Michael Bresciani
Three reasons why we know that Allah and the God of the Bible are not the same
By Michael Bresciani
January 14, 2015

Approximately a quarter of the Bible is prophecy that has to do with how the world goes in the future. It is a detailed picture of many events leading up to the well-known final conflict on earth known as the Battle of Armageddon.

Preceding this event many things have to occur to set the stage. Two of those things are now converging at breakneck speed. They are fully known by the bible believing people of earth, but as predicted they are completely unseen by those who are not.

The convergence of the apostasy (falling away) and political correctness is one of the major prophecies of end times. The world imagines PC to be the means by which everyone learns to walk hand in hand with a smile and that includes all major religions. Prophecy says the world will try it, even as some rush to build nuclear weapons, oppress entire nations and expand their power base right in our smiling happy PC faces.

In the 'PC prophecy' war only one emerges as true and it goes without saying which one that will be.

PC guided religion? Satan pulls out his big guns

From the Pope to Oprah Winfrey all seem to be in agreement, God, like gold is wherever you find him. The falsehood of last day's apostasy has to do with the source or the direction from which your religion originated. If it came from earth, a concoction of rules, liturgies, laws and ceremonies by which to placate God it is always a falsehood.

If it comes from above and has no fingerprints of man on it, it is God showing us who he is and what he wants of us. From the giving of the law (Ten Commandments) to the revelation of his son (Jesus Christ) God has bypassed man's religious proclivities and provided a revelation of himself, quite without the help of man.

Religion, itself is cancelled completely as long as it is only used as a substitute and not a supplement. God wants relationship, not religion. In fact, without it religion naturally becomes the biggest substitute man has ever conjured to keep himself busy with God stuff, but completely removed from God himself.

If ceremony and outward practices could have produced God then we would see the complex Jewish temple system of worship still in place today. It has passed and its modern counterpart Catholicism will also take the same path in the last days – that too is prophecy.

God is not pluralistic – he is singular

When mega-celebrity Oprah Winfrey declared that she had abandoned the Christian faith after hearing a sermon in which her preacher described God as a jealous God, she took the bait and ran before discerning the meaning of "jealousy" in the context of the first commandment.

It is an error that many are making in today's climate of hyper-PC nonsense. In a politically correct world, proponents of PC are the new social prophets. The presumption and pitifulness of elevating celebrities above the revealed word of God will not be noticed until the last day of time – for some. The final result of this error will not be a pretty thing to see.

God is not jealous for himself as if there were some heavenly competition between him and other gods. The truth is that there are no other gods. They do not exist.

"And he shall say, Where are their gods, their rock in whom they trusted, Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, and be your protection. See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand." (De 32: 37-39)

The jealousy is for us. It is the equivalent of watching our sons or daughters being hoodwinked by a crooked jewelry salesman who sells a zircon in place of a diamond to give as their engagement ring to their nuptial.

Are religions without a Savior who died for the sins of the world and rose from the grave zircons? You can bet on it. Is God jealous when we waltz off into error and deception, you can bet on that too. This is reasonable jealousy and if we had better sense we would be thankful God is sufficiently jealous. It isn't that zircons aren't pretty, but like God, what person doesn't want the real thing for their own children?

Three reasons not to follow the ecumenical pied piper toward Allah or any other so called deity

1.) Prior to the attacks of 9/11 the West knew little of the religion of Islam and even less of the book called the Qu'ran that guides most of the 1.2 Muslims in our world. Those days have changed dramatically.

Hundreds of books and many articles are available to show us the differences we have never known. They are differences so stark and radical that ignoring them is dangerous. Articles like Geri Ungurean's – "The Muslim Jesus Vs. The Jesus of the Holy Bible" should not be missed or J. Matt Barber's – "Are Christians and Muslims the Same?"

It is the bible that stands in direct contrast to the message that emerged from the caves of Medina in the seventh century. And in no uncertain terms that message is in direct conflict with the bible.

