Michael Bresciani
America it is very late -- Do you know where your Congressman is?
By Michael Bresciani
July 28, 2009

Reminiscent of the fall of Rome Congressional seats may soon be harder to give away rather than raising a fortune to gain. In fairness it would be hard to prove the congress has a clue but the real question is what are they going to do now that the rest of America is starting to get a clue?

The clues are starting to come in at an alarming rate because many Americans are sitting down and actually reading the bills the congress doesn't seem to have time to study. The stimulus, healthcare, and hate crimes read like a cross between a child's fairy tale and the dark musings of Jean Paul Sartre. Proposals that bounce between the silly and the frightening may hold our interest but what do they do to preserve the American way of life, our founding principles or the constitution itself?

It is more for relief than revenge that many voters are looking forward to the 2010 congressional elections. We have begun to read the script for this all new socialistically leaning production of the "Bright New America" and it looks like its time to hire new writers.

Gallup polls are not something every American finds good reading but it is impossible not to take note of their latest findings. In June the approval rating for the Congress was at 19% but in July it dipped to 14% which is the lowest rating in the 34 year history of Gallup polls. These raw facts are obviously due to some raw legislative acts recently passed (stimulus) and those subsequently proposed. Let's take a look see.

Many loyal and honorable conservatives, largely Republican have been joined by the emerging so called 'Blue Dog Democrats' to resist the latest insanity in the congress but perhaps it will only be resolved by the changing of the guard in the elections of 2010 and 2012 respectively.

The stimulus bill not being read by anyone in Congress is now the behemoth that we are saddled with and our grandchildren will not thank us for, but now that it is coming under greater scrutiny it takes only a cursory examination to see it is the most wasteful surge of spending in our history. It holds only the promise of future debt and all discussion of future legislative acts to improve the fiscal finery of the nation may well be moot because of it. America may be groveling in survival mode rather than reveling in prosperity in the years ahead.

Having expended more effort to get our children to read The Cat in the Hat than to get our representatives to slow down and read the stimulus bill has resulted in our un-willingness to allow any more stimulus spending proposals and a tabling of the health care bill until it too is more carefully scrutinized. Here at least is a sign that good old American common sense is beginning to re-emerge.

It seems more like a non-sequitur to say that the democrats are in control of the House and the Senate with new proposals coming to the floor that decry the assertion that anyone is in control at all. For example The Matthew Shepard 'Hate Crimes' Amendment, now known better as the 'Pedophile Protection Act' proposed by Senators Leahy and Levin gives protection to over 500 sexually oriented deviant behaviors and reads like the directory page of an internet porn site. How does anyone come to the knowledge of these behaviors? Deviant behaviors may be studied as part of psychology but it will not be found in the curriculum of any school offering a major in political science.

So the question remains, how did our honorable representatives come by this detailed list? An even greater question is; are they aware that most Americans have never so much as heard of many of them. The only honest question left is; are they protecting us or are they promoting something we need protection from?

It is with great disdain that I must list any of them here but I must so no one will think it is an exaggeration. Some of the behaviors the Senators think we must protect are urophilia — arousal from urine, coprophilia — arousal from feces, necrophilia — relations with a corpse and pedophilia — sex with an underage child. This short list alone should be enough to make us cringe if not hang our heads in shame. Is this lawmaking at its best? Has this anything at all to do with the American way of life? Can we show this to our children or the rest of the world and be proud?

Is it unreasonable to say that after a century of Hollywood assurances that it's ok for the nation to get drunk with sexual obsession that Congress has decided to go into the business of stills and breweries? Should lawmakers be thankful that the same first amendment right that even allows them to suggest that such behaviors be protected is what keeps anyone from viewing the inner hidden details on their personal computers?

Since such information can only be found in either psychiatric journals or textbooks or on the internet the question is why they are looking in either to make civil laws. Just how many deviants are there in the U.S. that have contacted their reps and demanded protection via the law?

To be fair since legislators are now ignoring the tens of thousands of letters, emails and faxes asking them not to pass bills like Matthew Shepard would the handful of people who have asked for help be willing to concede that they are out voiced? Would the Congress and Senate be willing to admit they are on the pathway to absurdity and America is beginning to notice that?

Then along comes the Congressional Health Care Reform Bill replete with provisions for tax payer funding of abortions and a chance to start euthanizing our elderly if they are willing. No you have not read wrong.

The healthcare fiasco contains a section called the tri-committee health care bill and in section 1233 'Advance Care Planning Consultation' is a call for the creation of a group of professionals who can counsel the aged on how to end their lives sooner by assisted suicide. Who would have thought we could go from the green planet movement to the beginnings of an assisted suicide bent 'Soylent Green' world almost as fast as you can say Al Gore.

Over three decades past I began to warn that as the "love of many waxed cold" (Mt 24:12) America would begin considering euthanasia to add to the scourge of abortion. This is not "I told you so" but it is a call to resist the inclination to hold the lives of any class of citizens as disposable. I can safely say from a theological and Biblical perspective that the future of all our lives will depend on it.

Christ said that if we met the needs or ignored the needs of even the lowest citizens we were doing so or conversely not doing so to him. Is it unreasonable to think that to disregard the lives of the unborn or the aged would not also be covered in the admonition given in Matthew 25:35f?

The Congress and the Senate need only ask one question concerning any of their decisions. What choices and what legacy are they leaving the next generation. If they continue on the present course the choice to live without debt has already been lifted from the next generation as they will be asked to pay for the spending we are doing today. The freedom to choose our own doctors and health care providers will also dissolve if the Obama reforms are put into law.

Should we be thankful that at the least they have left a legacy of about 500 choices of sexual orientations that our children can choose from and live in without fear from others. Will any one in the next generation, if there is one, stop to thank the Senators or Congressmen who leave only these choices behind. It doesn't take a prophet to know the answer to this question.

Beyond that in another day and time will they be able to look into the eyes of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Roosevelt or Eisenhower and confess that they had done well in their service to the American people and her constitution. This is a question only they can answer but for millions of Americans viewing the latest legislation out of Washington the answer would not be flattering.

I believe that if Lincoln or any of the founding fathers could be heard today the simple admonition they would give would be simply, don't leave the constitution behind, don't leave good judgment behind and most of all don't leave the American people behind.

We all know that that at the heart of politics there must be compromise but we ask you to consider that if you choose the friendship of only your colleagues and fellows and not that of the American people you will leave public office friendless.

"I desire to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end... I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside of me. Abraham Lincoln

© Michael Bresciani


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