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March 26, 2009
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March 25, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — Congress appears ready to pass an Obama administration plan that could create mandatory public service requirements for all American youth, fulfilling a campaign promise. The bill, HR 1388: The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, otherwise known as the "GIVE Act," has already passed the House by a vote of 321-105... (more)

March 25, 2009
NEWSMAX — U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg told CNN's Lou Dobbs Wednesday night that the United States would be turned into a "banana republic" by the Obama administration's budget plan. President Barack Obama's budget, Gregg explained, "puts on the books a massive amount of debt... (more)

March 25, 2009
BAPTIST PRESS — Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas broke his silence Wednesday about a "gay marriage" bill that is garnering national attention, saying he will veto it if it reaches his desk. Whether a veto by Douglas, a Republican, will make any difference remains to be seen... (more)

March 25, 2009
WALTER E. WILLIAMS — Our Colonial ancestors petitioned and pleaded with King George III to get his boot off their necks. He ignored their pleas, and in 1776, they rightfully declared unilateral independence and went to war. Today it's the same story except Congress is the one usurping the rights of the people and the states, making King George's actions look mild in comparison... (more)

March 25, 2009
FOX NEWS — The Obama administration has ordered an end to use of the phrase "Global War on Terror," a label adopted by the Bush administration shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday... (more)

March 24, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — The Israeli army has rejected as "baseless" U.N. claims that Jewish soldiers were permitted by rules of engagement to use civilians -- including children -- as human shields during the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The U.N. report also claimed Israeli soldiers shot Palestinian children, bulldozed a home with a woman and child still inside... (more)

March 24, 2009
PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY — The coldest winter in a decade in many places, with snow in unlikely cities such as New Orleans, has deflated some of the hot air in global warming. And a heavy snowfall that paralyzed Washington, D.C., upstaged a mass demonstration scheduled to promote global warming... (more)

March 24, 2009
FRANK J. GAFFNEY, JR. — President Obama's stewardship of the national security portfolio to date amounts to a wrecking operation, a set of policies he must understand will not only weaken the United States but embolden our foes... (more)

March 24, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — The top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee on Monday said an across-the-board freeze on federal spending is needed to reel in President Obama´s massive budget plan, signaling a more active Republican stance in fighting the president's agenda... (more)

March 24, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Struggling newspapers should be allowed to operate as nonprofits similar to public broadcasting stations, Sen. Benjamin Cardin, D-Md., proposed Tuesday. Cardin introduced a bill that would allow newspapers to choose tax-exempt status... (more)

March 24, 2009
CHRISTIAN POST — The Vermont Senate overwhelmingly approved on Monday a measure legalizing same-sex marriage... (more)

March 24, 2009
FREEDOM WATCH WITH JUDGE NAPOLITANO (MAR. 18) — The Judge delivered a wonderful monologue near the beginning of today's show (03/18/2009). He talks about the natural law and freedom of contract within the Constitution. He hammers the Obama administration on violating the Constitution... (more)

March 24, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — China will continue buying U.S. government debt while paying close attention to possible fluctuations in the value of those assets, a vice governor of Beijing's central bank said Monday... (more)

March 24, 2009
ANDREA SHEA KING — Saturday's Tea Party in Orlando, Fla., was by all measures a huge success, attracting an estimated 5,000 to 6,000 Central Floridians, according to event organizer Lisa Feroli... (more)

March 24, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — If a political movie falls into theaters a few months before Election Day but no one is allowed to hear about it, does it violate the First Amendment clause on freedom of speech?... (more)

March 24, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The trial of one of the nation's few late-term abortion providers began Monday with defense attorneys trying to cast doubt on whether the doctor intentionally broke a state law requiring that an independent physician sign off on the procedure... (more)

March 23, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Ailing Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy is back in Washington. The 77-year-old Democrat returned Monday as the Senate was considering a national service bill he introduced with Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah... (more)

March 23, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — A Roman Catholic bishop in Indiana will shun a pro-life banquet if Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele addresses the sold-out event, The Washington Times has learned... (more)

March 23, 2009
KFOX-TV — Soon after giving birth, some mothers suffer from postpartum depression, which some Democratic lawmakers said could lead them to kill their children. Democratic state Rep. Jessica Farrar of Houston recently introduced a bill to create an offense for infanticide... (more)

March 23, 2009
KATHRYN JEAN LOPEZ — According to an article in the Boston Globe, an informal poll taken among 200 teenagers has revealed that almost half of them blame the pop star Rihanna for her recent beating, allegedly by her boyfriend, Chris Brown... (more)

March 23, 2009
San Francisco police told to shut up about it
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — You are earnestly urged to believe that President Obama's Justice Department is seriously investigating a 39-year-old murder case involving his political friends and communist terrorists Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn... (more)

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