Michael Bresciani
Pope pushes prophetic timetable ahead -- prophecy waits for no man
By Michael Bresciani
December 9, 2014

Anyone who plays the role of 'sheriff' in the kingdom of God will have plenty of people and material to ride herd on in today's climate of apostasy and pop-culture religious nonsense. It is an endless, thankless and vexing path to undertake.

My articles and reports have not singled out the many false prophets and fly by night preachers of the apostasy, but rather after watching closely, only those who actually pervert the gospel or deny its immutability have been noted. It is high responsibility that provokes the business of declaring what will ultimately cost the eternal destination of many. There is nothing to prove, but there are lives to save.

We don't come at the Pope because he is the Pope or because he is Catholic. In fact, we fellowship with all who name the name – that is above every name. (Acts 4: 12) We are also not naïve and it is no secret that hundreds of Catholic doctrines and practices are the result of both patristic teachings and ex-cathedra. People of the scripture never place the words of a mortal man above the word of God.

As if that were not enough, then along comes the one quarter of the Bible that relates to prophecy or events in the future of mankind. This is where the Pope not only fails, but is actually part of those prophecies

Pope Francis has of late softened the seriousness of the error of the homosexual agenda. Following that he proclaimed that the creation account was total bunk and evolution will now become the official line of the Catholic Church to explain the creation.

Before the shock of that decline and serious error has subsided along comes the Pope's trip to the Turkish Mosque where after leaving his shoes at the door he proceeds to pray toward Mecca.

The capstone of his visit to the mosque was his statement to the world and the 1.2 billion Catholics who hang on every word he says. He declared the Muslims are not violent and the world should stop equating Islam with violence.

Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber can't hold a candle to the Pope (no pun intended) for assuming certain people are stupid and deserve to be deceived. From 9/11 and onward there have been about 2,500 acts of violence perpetrated by Muslims throughout the world. Has the Pope been so isolated in his pontifical palace as to not notice this?

Does he not know that the acts of violence toward non-Muslims, is part and parcel to the Koran. The book instructs Muslims to hurt, maim and kill those who will not convert. It will take a lot more than a blind trust in the modern view that ecumenicism is the great healing bond that will make all religions finally meld together in perfect peace and harmony. The Pope's adherence to this foolish notion gives powerful new definition to the word – naiveté.

Prophecy is not open to private interpretation – Today's prophecy buffs are doing great harm

"We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."
(2Pet 1: 19-20)

The Muslim antichrist, the notion that mystery Babylon must be Mecca and the idea of all new religious leader ascending to become the ruler of all nations is just some of the nonsense being sold as the latest in the new prophecy interpretations.

The Bible is as clear as a bell regarding the City of Rome and there is no way to separate the prophecies about Rome from the Vatican and its environs. It is the "Mystery Babylon" of Revelation 17: 5 and no amount of scripture wresting will change that.

Condensing the total of the world's best interpreters and expositors of Bible prophecy and my own half century of study in this subject cannot be done in a single article. In lieu of a book or a long series on the subject here is a seven point outline on the fall of Rome, the apostasy of the Pope and what it means to our world.

You may think your morning coffee and the rest of your day is the only sure thing for you to believe, but these matters of prophecy outweigh anything you may think of as previously established in the course of your life. This is as sure as the rising of the sun.

Seven Point Outline for Rome and all Religious Systems that Join with Her

1. Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17 is a religious system, but not necessarily one that is connected only to the Savior. It has others (not Christ) who head it in a hierarchal system that in the last days move it even further away from the biblical message than it has previously been. It was weak to begin with, but in the last days will march headlong into total apostasy.

2. By reason of two precise passages the physical location of the system is impossible to confuse. Because it is described as both the city of seven mountains (Rev 17: 9) and as the place where the blood of saints and martyrs was shed, (Rev 17: 6) no other city in the world could qualify to be this city – except Rome.

3. It is called a the "great whore" (Rev 17: 1) because while it uses the name of Christ it has by means of the doctrines of men, apostasy and aligning itself with other false religions, idols and Christless false religious systems along with political and modern social ideologies, has committed whoredom with the world. It pretends to be the bride of Christ, but in all of its visibility, full acceptance and pomposity it is a mere harlot. In the last days it leads billions astray into other paths which will leave both the system and its followers in complete disarray.

4. For a brief period of time it enjoys and basks in the apparent full acceptance of the powers that be. But when the world's last and most powerful ruler (antichrist) turns against it – it is summarily and completely cast off. (Rev 17: 16) The nations who supported it heave the harlot under the bus choosing to follow only the new leader of the entire modern world. He has seven years to ply his rule and then he also is judged.

5. This city and the religious system within it are completely destroyed in one single hour. (Rev 18: 10, 18: 17) Too big to fall, too great to fail does not apply to Rome, its days are numbered. It is worthy of note to remind those who think it cannot happen that the same Christ who prophesied the end of Jerusalem and the total destruction of its temple in only one generation (70 AD) is the very same one proclaiming the end of Rome. The Jews of antiquity ignored their warning and modern man it seems, will be no different.

6. Christ will physically return to earth after the destruction of this city. He will arrive in the full power of his Father and judge the living and the dead. He will proceed to rule this world for another 1,000 years. (Rev 20: 4) Sorry no 'end of the world' scenario will ensue. This world ends when God is done with it and not before. You should stop worrying about pandemics, asteroids and nuclear warfare because that is simply not the way it is going to happen.

7. Jesus Christ will be present in the earth; all religions true and false will cease to exist the moment he returns. Real Christianity will not need to go on because the Lord will be seen, worshipped and obeyed in person. False religions will cease because it will be known that they were false and used by the god of this world to mis-lead men. There will be no Islam, Judaism, Buddhism or any other of the fancies of men. The devil that used false or incomplete (Judaism) religious systems and idols to deceive men will also be removed for the one thousand year rule of Christ. (Rev 20: 2)

Why the Pope's New Approach is Impossible to Separate from Last Day's Prophecies

To relegate the Pope's new inclination to secularism and ecumenicism as a personality quirk or an inclination to join modernity's aspirations for a new world order is high nonsense. It is apostasy clear and simple and it is prophecy. The last day's prophecies are fully underway in this hour and time is closing the gap. Some will refuse to believe, some will ponder, but not act and a few, a very few, will take heed and remove themselves from the deadly fray.

The Pope is betraying the 1.2 billion Catholics he leads, but much worse, he is betraying the entire world. He is helping to fulfill last day's prophecy. Whether he is fully aware of what he is doing or is a pawn pummeled by his own presumption and power is not clear. What is clear is this – he also, like the lowest of men, will have to answer for his apostasy.

"Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" (Mt 18: 7)

© Michael Bresciani


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