Michael Bresciani
Obama berates birthers -- when did asking honest questions become a joke?
By Michael Bresciani
April 30, 2013

Parody, banter, satire, burlesque, conundrum, aside and anecdotes are all forms of humor, but the President has introduced a new form of humor.

Heretofore, asking legitimate questions was thought to be part and parcel to arriving at the truth and advancing education, jurisprudence, government and common knowledge. Barack Obama has put forth the idea that such questions are now to be labeled – a joke!

Mr. Obama slammed the internet media in his address at the White House Correspondents' Dinner recently. He poked fun at Politico, Buzzfeed and birthers but became serious at times and belittled all those who questioned his administration, policies or personal life.

Hidden behind a thin veil of humor and the chuckles of obedient main stream media sycophants and their guests, Mr. Obama took particular aim at birthers, those who question the authenticity of his Hawaiian birth certificate.

Conspicuously missing was any mention of the hundreds of other unanswered questions to do with Mr. Obama's past, policies and economic disasters. There is no humor to be found in these serious questions and, as yet, there are no answers.

Is the cup half empty or is it completely empty?

Barack told the correspondents, "I'm also hard at work on plans for the Obama library, and some have suggested we put it in my birthplace, but I'd rather keep it in the United States."

This would truly be funny if the birth certificate were the only missing or unseen document from the presidents past. A bevy of school records and other questions have been secreted away from the public by order of the president. Why? Your guess is as good as mine, but before we slam birthers why don't we ask what else will be missing from the Obama Library if these records are not released. Leaving this question unanswered will leave one presidential library half-filled and only promises and failed policies will be on display

It is not what they can't disprove or unravel that bothers those who question, but it is the lack of provability for the answers that were already proffered. That glass is not half full – it is completely empty.

Legislators would tax the internet, Obama would smash the internet

A timeless and immutable rule of thumb as ancient as man himself is that, wherever exuberant lavish and unbridled praise is found, falsehood is not far behind. It is what Christ inferred when

he said, "Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets." (Lk 6: 2

White House correspondents were not given a pass to the inner sanctums of the president's doings because they were noted critics and hardline questioners of his administration. It takes no wizardry to explain why they were handpicked by the president.

White House correspondents are comparable to the praise teams in most evangelical churches, but we can be certain that God has nothing to hide.

When it comes to the internet Obama gets to choose no one.

With all of its trash and topsy-turvy mix of good and evil it is still, so far, the tool of the people.

Mr. Obama chose to use that tool when he called for tweets from those who would support his policies, especially during his presidential campaign. But now that the honeymoon is over it's the time to tell. Now the internet is his battered bride who is charging him with falsehood and skullduggery.

When Barack chose to marry the internet for his own purposes he should have remembered the old adage – "love is blind, but marriage is an eye opener."

Mr. President, You are Not Misunderstood – And you are not a Humorist

From 1936 to this day Dale Carnegie's bestselling book 'How to Win Friends & Influence People' gave us all a revealing look into human nature. One of the most important lessons in Carnegie's masterpiece was the revelation that most scoundrels, criminals and just really bad people always thought of themselves as, good people who were just badly misunderstood.

Mr. Obama epitomizes Carnegie's observations, but he goes a step further than most.

Barack Obama has chosen to add misplaced humor to divert the attention away from a presidency that cannot be explained in the face of the economic, moral and political devastation that has followed the absurd promise of "change we can believe in."

These Questions are No Joking Matter – We are Respectfully Awaiting Your Answers
    Why, are your school records, sealed from public view? Are you ashamed of them?

    Why hasn't someone in the United States been held responsible for the death of a dedicated Border Officer due to the botched gun running brainstorm called operation 'Fast and Furious?'

    Who exactly is responsible for the deaths of one U.S. ambassador and several of our finest fighting men in the hideously handled harangue called 'the Benghazi attack?'

    Why are you tying the hands of ICE agents who should be actively tying the hands of those who illegally cross the borders of this country?

    Why are you allowed to hurdle piles of bucks at failed green dreams like Solyndra and then close the White House to visitors for lack of funds.

    Why were sequester fears laid on the public in a systematic and concerted effort while Michelle vacations around the nation, and the world, on the taxpayer's dime.

    Why are you so sensitive when Americans doubt that you are a Christian? Hasn't anyone told you that abortion and homosexuality are both diametrically opposed to Christ, his Apostles and every prophet and the Biblical message contained in both the Old and New Testament? Are you starting a new branch or brand of Christianity never known in America and if not – did your mother never tell you what to do if the shoe fits?
This list of questions is far from exhaustive, but for the decency of editors who frown on book-length submission I will cut them short.

For the capo de Grande let us ask this one last question.

Can you find one shred of humor in any of the above questions and have you never read this admonition given by Jesus Christ and taken from one of your stated, favorite passages of the bible, to wit:

"Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep." (Luke 6: 25b)

© Michael Bresciani


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