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October 16, 2008
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October 16, 2008
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — There are secretive Muslim military compounds right here in America. We're not talking about Mosques in our midst (where more than a few "Death to America" threats have been uttered -- tolerated, under the rubric of "religion," by the most open society on earth)... (more)

October 16, 2008
NEW YORK TIMES BLOG — If you haven't gotten your fill of presidential debates after watching the McCain-Obama match-up last evening, mark your calendar for Sunday night. That's when Free and Equal.Org, a group formed to encourage third-party candidacies, is promoting a debate at the Columbia Political Union at Columbia University in New York... (more)

October 16, 2008
MICHELLE MALKIN — When a few unruly McCain-Palin supporters show their anger at campaign rallies, it's national news. It's an epidemic of "Weimar-like rage" and "violent escalation of rhetoric," according to New York Times columnist Frank Rich. It's the "re-emergence of the far right as a power in American politics"... (more)

October 15, 2008
DENNIS PRAGER — It is time to confront the unhappy fact about our country: There are now two Americas. Not a rich one and a poor one; economic status plays little role in this division. There is a red one and a blue one... (more)

October 15, 2008
FOX NEWS — John McCain, sitting just a few feet from Barack Obama at the final presidential debate Wednesday, tried to recharge his campaign with a volley of allegations directed at Obama's honesty, judgment and empathy for tax-burdened Americans... (more)

October 15, 2008
WASHINGTON TIMES — The nation's border czar has concluded that Mexican soldiers who held a U.S. Border Patrol agent at gunpoint in August did so after bypassing a barbed-wire fence and other clearly visible barriers to cross into the United States, contradicting claims by the State Department and the Mexican government that the soldiers were simply lost... (more)

October 15, 2008
FOX NEWS — Barack Obama distanced himself Tuesday from the low-income advocacy group under fire for allegations of voter fraud, as his campaign accused Republicans of exploiting the issue for political purposes... (more)

October 15, 2008
L. BRENT BOZELL III — Try this on for size: ABC, CBS, and NBC together have unloaded more than a thousand stories on Obama's presidential campaign, and we're still waiting for the first broadcast network TV story devoted to examining Obama's abortion record... (more)

October 15, 2008
CNSNEWS.COM — Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) said that the Bush administration's plan to buy $250 billion in stock in U.S. banks should be challenged in federal court as unconstitutional... (more)

October 14, 2008
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Gay couples from around California and the nation are feverishly tying the knot ahead of Election Day to avoid missing out if voters approve a ballot initiative aimed at banning same-sex marriage... (more)

October 14, 2008
CAL THOMAS — Anyone desiring a preview of what the federal judiciary would look like under a Barack Obama administration need look no further than a narrow ruling by the Connecticut Supreme Court allowing same-sex "marriage"... (more)

October 14, 2008
WORLDNETDAILY — A poll has revealed surprising statistics about Americans: 84 percent agree that abortion should be significantly restricted and 70 percent said they would vote for a candidate who opposed same-sex marriage... (more)

October 14, 2008
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Paul Krugman, the Princeton University scholar and New York Times columnist, won the Nobel prize in economics Monday for his analysis of how economies of scale can affect trade patterns and the location of economic activity... (more)

October 14, 2008
CNSNEWS.COM — Although Amanda Clarke was only 22 when she became pregnant with her first child, her obstetrician said she could be screened to see if her baby was at risk for Down syndrome and other genetic conditions... (more)

October 14, 2008
KATHRYN JEAN LOPEZ — Speaking to a group of young Catholics in New York at a "Theology on Tap" event almost one month before Election Day, I had a harsh awakening as jarring as a shot of Wild Turkey 101. Weeks before going to the polling booth, Americans do not know Barack Obama... (more)

October 14, 2008
WORLDNETDAILY — While one NASA scientist says man-made catastrophic climate change will cause an apocalypse, another says hysterical pronouncements about carbon dioxide emissions are unwarranted and overblown... (more)

October 14, 2008
CITIZENLINK — A district judge in Helena, Mont., is considering whether to allow doctors in the state to prescribe lethal doses of medication to terminally ill patients... (more)

October 14, 2008
JOSEPH FARAH — Since I wrote my book "None of the Above," I have been predicting with some degree of certainty that John McCain would win the presidential election. There were several reasons I was so sure about this forecast: It was inconceivable to me that the American people had reached such an advanced degree of moral and intellectual decay that they would affirmatively choose Barack Obama... (more)

October 14, 2008
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Bush, Barack Obama and other leaders from both major political parties have made recouping taxpayer dollars a key selling point for the $700 billion economic-rescue package, but the president's budget office says it doesn't think the plan will turn a profit... (more)

October 14, 2008
DAVID SIMCOX — The approaching 2008 general elections underscore concern that the growing access of non-citizens to the ballot box could distort the outcome... (more)

October 13, 2008
Pointing out the gap between Obama's record and rhetoric is not a distraction from the issues
THOMAS SOWELL — One of the oldest phenomena of American elections -- criticism of one's opponent -- has in recent times been stigmatized by much of the media as "negative advertising"... (more)

October 13, 2008
CHRISTIAN NEWSWIRE — Tomorrow, Shanice Denise Osbourne will be laid to rest nearly 27 months after she was killed quickly, heartlessly and lethally... (more)

October 13, 2008
Should we be "scared" of an Obama presidency?
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Just when John McCain gets up a good head of steam in this campaign, he pulls a switch and reverts to his futile posture of "reaching across the aisle" only to get his arm bitten off... (more)

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