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June 8, 2009
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June 8, 2009
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — The Stalinists in and out of government are sending the message loud and clear: You have questions about President Obama's nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court? Shut up or suffer the consequences... (more)

June 7, 2009
PAT BOONE — "We're no longer a Christian nation." "America has been arrogant." "After 9/11, America didn't always live up to her ideals." "You might say that America is a Muslim nation." Thinking about these and other statements made by the man who wears the title of president ... I keep wondering what country he believes he's president of... (more)

June 6, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — Members of the graduating class of 2009 at Florida's Pace High School have expressed their objections to ACLU restrictions on statements of religious faith at their school by rising up en masse at their ceremony and reciting the Lord's Prayer... (more)

June 6, 2009
NEWSMAX — President Barack Obama's leadership rating has dropped to its lowest level ever, a new Rasmussen Reports poll has found. In the survey, 51 percent of respondents rated Obama as a good or excellent leader. His rating was 55 percent in May... (more)

June 6, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — A polygamy advocacy organization says the New Hampshire law that is intended to assure "equal access to marriage" for all instead specifically embeds in state statutes bigotry against polygamists... (more)

June 6, 2009
NEWSMAX — In a speech in Anchorage this week, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin charged that the government is planning to "bail out debt ridden states" so it can "get in there and control the people"... (more)

June 6, 2009
LINDA CHAVEZ — The diversity crowd doesn't really believe in diversity. In fact, what they're really aiming for is conformity of opinion. They expect that members of racial and ethnic groups will adhere to liberal orthodoxy, and woe to those who don't fall into line... (more)

June 6, 2009
BAPTIST PRESS — The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee gave approval June 4 for the first time to federal appeals court nominees by President Obama, including one who has issued controversial rulings on abortion and prayer... (more)

June 5, 2009
HUMAN EVENTS — President Obama, in his long-promised address to the Muslims given Thursday in Egypt, embraced Islam, gave a green light to Iran's nuclear program and said that the "trauma" of 9-11 led America to act contrary to its ideals... (more)

June 5, 2009
RENEWAMERICA — We won!!! We won the domain name just minutes ago at auction. In the auction's last minutes, one aggressive bidder tried to outbid us in increments of $100 -- then he finally gave up, leaving the high bid at $2,010. Under the auction rules, a duel like this can theoretically go on forever, in 5-minute blocks -- and it dragged on for quite a while. We're relieved this bidder ultimately gave up without much of a fight!... (more)

June 5, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — Those who assumed that New Hampshire would have the last word on approving same-sex marriage this year haven't been paying attention to New York... (more)

June 5, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Obama isn't finding any takers in the U.S. to house the terrorism detainees now being held at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba... (more)

June 5, 2009
MONA CHAREN — In Cairo, President Obama told (was it for the 100th time?) the story of his African father and American mother. This story has worked well for him in the American context, and he seems to believe that it will beguile the rest of the world as well... (more)

June 5, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday declined to say whether she stood by her claim that the CIA lied to her about its interrogation techniques... (more)

June 4, 2009
RENEWAMERICA — Well -- we're nearly there, Friends of RenewAmerica. In less than 20 hours, the auction to acquire the domain name will be history... (more)

June 4, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — South Carolina's Supreme Court ordered Gov. Mark Sanford on Thursday to request $700 million in federal stimulus money aimed primarily at struggling schools, ending months of wrangling with legislators who accused him of playing politics with people's lives... (more)

June 4, 2009
BRUCE WALKER — The media -- newspapers, magazines, book publishing, radio, television, and film -- have never at any point in the history of our nation been impartial. Newspapers were once the whole heart and substance of our media. They provided news, opinion, entertainment, advice, humor, advertisements and information. Newspapers were often unabashed partisans... (more)

June 4, 2009
NEWSMAX — Rush Limbaugh told Fox News' Sean Hannity on Wednesday night that he wants Barack Obama to fail because, like Osama bin Laden, the president is trying to destroy America... (more)

June 4, 2009
BILL O'REILLY — The liberal outcry over the murder of George Tiller, the late-term abortion doctor from Kansas, demonstrates exactly where American discourse is going. Shot dead in a church by an anti-government militant, Tiller did not deserve his fate... (more)

June 4, 2009
MICHAEL FARRIS — ...America must decide whether it wants to pursue the path of freedom or the path of socialism. Let us be clear. These are two separate paths and, in the long run, no nation can be free if it pursues the path of socialism... (more)

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