Johnny D. Symon
Donald Trump?
By Johnny D. Symon
April 18, 2011

As a possible candidate for 2012 Donald Trump's credentials are impeccable, and his origins unquestionable. He qualifies in all respects. And for me, dagnabbit, he fails to appear on any list I've checked for membership to the CFR. Now that's a rare thing, and yet one more reason to take Donald's trump card seriously.

I well remember watching Dick Cheney at a CFR meeting, laughing and boasting about the fact that as a long-term member of the CFR, he kept this fact secret from the electorate. In other words he tricked them. The fact that he deceived them this way is due to the certainty that had they known beforehand, some of them with a knowledge of what the CFR are really up to, would figure not to give him their vote. Mr Dick Cheney of "50-miles out, 30-miles out, and 10-miles out, does the order still stand, Sir?" fame, in reality was confessing a truth that the CFR are in fact a National Menace. An Enemy of the State.

I tried on several occasions to contact Mr Trump during the past fortnight, yet with no success. I had some questions that required answering before I sat down to write my rant of the month. Not to worry, I instead began to study Mr Trump's public appearances to try and ascertain how he would have answered said questions, and I believe he did indeed answer them with my favored mechanism.

My first question regarded that excremental troupe, the treacherous Bilderberg group, consisting of layer upon layer of worthless high-living cyphers that are wont to invite their choice for President shortly before the big vote, meeting with them secretly, rendering, to all intents and purposes, the one-man-one-vote formula little more than a joke. My question was, would he accept their invitation or go tell them to fly a kite?

Then my question on the Federal Reserve;

What would he do on entering office when a sheet of paper is handed to him with names on it as fixed candidates to head the Federal Reserve? Would he choose one name from it? Or instead do as I would do and tear it up into little pieces while informing the shadow government to anticipate their new chairman at any moment, named something like Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, or Alan Keyes. What a great start to the presidency that would be, and the beginning of a great end for the Fuddle-all Reserve and its age-old theft and treachery.

Ah yes, I well imagine and clearly see in my mind's eye the spectacle of the shadow government as they witness their worthless candidates being torn up before their very eyes. I hear their cry, "Gadzooks!! This is NOT the done thing. We have mandated you to serve US!" And that is exactly what all past Presidents have been doing for 100 years, ignoring the people's mandate, and serving the hidden evil of America's shadow government.

Come to think of it though, the term "shadow government" is overly mild, and a trite deceptive, for a shadow has no substance, it merely suggests that there's a physical object of similar shape casting its form through a strong light shining behind it. Whereas America's "shadow government" is truly physical, containing genuine substance, while the President and his merry men and women lack backbone and substantive matter, merely a shadow of their governing body, that has no mandate from the people, yet nevertheless schemes, plots, and executes its global plan in defiance of the wishes of an unsuspecting electorate.

The next question involved a little matter of an alleged act of terrorism on September 11, 2001. Would he be willing to order a full, free and open investigation into all aspects of that event, as 60% of the original 9/11 Committee are now demanding? Or choose to ignore mass genocide of his own countrymen and women, as Barack Obama has done.

My fourth question is possibly unique to myself, for in truth I know no other person mad enough to cook it up; Should he become President and enter the Oval Office, will he end the SUSPENSION of the US Constitution that enabled Barack Obama to become eligible for the presidency, as it also made every other adult in the world eligible, and restore the Founding Documents to their rightful place in the lives of Americans, thus destroying any hope the Illuminati held of creating a One World Government, and setting the ax on the block for the TSA'S neck?

Would he end the Patriot Act? Will he reverse the wrongs, and restore everyone's right to travel freely and unhindered? For contrary to the TSA and others, travel is not a privilege unless you are owned by a slave owner. Travel is a personal right. We've had enough of Totalitarianism, and the satanic New World Order. It must be decisively put to an end, and the bad guys brought to justice.

Alas, the answers to my questions to Donald Trump lay unanswered, but he's a busy man and, in all honesty, I knew no reply would be forthcoming.

