Sylvia Thompson
Take him down
By Sylvia Thompson
November 9, 2014

Barack Obama is a sinister, dangerous person and a detriment to this nation. The elections made it clear that, finally, Americans are not afraid to say, "Stop him!"

If he is not stopped, the Republican establishment can be assured that people like me will no longer check the box for the guy with the "R" after his name only to prevent someone with a "D" after his name from being elected. I checked the box for Senator Lamar Alexander this time only because the alternative was a Democrat.

Establishment Republicans are blithering idiots if they think that they pulled off this incredible feat of a landslide election victory by depending only on the leftist and Libertarian elements in the party. It was millions of traditional conservative Americans like me who ignored the records of conservative-lite politicians; such as Lamar Alexander, Mitch McConnell, and a host of other Republican operatives; and voted for them anyway – we made this possible. Yes, the establishment types were able to buy primary election wins and oust conservative candidates, but those tactics will take them only so far. It has allowed them one more round to prove that they understand where this nation stands when it comes to Barack Obama, leftist socialism, godless immorality, and the deliberate destruction of America as it was founded.

One more round to see if they will turn up their elitist noses and run from the "social issues." To see if they will rely on the advice of non-conservative consultants, amoral big donors, Libertarians, and the miniscule homosexual and pro-abortion segments of the party.

The chance now exists for the Senate to elect a leader who will not cooperate with Barack Obama's agenda. A leader who will slap him down every time he signs an unlawful executive order or makes a decision that is clearly not in the best interest of this nation. In the House, Boehner is "making noises" that indicate he may have seen the light, but if he is not willing to counter every lawless move that Obama makes, he too must be replaced. There is simply no time to waste on men without spines or who are themselves amoral leftists in disguise. Our situation is urgent; we are dying as a nation.

Simply stated, Obama needs to be impeached and imprisoned for his lawlessness and traitorous behavior toward America. But the caliber of current Republican leadership is far from capable of carrying out this act of justice. I do not think that many white political leaders have a clue what Obama really is. They have so brainwashed themselves into believing that they have no "moral authority" to call into question the behavior of a so-called black man. This twisted thinking is so real that they are willing to see the country destroyed, as long as they can achieve absolution for being white Americans. Blacks like me find this behavior ludicrous and as frustrating as hell, but not much can be done about it except to call it out.

Obama, of course, is goading the Republicans so that he can provoke a constitutional crisis, which may finally prompt the more principled lawmakers to say "Enough" and begin impeachment proceedings. The impeachment move will generate the desired racial unrest, and who knows how that scenario will play out. Such an outcome is likely what Obama wants. We must never forget that his ultimate goal is the destruction of America.

It was the most asinine of decisions for Republican leadership to tell the nation that impeachment was off the table, even if they never intended to use it. This show of weakness signals that if a politician is brazen and evil enough, he can be assured that he will never be held accountable. I shudder to think what the next ethnic political leader will feel emboldened to do, after Obama. Personally, I will think long and hard before I ever vote for someone to be President who is not white Anglo-Saxon male (real male, with no shades of effeminacy). Because if the WASP attempts anything near what Obama has done to this nation, he will be thrown out on his ears, posthaste.

In 2016, if Barack Obama has not been taken down (either through blocking his every destructive move or through impeachment), the Republican Party can consider itself a nonentity, because that is what it will have become. Some of us will skip the name of every non-true-conservative on the ballot. And when the voting machine cautions that we have not made choices in some races, we will simply press "Confirm" and move on with our lives.

If things do not improve, our nation will likely draw closer to civil war, but then, sometimes it takes the shedding of blood to preserve freedom. The Founders were keenly aware of that fact. Maybe this is our time.

© Sylvia Thompson


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Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson is a black conservative writer whose aim is to counter the liberal spin on issues pertaining to race and culture... (more)


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