Michael Bresciani
The tale of two Hillarys -- and one Donald Trump
By Michael Bresciani
October 22, 2016

Daily dumps of emails from WikiLeaks have provided us with an unfolding story that could aptly be titled – "The Tale of Two Hillarys."

The public Hillary supports Israel, loves Americans, did not knowingly send classified emails on a private server and above all has been a paragon of virtue and honesty.

The private Hillary (as provided by her own emails) Uses Israel like a pawn, is fed up and disgusted with everyday Americans, and would make deals with anyone who would re-classify heretofore classified documents so as to get some folks jobs in law enforcement and make herself look like America's own loving matriarchal savior.

Talk about splitting a party's ticket. Perhaps we should print her name on the ballot twice and let America choose which of the two Hillary personas they really want to elect.

Entire cultural groups have now been alerted to her true nature.

The Native Americans use the term "forked tongue,' the spiritual people might use "Cloven tongued," whereas the naturalists might liken her to the split tongued snake. She is a true political double feature and a prime example of the art of "doublespeak." Old cowboys would call her a double-crosser, but to the crop of liberal minded sycophants' in this day – she is still their favorite candidate.

Little wonder this nation is in such serious trouble on every level.

But Hillary is not satisfied to be the master of doublespeak, she also expects everyone to accept her double standards and just, blindly – believe her excuses and endless rhetorical drivel as an explanation – throw in a little Abraham Lincoln – and then drive it home to those who refuse to see anything beyond their noses.

Trump's call for justice was scoffed at, when he announced he would appoint an Attorney General that would prosecute her.

With her silver tongued indignant attitude she questions Donald Trump's temperament which is yet untested. But without polish or fanfare Mr. Trump calls her "Crooked Hillary," a term which we now know full well, between WikiLeaks, and her own record, is as accurate as it gets.

She may want to deport Melania, reduce Donald to dust and perhaps put a drone on Julian Assange, but Trump wants only what millions of Americans also want for Hillary – it is a thing called justice.

It may seem quaintly all American to tell ourselves we are all just about to take a trip on the "vote your conscience ship" but liberals are in such a make believe world that they have not checked whether they have enough fuel or provisions for that long journey. Nor have they checked to see if they even have a working conscience.

Apostle Paul said in the last days the guide called a conscience will not be working in many people. To wit:

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron." (1Tim 4: 1-2)

Call me crazy, but anyone planning to murder and discard a perfectly innocent unborn child has been listening to doctrines of devils. How about someone who plans to wipe out another nearly six million unborn babies over the next four years?

In a four year long Hillary administration 5,840,000 more babies will die on abortion tables.

About one percent of a projected 600,000 immigrants taken in as "refugees" will produce terror acts with unknown consequences and unknown death counts. Is she willing to gamble with our lives to enforce such a reckless policy?

Unlike doing a few favors for foreign entities to raise millions for the Clinton Foundation, it will take more than favors to pull down even a fraction of the national debt which is now sailing toward 20 trillion dollars.

Then of course, whether we believe it or not, is the testing of God's patience for four more years of perverted marriage and immorality that is covering the land like a dark foggy cloud that leaves behind a slimy covering upon the minds of an entire generation.

So now all we have to do is discuss the last and final debate, moderated by Chris Wallace, and see which candidate seems like the winner.

On the subject of the presidential debate – let's see!

Most concur that Hillary lost the last and final debate. She pivoted and obfuscated on every direct question Trump leveled at her, but none so much as Trump's question about her statement in a paid speech that she was – for open borders.

With a bevy of hollow words she blamed Russia and Putin and took no responsibility for her own remarks.

She produced what looked like a bad episode of Tim Roth's "Lie to Me" but it took no expert in body language and facial expressions to uncover her lies. The facts are now out there for the American public and the entire world to see.

In summary we have Donald Trump, not quite so prepped polished and eloquent as Ms. Clinton, but completely honest. He is also completely willing to drain the swamp of D.C. insiders and usurpers and give us a chance for a new start.

On the other hand we have Hillary pivoting, dodging and darting around not just a bad record of accomplishments, but a heaping mountain of lies.

Donald has at times referred to Ms. Clinton as "Crooked Hillary" – we now know why.

We also know that Donald was always way ahead of the class because Americans now know one thing for certain...

Hillary Clinton is a liar.

© Michael Bresciani


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