Basically Donald's lining up his cross hairs on China, Obama, and OPEC, they're easy and convenient targets if you want to net as many voter fish as possible. Many times he points out how artificially low the Chinese yen is, that its false rate of exchange harms American manufacturing. To this I have to point out that likewise the US dollar is near to absolutely worthless, but unlike the Chinese yen, the US dollar is genuinely worthless, worthless by design.

Prior to the treacherous birth of the Federal Reserve, a dollar was a valuable item. You could buy about 55 loaves of bread with it. How many can you buy with it now? And who or what is responsible for the decline in its value? No prizes for guessing the right answer. The wrong answers of course are China, OPEC, or foreign terrorists. Let's not forget that the presumed terrorists behind 9/11 were trained in domestic US military bases. Mohammed Atta, according to his father, phoned him the day after he allegedly piloted a jet plane on 9/11, to have a lengthy conversation with him, the last conversation, for he's heard nothing from him since.

Nevertheless, as inside jobs go, the destruction of America as the world's greatest Nation is indeed a grand conspiracy and an inside job of mammoth proportions.

The easy way out is to blame all things far and wide for a domestic problem. A fool blames the world for his predicament. It's an easy strategy because numerous unrelated incidents and events can be made to seem closely connected, when in reality the fool had paved the way for his own destruction. A compulsive gambler blames his losses on bad luck, and an alcoholic on circumstances beyond his control. A pedophile and/or sex pervert attributes their evil acts to abusing parents or poverty in childhood, unless of course those sex freaks happen to be a President. That kind blame their victims, then order the law to slam the door on their behalf, so they can enjoy summer at The Bohemian Grove casting off their dull care before the big owl.

Well, what do you know? I've just thought of another question I should have asked Donald Trump; Would he attend Bohemion Grave each summer with the sickos and freaks? Or break the mold to enjoy sunny Florida. Frankly, if I was in his shoes the decision would be an easy one.

Basically there are numerous questions that never get asked, and I reckon that they're vitally important ones.

For 100 years the office of the presidency has been defiled. Almost all Presidents lied while making their oath, they were in fact serving two masters; one to the full, and one for the foolin'. Yet most of us are acutely aware that no one can serve two masters. A genuine presidential candidate, therefore, would not retain membership in secret societies; in CFR, TC, Bilderbergs, Illuminati, or even the Freemasons. For their time in Office their service would be to God and Country, and not a flunky, and/or shadow, for a wannabee full bodied umbra false government, the members of which have begun to publicly promote the idea of enforced population reduction throughout planet earth. Even Prince Philip in England once said he'd like to return from the dead as a terrible virus and wipe out people. It's okay as an opinion, I guess, everyone's entitled to that, even jackass inbreeds, but when a lousy opinion gains momentum and begins to recruit aficionados, that private viewpoint translates into a deadly threat.

I like people. People of all races. And it's a well known fact nowadays that most populations are decreasing, so for anyone to wish a large percentage of the world's population just to go away, is simply a reflection of the degradation within themselves.

Strange thing about population control mongers is that they never offer to do themselves in first as a fitting example to their good idea, they all expect "we the sheeple" to accept our part in their concept culling. Yet the most worthy of forced extinction are the Illuminati and the Bilderbergs, and some day we might just get our way, even if it takes an age or more, sooner or later the bad guys get a taste of their own medicine. If ever you meet up with one of those skunks, why don't you hand 'em a syringe, and tell them to lead by example. That's my advice for the week.

Let's not forget that the founders of the United Nations Bush 41 proudly alluded to during his NWO rant, were senior members of the CFR who intended the UN to be heading a One World Government. The presidential oath of office does not include any mention or allusion to building or serving a One World Government, nor does it include the UN. The "rule of law" Bush mentions as a worldwide concept is unconstitutional, in fact it's outright treachery, because the UN's International Court, or World Court, negates the rule of law of the United States. Any American can be tried in a UN court on a whim and find themselves extradited to a foreign land to be imprisoned.

