Michael Bresciani
The history of evil -- Planned Parenthood writes a new page
By Michael Bresciani
July 25, 2015

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." (Mark 21: 25-26)

This verse, taken from the gospel of Mark, has nothing to do with a last day's wave of heart attacks, but rather it is a prophetic picture of the collective fainting of the hearts of men at the sudden, deep and wholly unexpected changes that are rolling into human history.

This week America is reeling from the videos in which officials from Planned Parenthood are negotiating the going price for the organs of unborn babies. We are witnessing something far more sinister than the ancient pagan world's excursion into the offering of children to be burned in the fires of the idol known as Molech.

Today's version of the "fires of Molech" is more sadistic and wicked than the ancients could have imagined, because it is now done under the cover of "law." One man out of a band of nine cast the deciding vote for Roe v. Wade in 1973 and since then the waves of unborn children have met their doom to the grand figure of 55 million and counting. This is the "law"? If Molech were actually a real and living deity – he would be delighted.

The rest of the world's nations mandate abortions out of fear (over population) but they are no slouches in honoring the idol of Molech. In China, it is reported that upwards of 336 million abortions have been performed since 1971. The latest twist from the orient is reportedly eating the remains of aborted babies in a soup which is thought to rejuvenate youthfulness in those who practice this kind of cannibalism.

Moderns think they have by means of consensus science arrived at the place where all superstitious allusions to God, gods and deities have been properly abandoned, but have not noticed that they have thrown the baby out with the wash.

They scoff at intelligent design while scraping through the dirt of their archaeological digs with fine camel hair brushes and high expectations that they may at last uncover one of the millions of missing links for the species we now know as the human genus. Undaunted, they are willing to cling to the few remains, all which have fallen into repute and total about 12, depending on which scientist you ask, to answer the question of origins for an entire generation.

Even those who do not believe in God are beginning to ask if the camel hair brushes would not be more useful for brushing away the little mounds of dirt in the human psyche; not in search of an intelligent designer, but for intelligence itself.

Have Godliness and true wisdom now become fossils?

In the east it is abortion and sterilization to avoid overpopulation. Is the west's answer homosexual marriage, how many children come out of that perverted arrangement?

We can imagine the Apostle Paul kneeling in prayer and peering far ahead into the prophetic cloud of the will and counsel of God, only to turn and write of this generation in these most unflattering terms.

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come." ((2Tim 3: 1) After this Paul concludes that the last day's generation will be..."Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." (2 Tim 3: 7)

Now it seems that the political class is all wound up over what conservative candidate for president will come and sweep away the entire moral decline with his pen and cellphone.

I like the Donald too, but what makes us think that a loudmouth rich man whose greatest accomplishments are the acquisition of gleaming skyscrapers and the parade of half nude women in a pageant, is the most likely one to lead, change and even save a nation from its own complete demise? Has statesmanship also passed into memory with only a fossil record to attest that it once was? More camel hair brushes needed here.

The best the Donald has offered if elected president is to support a congressional bill referred to as the "Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act" which would prohibit all abortions after 20 weeks except in cases of medical emergency. Not even 10 billion dollars seems enough to wake up the Donald to the simple biological fact that at only a few weeks into the growth of a fetus you have a human being and no law of man will ever change that. Thanks for the compromise, but it will not suffice in the Day of Judgment.

Hidden under the mounds of dirt called 'politically correct speech' and 'cultural diversity' can be found the fossils of human wisdom and better judgment. Let's dig there – because political correctness, compromise and election rhetoric are lousy substitutes for a real conscience.

No one, including Donald Trump, who is not willing to make a full frontal attack against all abortion and perverted same sex marriage, is any more than a paper tiger vying for our votes based on a better deal than Barack Obama. America needs more than a substitute for Obama; we need a first class statesman with a full blown conscience.

This article would not be complete if I did not show the reader that the Apostle Mark's dire warning that the hearts of men would fail, is appendaged with what radio commentator Paul Harvey used to call, "The rest of the story."

We don't know which politician will be inaugurated as our next president, but we do know who will come in last to become the first for all eternity.

Planned Parenthood may be writing a new page in the history of evil but we know exactly who will write the last page of human history and bring in the long awaited correction to the misrule of men.

"And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Mark 21: 27-28)

© Michael Bresciani


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