumph for China, the world’s biggest customer of Middle Eastern energy exports, since the United States reduced its need for imports, as it moves toward so-called energy independence based upon wind and solar. It also grievously diminishes the groundbreaking success of the Trump Administration in forging the spectacular benefits of the Abraham Accords.

As Iran’s brutalized citizenry seek an end to more than four decades of Islamist dictatorship, the deal tragically gives the barbaric Iranian regime breathing room. It likely limits Israel’s military options even as the Iranian regime enriches uranium toward nuclear weapons-grade levels. Remember, Iran’s Shiite Islamic desire is to ignite a catastrophic war – now more likely with nuclear weapons – as it ushers in the Islamic messiah, the 12th Imam, and gives the mullahs, they believe, ultimate Islamic victory over the entire world. Iran relies on China for 30% of its foreign trade, and China has now pledged to invest $400 billion in Iran during the next quarter-century.

There are authoritarian similarities between the Saudis and Iranians. Both despots are willing to engage with each other’s regime even as they both disregard human rights. And while the Kingdom and the Islamic Republic of Iran have waged a shadow conflict against each other, they have more things in common than many realize. Both have extradition agreements with China, purchase Chinese surveillance technology, and seek external support to violently subjugate their domestic political opponents.

Long term, China’s growing influence will continue, thus offering an alternative to a US-led world order. Chairman Xi, who also recently secured his dictatorship for life is now breaking bread with Vladimir Putin in Moscow as I write this article. No doubt we will all know the outcome of their tete-a-tete and what the West will need to confront. What is apparent is the growing Axis of Evil in the world between Russia, China, Iran and North Korea – all nuclear powers, or in the case of Iran, soon to be one.

The Biden administration’s policies at home, in the Middle East and elsewhere, are deplorable. From leaving U.S. weapons worth billions of dollars in Afghanistan for the Taliban, to groveling to the mullahs of Iran – all the while ignoring their unimpeded march to nuclear-threshold-state status – to funding leftist anti-government rioters in Israel and now planning to create a U.S. trained 5,000-proxy army of Palestinian terrorists in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken and their fellow travelers in the White House and State Department deserve strong condemnation.

Neither the U.S. nor Israel will be able to survive as free world nations if Biden and his accomplices are allowed to remain in office for 2 more years. In fact, it has been suggested that Biden as Commander-in-Chief should be immediately impeached for dereliction of duty, pressured to resign by overwhelming public censure, or the 25th Amendment (Section 3 or 4) applied to remove him from office as unfit to serve. Sadly, that remains a vain hope.

The eminent writer, Thomas Lifson, recently opined that, “In only two years, Joe Biden’s presidency has produced multiple catastrophes from which recovery will be difficult – if it is even possible. The reason for these Federal Reserve interest rate hikes is the inflation that was immediately triggered by Biden’s jihad against domestic oil, gas, and coal production, that triggered an inflationary spiral that continues today, devaluing the life savings of thrifty Americans, and pushing food and energy costs up so fast that many families have had to drastically reduce their standard of living.”

The Biden administration’s misplaced work to undermine the U.S.-Saudi alliance and pull back America’s military presence in the Middle East, his catastrophic surrender in Afghanistan along with his non-stop verbal abuse of Mohammad bin Salman and his appeasement of the Ayatollah as he pursues an insane and dangerous Iran Nuclear Deal, have all contributed to Saudi Arabia and other nations concluding that America is no longer a reliable partner.

Not surprisingly, the Saudis have now turned to the Chinese to help protect themselves from an ascendant Iran. Truly a disaster for the U.S. and what is left of the free world.

Victor Sharpe is a prolific conservative writer, contributing editor and author of seven published books including two collections of his short stories. He has also written a much-loved children’s story book titled Dragon Rake. His acclaimed four-volume work titled, Politicide, traces the fourteen centuries of Islamic warfare against Judeo-Christian civilization.

© Victor Sharpe


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Victor Sharpe

Victor Sharpe is a freelance writer with many published articles and essays in leading national and international conservative websites and magazines... (more)


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