The US Constitution clearly presents itself as "the supreme law of the land" ... Please note that it says the supreme law of the land and not the supreme "law of the jungle," as Bush mentioned. He did in fact intimate this when he declared that

"... the rule of law, not the law of the jungle (under the New World Order), governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this New World Order,"

As crazy as I indeed am, the above mindless Bush-blurt is clear as water. Let's take a careful look at the above to see what we can see.

Plain as the nose on one's face, right? Firstly, I get around some, so with conviction can clearly state that much of the world does not practice the law of the jungle, and those that do are none of my concern, it's their sovereign territory, it's their problem, as it is their doing, and in America the Nation's problems are a concern to Americans, so much so that Americans choose a certain figurehead every 4 years to do their bidding. Unfortunately over the past 100 years, as mentioned earlier, none of them have. Nevertheless, America does not practice the law of the jungle, neither does Europe. Switzerland has an excellent legal system. Australia and New Zealand, South Africa, and one of my favorites, Chile. Boy do I love that country and its people. I love it so much in fact, I'm wondering why old Henry Kissingerbil won't take up my offer to pay it a visit instead of Bohemian Roving this summer. What a beautiful place Chile is, and it practices a great rule of law too!

You see the bottom line is that a large proportion of the world's nations exercise a strong or sufficient rule of law, and many that succumb to the law of the jungle are steered in that direction by the United Nations, aka the Bilderbergs et al.

They told Mr Obama to attack Libya, and why not? Why break the mold? After all, Joe Biden strongly believes that to clear the Federal Debt, which is upwards of 14 trillion dollars, and rising, you must spend money, and what better way to blow it than to blow up Libya? A triple benefit really; First the fun of watching the price of crude go through the roof, then thereafter, watching as its Domestic Central Bank, independent of Rothschild control, and its assets backed by gold, is replaced by a thieving Federal Reserve, connected to all the rest, as happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. History repeats itself yet again. And finally, the third great rib-ticklin' benefit, of creating further compound debt on that already heaving and creaking 14 trillion. What fun there is to be had when politicians choose to serve the wannabee world government and not the Nation they pledged allegiance to, or even the Nobel Peace Prize they so unrighteously received.

Whoops, I'm digressing again, I sure hope there ain't no ladies present. Let's get back for a looksee at the Bush statement we've all forgotten about.

"When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this New World Order,"

There are three "we's" in the above statement because he's including himself in the construction of a New World Order. He didn't mean "we the people" for the simple reason that Americans never mandated him to build a New World Order and a World government that intends to destroy the US Constitution, the Constitution he made an oath to protect. They didn't give him a mandate for this, because they don't want it. They want their Nation back.

It's that simple. That successive Presidents, since the birth of the Federal Reserve, have been practicing an agenda other than the one entrusted to them by the American people, still they remain above and beyond the law. It's their law of the jungle, so that law does not apply to them.

The other law, "the supreme law of the land," must be removed at all cost to pave the way for the UN's universal legal framework or more aptly, "illegal framingwork," a judicial system foisted on the world's unsuspecting public, as the EU's Treaty of Lisbon to the nations of Europe in varying ways, shapes, and forms of political chicanery manifested itself.

When can America begin to anticipate an honest President? Someone who makes an oath and actually keeps it. Will Donald Trump be the one? Maybe yes, maybe no. I'd like to hear him discussing the global warming/climate change lie as just that, a damn lie, and an expensive one to boot. Then sit back to hear him say cap 'n trade over my dead body. No carbon tax. And I mean NO. That's what we want to hear. I'm not interested about his tax cut story. Besides, didn't someone once say that "tax makes tyranny affordable?" That's right, someone did. It was me! The important matter is the spending power of that paper in your pocket. To remove the Federal Reserve and restore to the Treasury the right to print authentic money, is the only way to resuscitate the spending power of the dollar.

