Arlen Williams
Texans defend America, petition Gov. Perry on illegal immigration
By Arlen Williams
July 3, 2011

America is being warred against, by both the Marxist and fascist arms of the global movement for authoritarianism, through both financial and political empire, worldwide.

Withstanding certain top-down efforts to steer the Tea Party with big money, in order to restrict it to issues of debt, spending, and taxes (which make the sources of that money suspect) it is very refreshing to see the real, live Tea Party recognizing the full crisis in which our nation is awakening to find itself.

America can balance its budget every year and still lose this war, still become a province of global Marxofascist empire, having lost the Independence established on July 4, 1776, and having slid off the sovereignty and liberty cast in bedrock through our Constitution, in 1787. Some say this has already occurred. We should ask ourselves whether we are truly maintaining the Rights to Life, Liberty (and Property) at July 4, 2011 on the calendar.

With all this in view, it is encouraging to find a fuller set of critical concerns, even the s-word, in the welcome page of a dynamic effort in Texas:

    We are The Grassroots Texans Network, a statewide network of hardworking Texans dedicated to the advancement of fundamental American principles such as limited government, fiscal responsibility, personal responsibility, the rule of law and American sovereignty.

This same collaboration offers an electronic letter for broad circulation, forwarding, and republishing. It focuses upon Texas' Governor Rick Perry, the subject of Kelleigh Nelson's article in Gulag Bound, "The Phony Right-Wing, Part 5...." Its subject is Gov. Perry's failure to appropriately handle the strategic attack to America that is our massive flood of illegal immigration and the attempt to translate these into "transformative" voters for Democrat (neo-Marxist) and other transnationalist (anti-Independence) officials. Their notice and letter:

    Publish if you have a website

    Fellow Patriots:

    Whether you live in Texas or not, you are hereby invited to join with a statewide coalition of Texas tea parties in calling on Texas Governor Rick Perry to call the Texas Legislature to Austin to finally address long overdue immigration reforms. Governor Perry alone has the power to advance immigration reform in Texas by calling a special session, and we call upon him to use that power.

    The open letter is below. Please consider signing on. Thank you.

    The Grassroots Texans Network Team



    June 30, 2011

    The Honourable James Richard 'Rick' Perry
    Governor of the State of Texas
    State Insurance Building
    1100 San Jacinto
    Austin, Texas 78701

    Governor Perry:

    We write to express, in the strongest possible terms, our disappointment over the outcome of the regular and special sessions of the 82nd Legislature, in which every single one of the dozens of common-sense immigration reform bills died.

    As you are most likely aware, the overwhelming body of polling data shows that Texans are extremely concerned about the effects of unchecked illegal immigration on our state. A recent University of Texas / Texas Tribune poll of 800 registered voters in Texas found the following:

    Texas voters consider illegal immigration to be the most important problem facing the State of Texas, with the lack of border security ranking a close second.[1]

    Fully 87% of Texas voters, including 71% of Hispanic voters, support the passage of a law requiring employers to verify immigration status for their employees, with 70% of Texas voters 'strongly supporting' such a law.[2]

    Roughly 69% of Texas voters oppose 'sanctuary city' policies which prevent the enforcement of immigration laws.[3]

    Despite an overwhelming consensus among voters on the need for urgent action on illegal immigration, the Texas State Legislature blocked all bills filed in the regular and special sessions relating to employment verification,[4] sanctuary cities,[5] cost reporting,[6] state licensing,[7] or any other common-sense immigration reform policies. The vast majority of immigration-related bills filed in the State Legislature were prevented from even receiving a committee hearing, much less a floor vote.[8]

    Although we do not necessarily hold you completely responsible for the inexcusable actions of the House and Senate members during the regular and special sessions, the ball is now squarely in your court. It is solely within your power as Governor to call the legislature into session and demand that they complete the important work that they promised their constituents they would do.

    Further, you have the inherent power, as the Chief Executive of the State of Texas, to issue one or more executive orders[9] to address illegal immigration, if you only choose to do so. You have the inherent executive power, for example, to issue an executive order requiring the use of E-Verify for all state employees and by all state contractors, following the examples set by the governors of Florida,[10] Virginia,[11] Idaho,[12] Rhode Island[13] and Minnesota.[14]

    It is a point of pride for many Texans that our Governor is receiving a great deal of attention as a potential contender for President of the United States. Your bold conservative message has clearly struck a chord within the hearts of many Americans. That said, the American people are hungry for a statesman whose bold words are followed up with bold action.

    All eyes are on you, Governor. Please don't let Texas down.



    JoAnn Fleming
    Executive Director, Grassroots America-We The People, Tyler, Texas
    Chair, Texas Tea Party Caucus Advisory Committee

    Maria Martinez Executive Director, Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas,* Houston, Texas

    Katrina Pierson
    Founder, Garland Tea Party
    Member, Texas Tea Party Caucus Advisory Committee

    Roberto F. Gonzalez

    Chairman, Clear Lake Tea Party
    Member, Texas Tea Party Caucus Advisory Committee

    Julie Turner
    Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC, The Woodlands, Texas
    Member, Texas Tea Party Caucus Advisory Committee

    Kenneth Emanuelson
    Co-Founder, Dallas Tea Party*

    Sheryl Kelly Howieson
    Organizer, Plano Tea Party, Plano, Texas

    Cindy Schwartz
    Co-Founder, We The People-Longview, Longview, Texas

    Chris Rowan
    Technology Coordinator, Brownsville Tea Party Association, Brownsville, Texas

    Michael Kinzie
    Organizer, Lake Fork Tea Party, Emory, Texas

    Jim Lennon
    Co Founder, Kingwood Tea PArty, Inc., Kingwood, Texas

    Tammy Blair
    Chair, Tyler Tea Party, Tyler, Texas

    Shawn Bradley
    Treasurer, Tyler Tea Party, Tyler, Texas

    Laura Mikulecky
    Co-Chair, Tyler Tea Party, Bullard, Texas

    Bob Hall
    Organizer, Canton Tea Party Patriots, Edgewood, Texas

    Bill Hussey
    Co-Founder/President, Llano Tea Party, Llano, Texas

    Mary Huls
    Secretary, Clear Lake Tea Party, Friendswood, Texas

    Robin Lennon
    Founder & President, Kingwood TEA Party, Inc.,

    Member, Texas Tea Party Advisory Committee

    John Tweedell
    Founder, Hideaway Grassroots, Hideaway, Texas

    Ray Myers
    Coordinator, Kaufman County Tea Party, Forney, Texas

    Mike Deaton
    Board President, McKinney Tea Party, Mckinney, Texas

    Bill O'Sullivan Jr.
    Treasurer, Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC, The Woodlands, Texas



    [1] See University of Texas / Texas Tribune Poll, Feb. 24, 2011. This result mirrors national opinion trends. In a recent CBS News Poll of 1,082 adults nationwide conducted Aug. 20-24, 2010, 88% of respondents characterized illegal immigration as 'very serious.' In a Pew Research/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll of 1,001 adults nationwide conducted July 8-11, 2010, 63% considered it 'important' that elected officials pass legislation to address immigration.

    [2] See University of Texas / Texas Tribune Poll, cited above.

    [3] See University of Texas / Texas Tribune Poll, cited above.

    [4] See, e.g.,

    [5] See, e.g.,;

    [6] See, e.g.,

    [7] See, e.g.,

    [8] A cursory search of filed bills identified dozens of bills filed relating to immigrants or immigration.

    [9] See, e.g.,

    [10] See

    [11] See

    [12] See

    [13] See

    [14] See

    [*] Title listed for identification only.


© Arlen Williams


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