The first and most amazing difference between Islam and the bible message is derived from a passage so well known that even unbelievers quote it, and at times mis-use it, as in the famous Seinfeld episode when George declares that "a George divided against himself cannot stand."

When Christ was found casting out devils the religious leaders of his day decided that he must be casting out the devils by the power of Satan. His reply to them was divine, but one would think it was too apparent for even the Pharisees to miss.

"But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?" (Mt 12: 24-26)

The question is simple – if Satan knows his kingdom is in jeopardy if he kicks out his demons why would God let some of his children kill some of his other children in his other name – Allah.

Unless God has been overcome by a serious case of schizophrenia he would never direct some of his children to murder some of his other children. This fact is woefully ignored by today's ecumenicists who insist that the God of the bible and Allah are one and the same.

The murder of Christians and anyone else who is non-Muslim is proof enough that Allah and the God of the bible are not the same. Not even close!

2.) Christ made it clear that in the Day of Judgment that everything we have done to others will be counted as something we did to him. This proclamation includes every human being on earth not just the believers.

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." (Mt 25: 40)

Whether it is acts of kindness or Jihad against someone – all deeds will be regarded as something done to Jesus Christ.

If Allah and the God of the bible are one, then exactly why is God encouraging acts against his Christ and those who follow him?

If you need further explanation for this blaring contradiction, then you may want to first look up the meaning of the word 'reprobate' – because you are already there.

3.) The bible has a foolproof way of determining whether ministers' evangelist', prophets' and all media gospel preachers are true to scripture and have certified ministries that have originated from God. It goes so far as to include even those revelations supposedly gotten from celestial creatures like angels. To wit:

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Ga 1: 8)

When this test, provided by the Apostle Paul, is administered to the revelations alleged to have been given to Mohammed by the angel Gabriel in the caves of Medina, that vision comes up short.

No part of the gospel of Christ includes the killing of other people to promote Christ or any other deity some may imagine exists.

The conclusion is obvious, Allah and the God of the bible are not one and the same and it is more likely that one is actually the god of this world acting out what he does best which is to tell damning and dangerous lies to an unsuspecting world.

Jesus warned the religious leaders of his day that they had become children of the devil, how much more does this warning apply today as the world sinks into PC generated apostasy?

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (Jn 8: 44)

The Myth of the Moderate Muslim

We know that being only a politician and not a trained theologian George Bush was bound to utter the phrase about Islam being a "peaceful religion." Hundreds of terror attacks around the world since that phrase was spoken have dispelled the naiveté in which it was uttered.

Now that the Qu'ran has been examined from cover to cover it is discovered that the book is what is radical. Muslims are only as radical as they are serious about the book.

Contrary to the PC generated saying that is heard around the world that we are only fighting radical or extremist Muslims who are terrorists, it is time to get a great deal more honest.

When a Christian gets serious about the bible they will study scriptures more, do acts of kindness or become active in ministry. When Muslims start to take the Qu'ran seriously someone will die.

Writer Greg Holt of the Olive Branch Report notes in an article in which he show Attorney General Eric Holder defending Islam; one of the most significant, yet almost completely overlooked dangers of the Qu'ran. The call to kill the "infidel" is a command not a suggestion in the Qu'ran. Believing in what is perceived by Muslims as God is only half the picture, being under command to kill those who don't believe is the other half. Holder, Obama and half of America doesn't seem to get this dangerous fact.

On Allen B. West's website there is an article entitled "Right here in Texas: Islamic conference features speaker implicated in WTC bombing". The article which points out that the conference is being attended by unindicted co-conspirator of the 1993 WTC bombing.

The blog replies to West's article are strong and scathing at the least, but perhaps one person named Frank S. said it all with this comment.

His view seems to be that complacency is a form of complicity and he worded it thusly.

"Radical Islamists will cut your head off; moderate Islamists want the radicals to cut your head off"

So far he has garnered more "likes" than anyone else on the blog.

Harshness is not the aim of this article, but it is honesty. Admitting that the book we call the Qu'ran is what is radical and that it is making radicals of many Muslims is the beginning of that honesty.

© Michael Bresciani


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