Michael Bresciani
No help for Iraq -- Obama is busy warring for the LGBT
By Michael Bresciani
June 26, 2014

Muslim extremists have captured the oil fields and border crossings of most of northern Iraq. Syria is in tumult and at home, the once mighty Presbyterian Church has fallen to the dark and cowardly forces of apostasy.

What does our President do – how does he respond to all of this?

President Obama has decided to level the White House's big guns at the newly elected President of the United Nations General Assembly, Uganda's Sam Kutesa. Uganda ruffled the Obama feathers by ignoring his threats and promises to end all U.S. aid for Uganda if they continued to pursue the hardline policy of prohibiting the gay agenda in that nation.

Kutesa says his nation's policy is based on the belief that the gay agenda "is wrong for our young people and it offends our culture."

The Washington Blade now, proudly announces Obama's plan to counter the 'corrupt' nation of Uganda. "National Security Council spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said in a statement the State Department is "taking measures" to prevent Ugandan officials "involved in serious human rights abuses" against LGBT people and others from entering the U.S. The White House will also seek travel bans against Ugandans who are "found responsible for significant public corruption."

"Public corruption" – the most corrupt administration in U.S. history is now calling Uganda a black sheep against progress – LGBT progress. When Jesus said "Wisdom is justified of her children," (Mt 11: 19) he no doubt also knew that there would be a generation in which wisdom had no offspring at all – that generation is today.

In a scathing article the Family Research Council has cited Mr. Obama for disrespecting the values and traditions of other countries by insisting they yield to the promotion of everything gay. The rest of the world must bake this cake or they will be on Obama's list of bad guys and less than worthy to be counted as nations of the twenty first century.

FRC says, "No sooner had Hillary Clinton taken over the State Department than the White House ordered her to use the agency as a club to beat other nations into submission on sexual politics. Now, while American forces look anxiously to Iraq, the Obama administration is launching another global offensive: Operation International "Tolerance." While the rest of the world debates the Middle East, the President is trying to put troops on the ground in the fight to promote global homosexuality."

Facebook recently sported a picture of the gay rainbow flag flying alongside the Stars and Stripes outside the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv. It is hard to imagine the flag of a minority whose preference is perversion flying next to the very banner of freedom that cost so many Americans their lives to defend, but this is Obama's idea of a righteous war.

Obama is no Alexander the Great or Norman Schwarzkopf and his chosen battle is the moral equivalent of sending armies into the backyard barbecues of other nations to insure the rights of hamburgers to be called hot dogs.

Those of us who will never sway from the Bible's clear teaching that homosexuality is a perversion and an abomination to God, will find ourselves raising our own flag higher and higher as we stand against the moral decline of a nation we love and believe was once truly was blessed by God.

Nearly fifty years in prophecy and fully knowing that these days of decline were well prophesied does little to keep the feelings of great disgust and deep sadness from creeping in like the first waters of a great flood. Having been through Hurricane Katrina and losing everything, I know what is left after the flood waters recede. You don't want to see this!

While Barack Obama has empowered his ambassadors to promote the gay agenda, we must never forget that Christ has also empowered us to be his ambassadors.

We are all called to preach and proclaim the reconciliation of man to God. We are told to teach, warn and admonish our generation that belief in God is followed by adhering to and obeying his word. That word condemns the practice of homosexual conduct and is in place until the last moment of time.

What war are you fighting, what battles are you engaged in and what word are you broadcasting to this lost and dying generation?

"To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God." (2 Co 5: 19-20)

© Michael Bresciani


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