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March 19, 2009
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March 19, 2009
REUTERS — The United States, in a reversal of Bush administration policy, has decided to sign on to a U.N. declaration that calls for the decriminalization of homosexuality, the State Department said on Wednesday... (more)

March 18, 2009
NEWSMAX — The Association of Community Organizations for Reform (ACORN) is now a "national partner" with the U.S. Census Bureau, soon to help the White House find 1.4 million workers to canvass for the country's 2010 census... (more)

March 18, 2009
NEWSMAX — Gov. Bill Richardson signed legislation Wednesday repealing New Mexico's death penalty, making it the second state to ban executions since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976... (more)

March 18, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — A group of former senior American officials and one current top adviser to the Obama administration are petitioning the U.S. president to open talks with the Hamas terrorist organization, believing the group can be part of the Palestinian peace process... (more)

March 18, 2009
FOX NEWS — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently told a group of both legal and illegal immigrants and their families that enforcement of existing immigration laws, as currently practiced, is "un-American"... (more)

March 18, 2009
JOAN SWIRSKY — It's not witches, but the three warlocks of the new administration -- President Obama, his chief Chicago-Machine-henchman Rahm Emanuel, and his tax-cheating Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner -- who are boiling the American people in a cauldron of their own... (more)

March 18, 2009

March 18, 2009
THOMAS SOWELL — As if it is not enough that they have been decimated by the Democrats in the past couple of elections, the Republican survivors are now turning their guns on each other. At the heart of these internal battles have been attacks on Rush Limbaugh by Republicans who imagine themselves to be so much more sophisticated because they are so much more in step with the political fashions of the time... (more)

March 18, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — One of the nation's most prominent dictionary companies has resolved the argument over whether the term "marriage" should apply to same-sex duos or be reserved for the institution that has held families together for millennia: by simply writing a new definition... (more)

March 17, 2009
LIFENEWS.COM — President Barack Obama has nominated his first pro-abortion judicial candidate as he named David Hamilton as his first Appeals Court nominee. Hamilton is a former Clinton nominee whom Obama has appointed to serve on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals... (more)

March 17, 2009
NEWSBUSTERS — Since CNBC's Rick Santelli first suggested a Chicago Tea Party to protest President Obama's plans to "stimulate" the economy and bailout homeowners through unrestrained government spending, organized demonstrations have been occurring across the fruited plain... (more)

March 17, 2009
CHRISTIAN POST — A federal appeals court upheld on Monday a Texas law allowing students to observe a moment of silence at the beginning of each school day... (more)

March 17, 2009
BOSTON GLOBE — As the Bush administration was drawing to a close, Robert M. Gates, whose two years as defense secretary had been devoted to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, felt compelled to warn his successor of a crisis closer to home... (more)

March 17, 2009
PAT BOONE — Wow, I had this crazy dream last night! Maybe it's something I ate, or more likely, all the insane stuff we've all been hearing constantly on the news. I say "insane" because the measures and pronouncements being made by our president and our Congress -- without consulting at all with the folks who elected them! -- are truly the stuff of nightmares... (more)

March 17, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — There may good reasons for deploying the National Guard along the U.S.-Mexican border, but illegal firearms isn't one of them. The administration recently launched a study to examine whether soldiers should patrol the Southern border to staunch the flow of firearms headed for drug dealers in Latin America... (more)

March 17, 2009
JOSEPH KLEIN — Only in the alternate reality that prevails at the United Nations can its greatest contributor be considered a "deadbeat." United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon tarred the United States with that pejorative during a meeting with Congressional leaders on March 11... (more)

March 17, 2009
CHRIS BANESCU — On March 9th, President Obama's executive order reversed the Bush administration's long-standing restrictions on using federal funds for embryonic stem cells research and authorized the destruction of live human embryos in medical experimentation... (more)

March 17, 2009
NEWSMAX — A liberal, Prius-driving Berkeley professor says Al Gore is exaggerating global warming facts, coal is a good source for energy, Thomas Friedman is wrong about global warming and storms, and hybrid cars won't help save the environment... (more)

March 16, 2009
ANDREA SHEA KING — Judge Roy Moore, former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court and WorldNetDaily columnist, says it is incumbent on Congress to determine if Barack Obama is a usurper. During an interview last week on my radio program, Judge Moore said: "I see it very simply. Why doesn't the president have to show that he's a natural born citizen?... (more)

March 16, 2009
Red China can target American cities
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Communist China has America by the throat. North Korea is making new warlike noises. And the Obama White House seems clueless... (more)

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