Sher Zieve
Are Mueller, Rosenstein, et al., now trying to cover up their own crimes?
By Sher Zieve
May 3, 2018

It is beginning to appear that free-wheeling 'Special Counsel' Robert Mueller and his leftist team of Clinton sycophant lawyers may have no evidence on, virtually, anyone connected with the Trump Team. It is also becoming increasingly clear to many that Mueller's intent is to so thoroughly destroy – financially, physically, emotionally – and intimidate anyone who helped now-President Trump achieve the presidency that no one will ever try to bring down the Stalinist Deep State government...that now rules we-the-peasants.

Could Mueller and his malevolent marauders be banging down doors, picking the locks of private citizens to enter their homes and wake them up in the middle of the night to perform body searches with no evidence that they've done anything wrong? In Paul Manafort's case it appears that it's true. To refresh memories, Manafort's home was broken into in by Mueller's Marauders in the middle of the night. Manafort and his wife are roughly awakened and pulled from their beds while agents perform a body search of his wife and all of Manafort's files on business dealings were taken (aka "stolen") from Manafort. Note: At the time and since then, Manafort has been told by the Mueller team that he is being charged with "involvement" with the Russians and a "Russian Billionaire." I had no idea that involvement with any Russian – let alone a Russian Billionaire was a crime. If so, why do we have any of them living in this country? In any event, Manafort has been 'allowed' to be under 'house arrest' and has to wear an "ankle bracelet" tracker.

Since the entire Manafort fiasco began, Manafort's attorneys have been asking Mueller – while one MSM news outlet after another has been writing story after story about what a criminal Manafort is and that he'll likely "flip on Trump" – for evidence of a crime. While...all of the time, Mr. Manafort has been claiming he's not guilty of any known crime. In Mollie Hemingway's 3 May 2018 article in The Federalist it appears that it is Manafort who may have all along been telling the truth and the Mueller camp in association with the FBI and DOJ who have been lying...and lying to get President Trump out of office no matter what it takes.

Ms. Hemingway writes: "In a new filing demanding a full hearing on what Paul Manafort's lawyers say is a series of illegal governmental leaks about his case, his legal team also reveals the government has provided no evidence of any contact between Manafort and Russian officials.

"The special counsel's office says it has no evidence in its possession responsive to Manafort's request for transcripts, notes, or tapes of any and all conversation or contacts between Russian intelligence or government officials and Manafort, according to the filing."


"Despite multiple requests to provide any evidence detailing contacts between Russian officials and Manafort, "the Special Counsel has not produced any materials to the defense – no tapes, notes, transcripts or any other material evidencing surveillance or intercepts of communications between Mr. Manafort and Russian intelligence officials, Russian government officials (or any other foreign officials," the filing in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District Virginia says. "The Office of Special Counsel has advised that there are no materials responsive to Mr. Manafort's requests.

"Accordingly, if the representations of the Special Counsel are accurate, and there is not, in fact, any evidence of communications between Mr. Manafort and foreign officials, then the perpetrators of this elaborate hoax must be identified and punished
and the substantial unfair prejudice to Mr. Manafort must be remedied," the filing continued."

Holy cow! No evidence of anything? This is developing into US KGB leader Mueller's method of operation. That is...charge the target with a crime, leak false information to the press so that the dumbed-down citizenry believes it. Then, find a leftist anti-Constitution/anti-Trump judge to sign a no-knock warrant to get the target. And...when the target's lawyers demand the evidence...slow walk it for months. Then, when the target's attorneys force the issue in court...finally admit it, while telling the willing leftist press not to report on it.

And, today it was reported that a call or calls between President Trump and his personal attorney Michael Cohen have been wiretapped. I wonder who these judges are who keep approving these things. Don't you?

The coup to take over our government and country has arrived, folks. The FBI, DOJ and the "intelligence" agencies are in the process of shredding the US Constitution before our very eyes. It's way out in the open this time. It's become extremely dangerous in our country and the only Russian agents I see are the poseur wannabees – Mueller, his team of miscreants and our own alphabet agencies. We are in deep trouble from the very Deep State. If we don't want to end up like Cuba, Venezuela or the old Soviet Union, we'd better start slamming these perpetrators of lies and chaos now. Sounds like we need a really huge march on and takeover of our own government in D.C. We are being forced to do so by unelected – and elected – tyrants. If we lose our Constitution...we have lost the country. And...the shredding of that document has already begun.

"No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God." – John 3: 6-9

Manafort Lawyers Claim Leaky Mueller Probe Has Provided No Evidence Of Contacts With Russian Officials: contacts-with-russian-officials/

Feds tapped Cohen's phone, intercepted White House call: report:

© Sher Zieve


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