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November 10, 2008
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November 10, 2008
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Here's a preview of what we're in for in the next four years of the much-vaunted "spirit of bipartisanship": In the land of the free, we will witness the spectacle of commentators having to fight tooth and nail just to exercise their free speech rights under the First Amendment... (more)

November 10, 2008
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — A wise and longtime conservative leader told me the day after the election that "we will have to start over" but that -- in terms of the silver lining -- "this time [unlike thirty years ago] we [the modern conservative movement] will not have to start from scratch"... (more)

November 10, 2008
JOSEPH FARAH — Changing times call for changing strategies. And the election of 2008 should persuade freedom-loving people that times have changed. Business as usual will not be enough to preserve the last vestiges of liberty in America. It will certainly not be enough to expand liberty, morality and justice in America -- and that should be our goal... (more)

November 10, 2008
Avoid the in-the-tank liberal media, and speak directly to your constituents
KATHRYN JEAN LOPEZ — Candidates cannot live by the Internet alone, but there was something clever about former Tennessee Republican senator Fred Thompson's media approach to running for president... (more)

November 9, 2008
PHIL BRENNAN — With votes for comedian Al Franken mysteriously appearing out of thin air, steadily narrowing the gap between him and Sen. Norm Coleman, the stench of corruption becomes more and more pungent... (more)

November 9, 2008

November 9, 2008
THOMAS SOWELL — The politically clever way to get special privileges is to call them "rights" -- especially "equal rights." Some local election campaigns in various states used that tactic this year, trying to get special privileges through affirmative action quotas or through demands that the definition of marriage be changed to suit homosexuals... (more)

November 8, 2008
WALTER E. WILLIAMS — There has always been contempt for economic liberty. Historically, our nation was an important, not complete, exception. It took the calamity of the Great Depression to bring about today's level of restrictions on economic liberty... (more)

November 8, 2008
WORLDNETDAILY — Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor stirred up a hornet's nest by endorsing a demand from the Hispanic Bar Association to censor words and phrases such as "illegal aliens" and "illegal immigrants" and substitute "foreign nationals" in court documents... (more)

November 7, 2008
PAT BUCHANAN — Why did John McCain lose? Let's start with those "headwinds" into which he was flying. The president of the United States, the leader of his party, was at Nixon-Carter levels of approval, 25 percent, going into Election Day. Sixty-two percent of the nation thought the economy was the No. 1 issue, and 93 percent thought the economy was bad... (more)

November 7, 2008
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called her critics cowards and jerks Friday for deriding her anonymously and insisted she never asked for the expensive wardrobe purchased for her use on the presidential campaign... (more)

November 7, 2008
CNSNEWS.COM — The United States' relationship with the United Nations faces a major change under the next administration. Those advocating greater U.S. engagement with the world body are lining up with advice for President-elect Barack Obama... (more)

November 7, 2008
He just wants the American Dream
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE — ...National Review Online's Mark Hemingway caught up with Joe Wurzelbacher a few days after the election to ask him about U.S. politics, Obama, his new-found fame, and more... (more)

November 7, 2008
LIFENEWS.COM — Voters in Washington may have made their state the second in the nation to legalize assisted suicide but that doesn't mean patients who want their physician's help in killing themselves will be able to get it... (more)

November 7, 2008
CNSNEWS.COM — A group of about 20 conservative leaders met in the Virginia countryside Thursday to begin planning the fight against the liberal agenda of President-elect Barack Obama -- with or without the Republican Party... (more)

November 7, 2008
CHRISTIAN POST — The passage of a same-sex marriage ban for the second time in California has riled gay-rights activists, some of whom have filed legal challenges Wednesday night... (more)

November 7, 2008
MICHELLE MALKIN — Sunken ships loosen bitter lips. The failed McCain campaign, for all its high-minded talk of honor, duty and courage, is now teeming with unscrupulous gossipmongers... (more)

November 6, 2008
JAMES C. MILLER — One of life's most interesting, often jolting, experiences is to find out that well-intentioned action can have serious, unintended consequences. So it is with many public policy initiatives... (more)

November 6, 2008
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The U.S. government arrested and deported record numbers of illegal immigrants -- nearly 350,000 -- in the past year, authorities say. It has also naturalized a record number of new Americans during the same time period, more than 1 million... (more)

November 6, 2008
KTRK — Some Houstonians are stocking up. They are concerned some gun laws are going to tighten up now that President-elect Obama is on his way to the White House... (more)

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