Michael Bresciani
Muslim jihad vs. American perversion -- the race is on
By Michael Bresciani
October 19, 2013

The full effects of Muslim Jihad can't be hidden from view in our world of instant communications. Western media is selective about what it tells the public and the West is fast developing a selective psyche about what it wants us to hear or see.

America is in a bubble, where the biggest battle may be trying to get the LGBT agenda forced down the throats of every citizen from LA to Boston, if even that can be seen or heard over Obama's latest antics like the government shutdown.

While this is happening the Patriarch of the Russian Coptic Church has written letters to President Obama to apprise him that the Copts have nearly been wiped out in Syria and other Muslim nations throughout the Middle East.

The end times site 'Now the End Begins' posted an article with accompanying photos of a child in chains and then with her heart removed from her chest. It is so graphic that unless you are made of iron you may only be able to view it for a few seconds. This is what is going on in Syria and it is attributed to the anti-Assad forces now said to be bolstered by aid from the Obama administration.

Is U.S. taxpayers' money being used to help those who commit these atrocities? Yes it is.

Can the new philosophy of perversion overtake the biblical condemnation of perversion?

The American landmark known as the National Cathedral in Washington D.C., issued a statement by its Pastor, Gary Hall in which he blasted the entire church nationwide for sinning. What is the church's sin, according to Hall – opposing homosexuality!

Hall said churches in the U.S. that are teaching their congregants that homosexuality is a sin – are sinning.

Hall says "It's more than tragic – in fact it's shameful – that faith communities, especially Christian ones, continue to be complicit in putting our children at risk and abetting the attitudes that oppress them, thereby encouraging the aggressors who would subject our children to pain, humiliation, and violence."

Whether Rev Hall has been cloistered in the halls of the cathedral too long or not is hard to say, but there have been no acts of violence attributed to Christian churches in America on homosexuals, in fact, it is diametrically opposite the teachings of Christ to afflict, bully or attack someone for an anti-biblical stand or behavior. At the very least all Christians are instructed to do is to tell, warn, apprise or inform the sinner of their sin – with a call or an invitation to repent of it and come to Christ for salvation. No violence here.

In fact, Christians understand that they cannot hate anyone, even homosexuals, and expect to enter salvation, but real Christians also understand that by declining to tell the homosexual that they are on the wrong path, is – itself wrong. In fact not telling them is a serious disservice to them and to Christ. To put it simply, anyone standing among the redeemed in the last days who repented at the hearing of the gospel message will not think they were hated – but loved!

From Christ's proclamation that a man would leave his parents and cling to his wife (a women) to Paul's strong warning in the entire first chapter of the book of Romans the message of God is sure and it will not be altered, dismissed or defied by an entire army of nascent naysayers who support the West's pandemic support of perversion.

The church at the moment is like a company of soldiers pinned down in a foxhole who are being strafed by machine gun fire from an enemy. It is not until one of the soldiers pops out of the foxhole and risks his life to zigzag his way to the machine gun nest and put an end to the attack that the soldiers are both saved and bolstered to greater heights of bravery.

One such hero is Peter LaBarbera of the website known as 'Americans for Truth about Homosexuality.' LaBarbera countered Hall's absurd pronouncement of 'sin' by saying that Hall's position is the literal fulfillment of Isaiah 5: 20 which says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" LaBarbera holds the same position that all conservative Bible believers do, which is, that Churches that cozy up to the gay agenda are the well prophesied apostate churches of the last days and are all fully 'counterfeit.'

Judas Iscariot would be overwhelmingly proud of the West's apostate churches, but Christ and his Apostles have clearly warned that the teachings of the last day's churches will bring about a full judgment to both them and the nations that believe them. To wit:

"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction." (2Pet 2: 1)

America and the West have been promoting, practicing and fully promulgating the gay agenda for about a generation, so the term 'swift destruction' may not seem very apropos, but that's the rub, if we could see it coming it would not be much of a surprise. Then there is this warning about the last days.

"For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." (1Th 5: 2, 3)

It is hard to tell a generation that has already accepted so many lies as the last day's approach that the great demon of 'tolerance' has assuaged and lulled them to the point that they are unaware that a ring has been slipped into their noses and they are being coaxed along and led directly into the fires of hell. Sound severe? – I hope so!

There is no reason to doubt the powerful inspiration of God's Holy Spirit was upon hymn writer Rhea F. Miller 1894–1966 who penned this incredible refrain found in the much beloved hymn, 'I'd Rather Have Jesus.'

Than to be the king of a vast domain
And be held in sin's dread sway;
I'd rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today

Apostates in and out of the church are under a dread sway, never seeing it is the demonic substitute for the narrow path called for by Christ – it is the path to destruction.

Real Violence comes from a Fallen World not the Church

The wholesale slaughter of human beings in our old world can never be hung on the church. Hitler's six million at the death camps, Pol Pot's millions of cancelled Cambodians and Stalin's thirty million suspect anti-communists are but a few examples of how ideologies, despots and wayward governments have taken to eliminating people like they were so many unwanted pests in the backyard.

Only the most history challenged do not know this, but today educators are reticent to cross the lines of the new 'tolerance and diversity' parameters of the PC indoctrinated West, just as the apostate churches can't identify what is really sin.

It is a forgone, the Bible is clear about the violence that will one day be unleashed on the Christians and has already begun in Muslim nations. Who will inflict this violence? Will it be the spread of Islam or the intolerance of the new tolerance crowd? Take your pick.

This story is yet unfolding, but make no mistake, the story of sin, what it is, and its consequences has already been told in full detail. It will not be altered, deterred or diverted. It will run its full course and will not lose its bearings. We will proclaim this message until death so others will not have to face death and eternal separation from God. No violence only a warning rooted in the love of Christ for a dying and fallen civilization. To wit:

"Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." (Gal 6: 6-8)

© Michael Bresciani


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