Michael Bresciani
Dead lions and sick children -- the seared conscience of liberal America
By Michael Bresciani
July 10, 2014

The Last – Shall Be First

Carefully chosen scripture passages to amplify and elucidate the heart of each message are usually reserved for the tail end of any article I write. Because a liberal minded person may reach for the close button before finishing this piece it is important to point to the most prophetic and the most important point before they cut and run. Here is the point.

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron" (1 Tim 4: 1-2)

The only part of this quote that may reach a level of extravagance may be the part about – departing from the faith. Many liberals have long given up the faith, if they ever had it – at all.

Americans are noted for doing things in a big way, unfortunately when they miss the mark they also do it in a big way. Here is a case of missing the mark by a mile.

Dead Lions – Keeping Up with the Joneses

Author Matt Walsh offered a piece on LifeNews.com on July 7, 2014 that noted the outraged being leveled at Ms. Kendall Jones, a big game hunter and conservationist, who was seen across the media recently posing with a dead lion she bagged in a hunt in Africa.

Walsh says he can't take the Facebook and Twitter outrage against Ms. Jones too seriously coming from America because we are still engaged in wiping out the potential for life in around one million babies a year.

Kendall defends herself, according to Walsh, by declaring that her hunting serves two very important needs. First, is that it helps to feed hungry villagers and secondly, is the all-important work of conservation. Many animals are subject to terrible deaths by starvation and extinction when food sources are scarce due to overpopulation.

Nothing Walsh reported in his scathing article is more eye opening than the title which reads, "If They Pretended This Dead Lion Was an Unborn Baby They Wouldn't Be So Upset"

The title alone should be enough to prick the conscience of most, but as the prophecy says, some have had their conscience seared so badly that they are past all feeling. Odd, that there is no humane society for humans; this is the day when it is so desperately needed.

The Sickliest Response to Sick Children Ever Heard

The result of the do nothing domestic policies of our almost lame duck President is all ready to be filed as the lamest response of all time. In a nation where it is the duty of every American to report a seriously contagious disease so the CDC and appropriate agencies can examine and contain it, reports are that Mr. Obama has threatened medical staff and workers in the camps who are now housing the surge of illegal children with job loss and even arrest if they talk to the media. What?

Journalist Todd Starnes reports, "A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, sources say"

Children in the camps are said to have measles, scabies, lice, chicken pox, strep and tuberculosis along with a malaise of emotional and mental problems.

Does this sound like something we should hush up?

Has the administration made us feel safe, yet again, so soon after un-leashing deadly terrorists back out into the world to work their mayhem and terror?

The Nancy Pelosi Solution – Concern and Wishful Thinking

California's first lady of incongruity has answered the childrens immigration plight by declaring that after all "we are all Americans." Is it a Hillary-ism drawn from It Takes a Village, or an example of what the Pelosi immigration policy would be if she were president?

Not to be outdone by her first reactions, she concluded her visit to the Mexican border with this labored proclamation of her empathy for the hordes of sickly children. – "I wish I could take all those children home with me."

Tweeters have generally responded with a call for her to do just that, but concern and best wishes are all the children are going to get from Nancy.

According to celebritynetworth.com Nancy Pelosi's net worth today is $100,000,000 – don't mis-count the zero's – it is a cool one hundred million dollars.

This kind of wealth can support hundreds of immigrant children.

Let's get cracking Nancy!

Rent the school bus, get down to the border and get your fair share of the displaced and hurting children you are so concerned about. As they say in middle class and poorer America – 'Put your money where your mouth is.'

We know that Nancy said we needed to 'pass the Obamacare bill' to see what was in it. What we never imagined, is that she, would still be so engrossed in its thousands of pages that she wouldn't have time to read this single verse of scripture found in the Book of James.

"...and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and be filled," and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?" (Jas 2: 16)

Is it Dead Lions or Psychological Projection?

Blaming others for perceived atrocities and ganging up with others of like mind is more often than not – psychological projection.

The lion hunter and those who don't want any more sick children allowed over our borders are the chosen people. They are chosen to be the sacrificial lambs on which all guilt is cast.

Since 1973 almost 55 million human babies have been torn from the bodies of women and discarded like so much refuse. That genocide continues at the rate of almost 4,000 per day.

We are more concerned with an African lion and a Central American child that doesn't belong here in the first place.

Putting aside any reference to the Bible, any system of ethics and morality or any illusion to modern psychology what we have here is a perfect case of collective, blaring, high-test, Americanized hypocrisy.

Whether it's Pelosi or any other American who has had it made far too long and is living in a bubble, the idea that you can take the person out of the beamer, but you can't take the beam out of the person, may just be the problem.

"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?" (Mt 7: 3-4)

Give Us More Good Lion Hunters

My best advice is this – leave the lion hunter and those that want to seal the border alone – first go and clean up the mess that is now a full blown genocide called – abortion on demand.

Don't hide behind the familiar phrase – 'it's the law of the land' – because big game hunting is lawful in Africa and holding illegals back from our borders is also the law of the land.

The laws that green light abortion are contrary to the law of God. Which of these laws will you own in the last moments of your existence?

For now, it suffices to say that America could use a lot more good lion hunters because between the liberals and the Godless, many have already been lost to the ravages of the king of beasts, to wit:

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." (1 Pet 5: 8)

© Michael Bresciani


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