An honest President would break another 100-year old mold through not appointing members of the CFR, Bilderbergs and Trilaterals, or indeed those who were actively involved in creating the present financial crisis, as Obama did to the full on point of entry. I wonder why he did that? No, just jokin'. I know fine well.

Could Donald Trump be the man? Yes indeed. But who or what will join him is a mystery that requires solving.

Would I trust Jesse Ventura in the Oval Office? Implicitly. Absolutely. Ron Paul? Likewise. Alan Keyes? Without a doubt. For the simple reason that I know they would answer my questions in a way that would not disappoint me. Furthermore, I would trust them to make the best choice of persons to honorably work with them in their honest endeavors. Whereas I ain't so sure about Donald's idea of a good team if it concerns leading the Nation. And there it all is in a nutshell.

I like Donald Trump, and I know he's an honest man, the only things missing are clear answers to my rare list of questions, and the subjects I've broached Donald seems to be giving a wide berth. But there is one thing I'm certain of, and that is the mainstream media can be sure to avoid presenting them in any way, shape or form.

I did hear Donald Trump stating that he was pro-life, a stance that everyone at Renewamerica is glad to hear. But the term "pro-life" has become a shadow of its former self. The full substance of the term is quietly dissipating, for "pro-life" and "the sanctity of life" happen to be interchangeable.

Those of us who held down columns on Renewamerica in the early days of its voyage of discovery, wrote copiously on the plight of an innocent and defenseless woman named Teri Schindler. Although she could smile and laugh, she lacked the ability to move. We all fought to ensure the lady's life would continue, that some day a miraculous cure would appear and Teri would yet be alive to benefit from it. Sadly, the wicked had their way, and Teri was starved and dehydrated to death.

We were all for Teri's life ... pro-life, in other words. We upheld the sanctity of her living essence. Many at that time, out with our circle, held an opposite view, preferring to substitute the term "sanctity of life" with "quality of life," a view generally held which equates as, "If the quality of life is so minimal, why not end it?"

Again, everyone's entitled to their opinion, their own viewpoint in life, but no one is entitled to institute any form of death panel, for the sanctity of life is sanctioned, signed and sealed, by One far greater than themselves. How different this would be if they could genuinely boast of creating the human race, for a creator of something justifiably holds sway over their creation, on that which they created.

To be pro-life is to honor and respect all living human beings, to happily accept that they have a right to their space on planet earth just as much as we do. A life only becomes forfeit when that life, in cold blood, extinguishes the life or lives of other innocent human beings around them. For the penalty for cold-blooded murder is death. Population control, in all it's proposed forms, is willful genocide, therefore the penalty for it remains constant.

To be pro-life, to uphold the sanctity of life, does not end when a child is born. A pro-lifer in the political realm should endeavor to enrich the lives of the Nation's people. That's a pro-life service. To ease the hardship and suffering of the Nation's poor, to raise their spirits, is the work of a pro-lifer.

To restore the dismounted Holy Grail of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and ultimately free the people from bondage, is the act of a pro-lifer, someone who truly and actively respects the sanctity of life, the quality of living for men, women, and children in the Nation. To throw billions of taxpayer dollars out into the world in foreign aid, when the divide between the ultra-rich and the dreadfully poor in America is the greatest on planet earth, is a terrible sin.

The next President has but one decision to make; To end the Federal Reserve, or continue the agony. To close down the Federal Reserve is the most important act toward National Recovery. It would effectively break the chain of command that controls the government and corrupts its officials, and indeed the presidency. Everything else would fall like a house of cards, and National Recovery would be sure as shootin', rapid, and longstanding.

Would Donald Trump have the courage to perform this act? I ain't so sure, because he hasn't even mentioned it as a problem, it's therefore not on his agenda. But it is on the agenda of others who may stand, one of them being Ron Paul, who is being rubbished in public by Donald. I wonder who has most to gain from Donald attacking Ron Paul? Ah yes, the plot thickens, as my enthusiasm diminishes for Donald.

© Johnny D. Symon


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