Sam Weaver
July 4, 2003
Happy Birthday, America!
By Sam Weaver

"I know, sir, how well it becomes a liberal man and a Christian to forget and forgive. As individuals professing a holy religion, it is our bounden duty to forgive injuries done us as individuals. But when [to] the character of Christian you add the character of patriot, you are in a different situation. Our mild and holy system of religion inculcates an admirable maxim of forbearance. If your enemy smite one cheek, turn the other to him. But you must stop there. You cannot apply this to your country. As members of a social community, this maxim does not apply to you. When you consider injuries done to your country your political duty tells you of vengeance. Forgive as a private man, but never forgive public injuries. Observations of this nature are exceedingly unpleasant, but it is my duty to use them." —Patrick Henry

Judeo-Christianity is SOOO misunderstood! Some people zero in on the message of the New Testament while virtually ignoring the purpose of the Old Testament. Others focus on the text of the Old Testament without seeing it in the context of the New Testament. (Many in this second group tend to see the Holy Bible [i. e., the Judeo-Christian worldview] as a veritable discourse on violence, impossibly demanding restrictions, and even bigotry and hatred.) Still others reject the Judeo-Christian worldview completely out of hand in favor of some other worldview philosophy. Finally, there are those among us who simply do not know and could not care less about the meaning of life. They are so consumed with selfish, prurient interests that they do not even want to try to understand. This fourth group really does not even merit discussion.

Liberal Christians make up the bulk of the first group. Christ’s message of tolerance, love, mercy, and altruism is revered—as it should and must be by every true Christian! However, liberal Christians tend to affix Christ’s message not just to individuals, but to society (i. e., to government) as well. At the same time, modern liberal Christians are inclined to ignore the vital importance of the very principles of law and justice (or judgment) as they apply to the nation (or society) as a whole. They seek—even demand—the application of Christ’s words (which were directed toward individuals) toward the nation (or society) as a whole.

It seems that the favorite Bible verse of the modern liberal Christian is Matthew 7:1—“Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (KJV) Not only does the modern liberal Christian rigorously apply this verse (often somewhat out of context) to every individual, he demands that it be applied to every branch and every level of government as well. The modern liberal Christian commands the mercy of Christ, but he conveniently disregards the message of law, judgment, and justice—the execution of which is ordained as the primary duty of any just and righteous nation in the Old Testament. Today’s modern (or “post-modern,” if you will) Christian liberals understand and cherish the message of Jesus Christ and the New Testament but they almost completely neglect both the meaning and the purpose of the Old Testament.

A significant number of the second group of people who misunderstand the worldview of Judeo-Christianity are Jewish. Obviously, any true Orthodox Jew rejects the New Testament and considers only the Torah (essentially, the Old Testament) as the True Word of God. However, the Orthodox Jew adheres to Leviticus 19:18 and Deuteronomy 6:5. These two verses upon their own merit comprise both the general message of Christ and the very ethic of the worldview of Judeo-Christianity. (It is the very fact that mankind is incapable of living up to this message that the blood sacrifice of Jesus—the prophesized Messiah—was absolutely necessary!) Overall, this second group of “misunderstanders” is made up of those who concentrate on the wrath and judgment of Yahweh as expressed in the Old Testament (the Covenant of Law) and who reject or neglect the Grace and Mercy of the Messiah as embodied in the New Testament.

The third faction of those who totally misunderstand the worldview of Judeo-Christianity is legion. This crowd consists of atheists, agnostics, secularists, pagans, Hindus, Muslims, and every adherent of any worldview philosophy that rejects Judeo-Christianity unequivocally.

America’s Founders not only fully understood Judeo-Christianity, they founded a nation upon it. They completely understood the message of the Old Testament and, by-and-large, took it to heart. They knew very well that this message was directed at society (government). It was the blueprint for a free nation comprised of free people. The Old Testament was revealed by the Supreme Creator and the Author of Law to a nation (a society—the whole people of Ancient Israel). At the same time, the Framers of the United States of America all but totally discerned both the Truth and the message of the New Testament. They understood that the New Testament was the Word and the Will of God revealed by the Creator and the Redeemer of every individual person. It was and is a personal message to everyone who is willing to hear it! America’s Founders knew very well that the faith, hope, and love of every citizen are vital components of any free society.

