Michael Bresciani
July 4, 2010, fireworks provided by John Boehner and Barack Obama
By Michael Bresciani
July 2, 2010

Only days before America's Fourth of July celebrations, in Racine Wisconsin President Obama mocked Congressmen John Boehner (R-OH) about his recent remarks. Boehner said the Presidents financial reforms were like "using a nuclear weapon to target an ant."

The fact that Wall St. had a choker applied to it while big offenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac went untouched was never mentioned in Obama's address. Also not mentioned was the complete failure of this administrations stimulus packages to stimulate anything but controversy, partisan division and national debt.

When cameras panned across the Racine crowd of Obamerites it was clear they had been handpicked. The mesmerized were anything but a flag waving enthusiastic crowd of Tea Partiers. Complete with snickers and giggles, the President belittled the Congressmen's remarks by repeating it word for word in an air of mockery. It was juvenile, disrespectful and divisive and it would have been a bit more bearable if it had been preceded with the common advertising disclaimer, "paid spokesperson non client dramatization."

Regardless of CBO reports, rising unemployment and a national debt that is growing faster than kudzu in Georgia, Mr. Obama has taken to many a podium to say just the opposite. It gives neither this writer nor anyone I know any pleasure or happiness to say our President is simply a liar.

We don't actually have to take advanced courses in psychology or watch endless episodes of "Just Lie to Me" to get the real reasons somebody lies. Although all lies are driven either by a need to cover something unflattering or to create something that is flattering, public lies are the most nefarious of them all.

Abraham Lincoln's rule of "You can fool some of the people..." has to be broken down in its parts to see just where it applies to Mr. Obama's remarks and contrariness. It is the part aforementioned that applies to the President and serves to explain why his audiences must be carefully chosen from among his very own sycophants, adherents and minions.

The most amen's are elicited when you are only preaching to the choir, this is fundamental "Public Speaking 101" at work but unfortunately, it does still work. An exuberant crowd, applauding often and heartily in an easily reproduced video clip makes for good campaigning anytime in this nation.

It would be hard to face God after charging a man with being a liar after it was found that you were wrong. In this case we needn't go that high. With only a nominal education and a pocket calculator it can be seen that it isn't Wall Street that brought America's future generation into a 13 trillion dollar deficit. Stock Marketeers have not plunged America into the highest unemployment rate since the great depression but this administration has; in less than two short years.

Throughout history when a new social system was being engineered or ushered in to a nation it always created an outcry to find and remove the common enemy that brought the woes to the people in the first place. If a real enemy doesn't exist don't worry they will just create one out of thin air. Witness Nazi Germany's blame on the Jews, Mao's blame on the previous dynasties and the old school of China or America's left wing socially engineered notion that it is private enterprise and capitalism that has been the bogey man all along. Did I mention the old standby, George Bush?

While you've got your calculator out; check out this math. 60 million people said Obama should be President; 40 million said McCain should be that leaves about 200 million not accounted for. Discounting non-voters like children and convicted felons that would mean about 100 to 125 million people said nothing at all about who should be their President. All the talk about getting the independent voters and ethnic votes is small compared to those it didn't think it mattered at all if they voted. Keep your eye on this crowd in 2010 and 2012.

It is the same crowd that is suffering the ravages of unemployment, national debt, and lack of leadership abroad and at home. Whether it is in protecting our borders or dealing with the biggest oil spill in world history this crowd has seen that maybe it's time to get off the sofa and elect a President with a lot less rhetoric and a lot more "Let's getter done."

In a comment that carefully avoided any reference to the Koran (must we ask why?) actress Janeane Garofolo exclaimed that among the top three books of fiction, one was the Bible. While most Americans are steadily seeking to have their names appear in the "Lambs book of life" (Rev 21:27) which excludes liars, Ms. Garofolo seems content to have her name appear in the book of fools. "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God." (Psalm 53:1) That being her perfect right, it is from that book Ms. Garofolo deems "fiction," that I choose to make my final analysis and I assure my readers I am not using metaphorical allusions.

For spiritual people I need not qualify things that are spiritual, conversely, for those who agree with Ms. Garofolo, there is no way to accomplish that anyway. Suffice it to say, the mind that leans only on modern psychology for answers can only discover the reasons why most people lie but modern psychological analysis doesn't even attempt to identify the source of a lie.

Biblical texts are not so squeamish and drive right to the very source in an answer that the worlds Garofolo's don't believe, much less want to hear.

In a scathing rebuke Christ lambasted the ultra religious and hypocritical Pharisees of his day. Remember that the Scribes, Zadokites, Sadducees and Pharisees were not only the religious rulers of the Temple system but were the political powers of their day even under the Roman procurators.

In an attempt to befuddle Christ with an odd admixture of their religious extremism and political hokey pokey they earned one of the strongest verbal rebukes ever leveled in Scripture. It stands not only as a rebuke but as a theological premise when compared to similar teachings throughout the Bible.

Christ said, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (John 8:44)

Is every lie inspired by the devil? I don't know but, when there are a lot of lies being told to a lot of people it's another old adage that always springs to mind, namely, "The devil is in the details."

© Michael Bresciani


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