Michael Bresciani
Resurrection, anti-science, and Antichrist – what is true and what is not?
By Michael Bresciani
April 9, 2020

As we near Easter or what we now largely refer to as Resurrection Day, we are in the midst of the worldwide pandemic centering around the Coronavirus or Covid-19. Because of this pandemic, the nonsense and blather about things of faith and things of science colliding has surfaced like the dross in the refiner's furnace.

When the heat is turned up, the impurities and the useless elements always rise to the top. But the refiner always scrapes them off and discards them completely.

Perhaps the isolation caused by the pandemic's social distancing might bring forth some actual time to sit and ponder what is true and what is not. Turn up the fires of truth and let's see what rises to the surface.

Resurrection – it is no secret

The Bible is unmistakably the most accurate book of history in the world. It rivals Josephus, Herodotus, and the remaining books of Roman History for authenticity and accuracy. It has been referenced by scholars across the globe for centuries.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ was witnessed by numerous people over a 40-day period and by 500 people at one time. Christ's entire life was public, and twelve witnesses to everything he did and said followed him during the three years of his public ministry.

While addressing King Agrippa, the Apostle Paul said these well-known words concerning all the events in Christ's life – "for this thing was not done in a corner." (Acts 26:26b)

Today, we accept lies coming from the internet and other media without question, and entire movements and social groupings are moved to action based on a rumor. The life and events of Christ are perhaps a thousand times more reliable than anything coming off the press today.

Unbelief is a choice not based on the evidence. It is a condition of the human heart; it is the automatic response of the guilty to avoid acknowledging culpability.

Little wonder the Bible warns about the deceptiveness of the human heart:

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jer. 17:9)

The contrast is that while the resurrection is so easily dismissed, it is also the most important fact in the entire universe. What we decide about it determines the future for every man and woman on the planet. To wit:

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (Ro 10:9)

Anti-science – something the faithful are not

Untold numbers of the world's best scientists have been Christians. Not every scientist is an atheist or an agnostic. Wisdom is indeed justified of her children, but there are rebellious wise and obedient wise. Who could have guessed?

This writer has waited for the answer to one question, for a lifetime. If the universe came from the big bang, then where did the materials come from to ignite the big bang? Did they exist without being created? Do you think believing in God is difficult and believing in a big bang is easy?

This isn't a matter of faith and or science – it is a matter of – it's time for you to grow up and stop glorifying science and using it like a crutch. Its OK to think on your own!

Everything has an original source – everything did not come from nothing. Either God is the source, or nothing is the source. Those who insist on "nothing" should never be allowed to call themselves scientists. They are on the level of handicappers at the race track, but they are not the creators of horses.

Most Christians readily acknowledge that science is both good and necessary. In fact, we enjoy the excitement of its advances and breakthroughs. Biblically-based believers are not confused. We don't expect science to substitute for God, and we surely know God is not a substitute for truth derived by well-directed empiricism.

We also know that shortly before Jesus Christ returns as he promised, knowledge would be greatly increased. (Da 12:4) It is at least one of the ways in which God allows us to cope with our increasingly complex modern world.

It must be re-stated a thousand times, until the end of time. We do not put science over against God – what we do is give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and we give to God the things that are God's. (Lu 20:25)

Resurrection and science still open for us to decide – Antichrist will decide for you

It may seem unbelievable for some to learn that it is not society, science, or politics that decides the future of men.

What decides our future is the immutable and irreversible will and counsel of the Living God that are conveyed to us in what we call prophecy.

What does prophecy say?

It is quite clear. Prophecy declares that men will continue to resist the call of God until the end of time – in fact it is that resistance that precipitates the end times and the return of the Lord.

As the days near, men will sink into the darkness of their own ill-advised decisions and that will bring on the rise of the biblically promised last ruler known as the Antichrist.

When this political, military, and economic genius comes to rule, he will decide everything for everyone, everywhere. The Bible declares that he will rule every nation, tongue, and tribe on earth. (Rev 13:7)

He will decide if you can believe in God, where you may live, what you can say, and if you will be allowed to buy or sell anything in this world. While not every person will submit to this tyranny – the cost of resistance will be your life. (Rev 13:15)

In short, the coming Antichrist will make Hitler look like a choir boy.

This writer is among the growing millions of people who believe that he is alive today and only waiting in the wings to be revealed. Like so many others, I am not worried because I have believed that One has risen from the dead. I know the Antichrist's death-dealing administration cannot cancel my resurrection.

Happy Resurrection Day


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Michael Bresciani is the editor of American Prophet.org since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Bresciani along with some of America's best writers and journalists. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Visit us at, GAB, SocialCross, also on Twitter and Facebook

© Michael Bresciani


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