Why is the concept of Judeo-Christianity so difficult for modern Americans to grasp? It is SOOO simple! Individuals have the duty and the responsibility to live their lives according to the Judeo-Christian ethic—“Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and mind; and love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Government has the duty and the responsibility to secure the life, liberty, and property of the whole people. Individuals exercise their duty and responsibility primarily by way of love, mercy, grace, compassion, and diligence (hard and dedicated work). Government fulfills its duty and responsibility in the only way that it is able—through judgment, justice, and brute force. Righteous governments serve and protect their citizens. They do this primarily by preventing (deterring or “preempting”) threats to life, liberty, and/or property, and by severely punishing those who deprive others of life, liberty, and/or property.

When a citizen attempts to exert judgment, justice, or brute force, he is rightly branded a bigot, a vigilante, a bully, or a criminal. He is attempting to usurp the duty of the government. He is taking the law into his own hands.

Unfortunately, when government usurps the duty of the individual—when (especially) the national government exerts mercy and compassion—we call it “progress.” We wrap it up in glowing, “compassionate,” and “merciful” terms such as “Medicare,” “Medicaid,” “Social Security,” “Welfare,” and “The War on Poverty.” We have forgotten the vision of our Founders. We cannot seem to understand the complete message of our Creator and our Lord. Americans are far too eager nowadays to render unto Caesar that which rightfully belongs to God. Almost as frightening, we are all too often rendering unto Caesar that which rightfully belongs to us. (I do not mean just tax dollars—I’m talking about mercy and compassion!)

Some even go so far as to make up asinine “excuses” for America’s greatness. They say, “An abundant supply of natural resources made America great and prosperous.” (If that were true, then Africa should be the greatest continent on earth. The nations of the Middle East with their vast oil reserves and their radical hatred of our worldview philosophy would have surely wiped us out by now!) Others say, “Our rich cultural diversity has made us great.” (Hogwash! If anything, cultural diversity pits us against ourselves. Diversity, especially in the absence of Judeo-Christian morality, tends to Balkanize. Balkanization leads to strife, conflict, and even hatred.) Too many of us Americans go out of our way to assert anything and everything but the Truth!

Conservative pundits and politicians tell us that liberty made America great. This is true, but it is only part of the whole Truth. Traditionally, many factors have contributed to the greatness of America. The Judeo-Christian concept of liberty is a key among all of these factors. However, the uniquely American concept of liberty would never have been possible without a cultural understanding of both the Old and the New Covenants (Testaments) of God.

America is a great and powerful nation. There are countless determinants of this degree of superiority and authority. Nothing has enabled all of these contributing elements more than a visceral, national, and steadfast understanding of the Word and the Will of the Supreme Creator of the Universe. This understanding is graphically displayed in the Declaration of Independence. It is legally embodied in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the U. S. Constitution.

America is great because she is the first nation in all of human history to have formally recognized the Truth of the Creator as expressed in both the Old and the New Covenants of the Creator to mankind. Justice via sound judgment is both the purpose and the goal of every great nation. A national focus on mercy and compassion through government subverts justice. Mercy and compassion are among the duties and responsibilities of every individual. Whenever individuals begin to neglect these duties and responsibilities, despotism and tyranny become necessary.

As we Americans proudly celebrate this 227th birthday of our nation, let us not forget the God Who made our nation and our culture possible! Let us never forget the Truth that made our beloved America great!


© Sam Weaver


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Sam Weaver

Sam Weaver is a native Texan. Lively discussions back in 1984--first with his very liberal girlfriend, and then with several college instructors--made him question his beliefs and his belief system... (more)


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