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December 18, 2008
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December 18, 2008
CNSNEWS.COM — House Republican Leader John Boehner (Ohio) says he's troubled by a California Democrat's plan to push for the return -- and expansion -- of the Fairness Doctrine... (more)

December 18, 2008

December 17, 2008
ANN COULTER — It's bad enough that the Republican Party can't prevent Democrats from voting in its primaries and saddling us with The New York Times' favorite Republican as our presidential nominee... (more)

December 17, 2008
BEN SHAPIRO — If you walk around Washington, D.C., on a regular basis, you're likely to see some rather peculiar posters. But you won't see anything more peculiar than the ads put out by the American Humanist Association. "Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness sake," say the signs, in Christmas-colored red and green... (more)

December 17, 2008
LIFESITENEWS.COM — Two more Obama Cabinet appointees, one a proponent of homosexual schools and another an open homosexual, serve as further indication that the President-elect will eagerly espouse homosexual-friendly policies... (more)

December 17, 2008
LIFESITENEWS.COM — Indiana state Rep. Jakie Walorski has called for the defunding of Planned Parenthood (PP) and asked state officials to investigate after a second Indiana PP clinic was caught evading the law and covering up the rape of a 13-year-old girl. PPIN receives millions in taxpayer funding each year... (more)

December 17, 2008
NEWSMAX — A number of abortion-related measures instituted during George W. Bush's tenure in the White House could face early reversal by the incoming Barack Obama administration... (more)

December 17, 2008
LIFENEWS.COM — With the inauguration of incoming pro-abortion president Barack Obama, some pro-life advocates have been concerned that next year's March for Life will be canceled. However, that's not the case and the organizers of the March are moving full speed ahead with plans for a large event... (more)

December 17, 2008
JOSEPH FARAH — I'm glad to see there is a little rebellion under way in Congress over the plan to bail out the Big 3 U.S. automakers. I understand one or more of them might go out of business without some sort of relief. I understand there are hundreds of thousands of U.S. jobs at stake... (more)

December 17, 2008
DICK MORRIS — With the election of Barack Obama, the United States has moved dramatically to the left in its foreign policy at just the time that Israel, which seems likely to return Bibi Netanyahu to office in early February, is moving to the right. A collision is almost inevitable... (more)

December 17, 2008
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Russian rights activists say that a new law drafted by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's Cabinet would allow authorities to label any government critic a traitor... (more)

December 17, 2008
CNSNEWS.COM — The Washington, D.C., city council has passed more regulations on gun owners months after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down its previous ban of handguns... (more)

December 17, 2008
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR — The calls to step down are deafening, but Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich started his week at the office by signing a dozen bills -- including one that federal prosecutors tagged as possibly involving the "pay to play" tactics that have engulfed the governor in ignominy... (more)

December 16, 2008
BERNARD GOLDBERG — ...The mainstream media, or the so-called mainstream media, is always going to have its thumb on the scale because it's always rooting for the Democrat over the Republican. But this year, it was different. This year, the media jumped the shark because this year, without any embarrassment, they embraced one of the candidates running for president... (more)

December 16, 2008
CNSNEWS.COM — Children as young as three years old should be in public pre-school programs, according to Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the nation's largest teacher's union... (more)

December 16, 2008
DICK MORRIS — ...Our enemies are collapsing under the strain of dropping oil and gas prices. What we had all hoped conservation and off-shore drilling would achieve, the global economic collapse is accomplishing: the defeat of OPEC, Iran, Chavez, Putin, and the weakening of the financial underpinnings of Islamist terrorism... (more)

December 16, 2008
REP. DANA ROHRABACHER — For over two and a half years, the unjust prosecution and imprisonment of U.S. Border Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean has weighed heavy on the hearts and minds of millions of Americans... (more)

December 16, 2008
WORLDNETDAILY — The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected a second challenge to the presidency of Barack Obama, announcing it denied an application for a stay or an injunction in a case from Connecticut... (more)

December 15, 2008
ASSOCIATED PRESS — After going months without a full-time job, Daniel Ramirez has decided it's time to return to family in Mexico. Vicenta Rodriguez Lopez says she can't afford to live in Colorado any more because her husband was deported... (more)

December 15, 2008
MARIE JON, RA ANALYST — Imagine being suddenly ripped away from your home and left standing in an unfamiliar place that completely contradicts your way of life. The extreme pressures are overwhelming. You find yourself in a society that you were never raised to believe in and that no one can sufficiently explain... (more)

December 15, 2008
The fight for a socialist (and economically weak) America
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — It is perhaps long past time that this column revisits the evidence that multibillionaire George Soros is implementing a well-crafted plan to mold America to comport with his radical socialist view of the world. His heavy involvement in political front organizations and his questionable financial manipulations give new meaning to the warning in Sun Tzu's The Art of War -- "Know your enemy"... (more)

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