Victor Sharpe
The left's lies: A warning for America's very survival
By Victor Sharpe
June 18, 2024

The Democratic Party is now irretrievably the party of Leftwing radicals, the so-called progressives whose behavior should better be described as fatally regressive. What once united Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives and Liberals has disappeared. Gone are the days when secure borders, national sovereignty, religious freedom along with national pride were a shared American value, instead all came under a sustained and deliberate attack during the eight long years of the Barack Hussein Obama regime. He proclaimed that he had come to transform America and so many cheered loudly.

Our tragedy now is that there is not enough conservative media to combat the tidal wave of misinformation and deception which enslaves the minds of millions of our ill-informed citizens.

If good people know too little about what is going on it is because they are fooled by watching ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN and MSNBC or by reading the New York Times and the Washington Post. Tragic how the great profession of journalism, with a few honorable exceptions, has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat Socialist party led by the same Obama as dire puppet master pulling Joe Biden’s strings.

President Trump was not acting as a dictator as some liberal friends of mine shamefully suggested. No, he was fulfilling his Constitutional duty to prevent the burning down of Federal buildings and protecting American citizens from the violence of Antifa and BLM because left wing Democrat mayors told their police to stand down.

We must ask ourselves if viewers of the nightly news truly believe what the Mainstream Media is telling them is the truth. If they still do, then we have reached the terrifying reality of how easily and how far good fellow Americans can be manipulated and deceived.

We are thus being put into the same position that existed in 1776 where we were being forced to fight for the continuing existence of freedom and liberty. Political Correctness is the enemy of free speech. Historical Correctness is constantly betrayed.

Our Judeo-Christian faith teaches that God is on the side of freedom, truth, justice, law and order, as enshrined in the Ten Commandments: the Decalogue. And this is the very reason that the godless Left hate it so much and tear down monuments to it wherever and whenever they can.

Someone once wrote that, “America was great when thousands of white men shed their blood to end slavery during the Civil War. America was great when four hundred thousand Americans died in WW II to defeat Nazism and the Japanese warlords. America was great when settlers braved the wilderness in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries to blaze trails, forge pathways through the plains and mountains, tame a wilderness and build a great nation.”

The hope before November and the General Election is that folks watching the baleful Mainstream Media will have the opportunity to rid themselves of their reliance on leftwing news and begin to ask how Democrat mayors of cities such as Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, ad nauseam, could allow such anarchy and violence to have gone on and for so long.

As patriotic Americans, we all believe in the Constitution. We must never allow anyone to tell us that we cannot exercise our Constitutional right to vote as we see fit.

If we don’t resist, then we are at the very edge of the abyss and will fall into the horrors of a Bernie Sanders malign socialist state that is no longer America. Instead, we will become victims of the “squad” of the odious likes of AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour and the sinister Marxist wizard who hides behind the curtain: George Soros.

The wonderful Victor Davis Hanson writes that, “since 2016, there has been a clear pattern of left-wing conspiracies beyond the malign fact that each one traffics in lies to serve the Left’s political agendas.”

He further opined in his recent article titled, ”How Left-wing Conspiracies Work,” published in American Greatness that “few, if any, in the left-wing media or the Democrat run government were ever punished for their many conspiracies to create and spread complete fabrications against the former President Trump. He listed the Russian collusion lies or of how the Biden regime was never held accountable for organizing intelligence experts to formally lie to the American people to influence an election and on and on.

And his last warning to America is that, “we should not be surprised when told of a “secret” Trump plan uncovered to round up critics in 2025 and send them to “camps”, or lurid revelations about “evidence” that Trump is in worse physical and mental shape than is a debilitated Biden, or some fantastic MAGA plot to implement “voter suppression,” or allegations that the Trump campaign’s “dark money” involves “collusion,“ “disinformation,” and “sinister foreign actors.”

He finally warns: “When told of such things in the months to come, remember that these mythologies are usually a warning: what the left is alleging is, quite often, precisely what the left is already doing.”

In our Republic, with all the checks and balances provided to us through the magnificent Constitution and Bill of Rights, our great human and I believe divinely inspired Republic – the United States of America – has enjoyed the benefits of all such safeguards. But in this second decade of our 21st century a malignancy of the Left is posing a growing threat to the very survival of America as we know it.

Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writer, contributing editor and author of seven published books including the acclaimed four volume work titled Politicide which details the 1,400-year-old Islamic war against Judeo-Christian civilization.

© Victor Sharpe


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Victor Sharpe

Victor Sharpe is a freelance writer with many published articles and essays in leading national and international conservative websites and magazines... (more)


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