Michael Bresciani
Mr. Trump: a Rolex watch is not a moral compass
By Michael Bresciani
August 17, 2015

Obviously, this title is a hook, I have no idea what kind of a watch Donald Trump wears, but I don't know what kind of moral compass he follows either – does anyone?

Mr Trump's cockiness has brought him to the top of the endless polls as the candidate with the toughest rhetoric against everything the leftists, liberals and lawless bunch think is peachy keen.

But, is it anything more than rhetoric? Is there any substance, past record, long standing position, moral perseverance or even believability to anything the Donald says?

On closer examination it seems that Trump is a political Indiana Jones – he is just making it up as he goes along.

The latest wishy washy uninformed proclamation is a statement made on CNN that he would like to see some of Planned Parenthood's programs and services continued and given ample funding.

Live Action's Lila Rose says "Trump's vacillation on Planned Parenthood funding is deeply troubling, and reveals an ignorance about their horrific abortion practices – their killing over 320,000 children a year, and bartering to sell the body parts of those they abort. It's obvious from Mr. Trump's comments that he has not watched the Planned Parenthood videos released by Center for Medical Progress. That is the only way he could recommend to continue funding this abortion conglomerate that is totally unnecessary and any organization that engages in these human rights abuses does not deserve a penny of tax payers' money. It would be better spent on health services that would save the lives of women and babies. I challenge Mr. Trump to watch the videos."

Trump has insulted Megyn Kelly, risked a war with Fox's Roger Ailes, and proclaimed on CNN's "New Day" that if he whines enough he will always win.

Trump said, "I do whine because I want to win and I'm not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win."

Someone – give this man his baby binky before he spits-up all over us.

Mr. Trump claims to be a Presbyterian, a church that recently altered its definition of marriage to include same-sex couples. He says he tries to go to church and at the very least will attend on Christmas and Easter.

Among evangelicals a Christmas-Easter type Christian is called a CE which is another way of saying they are wannabes. Discipleship and church attendance are miles apart. A bit of church attendance can neither make a Christian nor deny him the chance to become one, but modern mans over reliance on all things relative is often only a means to self-deception

What is relative is that even Trump could not buy Big Ben from the British, but we could stand in front of Big Ben and ask a man who wears a twenty five dollar Timex for the time and get the same result.

What we cannot do is – get what is moral from a timepiece.

Relativity fails when it comes to morality. We can ask any person for advice but they can only deliver what has previously been deposited. To wit:

"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh." (Lu 6: 45)

When we put it all together, what America has done after hearing and cheering Trump's statements about immigration and his subsequent refusal to back down, is to waive him through to the front of the line.

Now, we would send a warring, whining, wishy-washy, wannabe – winging his way to Washington without a wary word to the wise!

Good thinking America!

It is at this juncture you would expect this writer to say, we should believe the Bible, then quote a verse or two that would cast aspersions on the Donald. While it's not a bad idea we can't start that high up the common sense ladder. Let's look at the first few wrungs and ask these questions on what we think we should believe about Donald Trump.

Do we you believe that in several lifetimes Mr. Trump can get Mexico to pay for our wall on the border?

Do we really believe that this self-proclaimed star is the right ego and the right temperament to have his finger on the nuclear button in today's volatile world?

Do we honestly believe that a cocky billionaire has any lasting solution to the deep moral decline we have been in for an entire generation?

Can money, jobs, business acumen, stock market booms and burgeoning markets get God to back off from even one of his promises that clearly say the nation that sins will be cutoff and eventually destroyed.

Don't believe God? Then take an honest look at history, it wouldn't be the first time a nation plunged into moral decline and passed from history – never to be heard from again.

I will provide this one verse, lest I be remiss in my duty and calling.

"Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward." (Isaiah 1: 4)

Abortion, chop-shop babies, perverted marriage, an ongoing national sexual obsessive compulsive disorder, corruption and deep darkness on every level don't mean much; Trump's solution for all of this is – kick China's butt, bounce the immigrants back to Mexico, conjure up a few jobs and proceed to live happily ever after.

This is not bad thinking, it is the means by which we will become the world's bully instead of the world's policemen – it is callous cultural degradation that defies God and insults the very heritage of our nation.

© Michael Bresciani


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