Alan Caruba
Don't be an April 'Earth Month' Fool
By Alan Caruba

The annual calendar is filled with days and months designated for the purpose of calling attention to some event, personality, or cause. The U.S. celebrates the birthdays of Lincoln and Washington that fall close together. There's Mother's and Father's Day, Labor Day and Veteran's Day, Valentine's, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas.
But who decided that April was "Earth Month" or that April 22 is "Earth Day"?
Why are we expected to worship the planet that was here billions of years before we showed up and will likely be here long after we manage to destroy ourselves with cataclysmic wars. And it is worship that is at the heart of these two events. That alone should tell you how essentially pagan they are.
This Earth Month will celebrate its 45th anniversary, having begun in 1970 and, not surprisingly, its theme is "Our planet in peril." Our planet is not in peril. It's been around for 4.5 billion years and short of a rogue asteroid or our getting sucked into a black hole, the planet will be around several billions of years more. The galaxy in which we live is relatively predictable and stable, so the notion that the Earth is in peril borders on idiocy.
Well, idiocy, if you think that it is in peril from us, the human species. This is at the core of the environmental mindset. It appears that merely using the Earth as a place to live is reason enough to hold us responsible for everything that naturally occurs to it.
Environmentalists do not like the human race and will not hesitate to tell you there are too many of us. They do what they can to reduce the population through disease by, for example, banning DDT and any other chemicals that protect us from insect and rodent pests that are major vectors for the transmission of disease.
According to the 2015 Earth Month Network, Inc. announcement "There are literally hundreds of problems and issues plaguing our global environment, i.e., climate change, global warming and their effects; and the continuation of polluting our delicate ecosystem just to mention a few."
Which is it? Climate change or global warming? There hasn't been any dramatic global warming in the past 19 years during which the planet has been in a natural cooling cycle, along with the Sun which we depend upon to warm us. So anyone claiming the Earth is warming is blowing smoke up your skirt.
As for climate change, that has always been occurring. Short term it's called the four seasons. Long term it takes the form of ice ages, major glaciations that have occurred every 140 million years, and other eras such as the Great Permian Extinction, the largest in Earth's history that wiped out an estimated 95% of every kind of life-form on Earth. It was one of four mass extinctions over the course of the 3.5 billion years that life has existed on Earth. Remember the mammoths? They died a mere 11,500 years ago.
Last year, the Earth Month theme was "Returning to Nature." Do you really want to return to nature? No electricity. No shelter other than a nice cave. No food except for the animals or fish you would have to catch for dinner. No vegetables or fruits except those you could find wherever you lived. That's right, no supermarkets! And, if you want to go anywhere, you will have to walk.
Yes, nature sounds wonderful and, in its own way, is wonderful, but the human species has devoted a great deal of time to finding ways to survive it.
I was reminded that April was Earth Month when I received an email from the Saybrook Point Inn & Spa which said this Connecticut site was "excited to offer a special package to honor Earth Day." It is "a Certified Green Hotel" and you will be treated to a "unique Ecotourism Getaway" that provides an "environmentally friendly stay without sacrificing comfort." Why would you want to pay them for their special package if it didn't include comfort and lots of it? Mostly what Saybrook Point wants is your money, just like any other perfectly ordinary inn and spa that isn't "certified."
One can be confident that we are going to be regaled with all manner of "environmental" messages and events throughout April, all of which have the same theme: the Earth is in danger from YOU!
Do yourself a favor. Ignore them. Get in your car and go where you want. Go to the supermarket and don't worry about the plastic packaging or the plastic bags. Set the temperature in your home or apartment to a level of comfort that you like. It's your life and you pay good money to benefit from all the conveniences of modern life.
Let's appreciate the Earth, not worship it.
Environmentalism is one of the great scams of the modern era. Its emphasis on "renewable energy" has been a huge, expensive failure. Its claims of disappearing forests are bogus and its demands for the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will only harm all vegetation everywhere. The Earth needs CO2 in the same way you and all other living creatures need oxygen.
Let's celebrate mankind's mastery of the Earth in the form of agriculture, ranching, sophisticated shelters from the log cabin to the skyscraper, the channeling of rivers to produce energy and the technology that provides clean water for us. And, yes, manufacturing. You can't even imagine what the world was like before the discovery of coal, oil, and natural gas.
The Earth is not in peril, only the truth and common sense are.
© Alan Caruba
April 1, 2015

The annual calendar is filled with days and months designated for the purpose of calling attention to some event, personality, or cause. The U.S. celebrates the birthdays of Lincoln and Washington that fall close together. There's Mother's and Father's Day, Labor Day and Veteran's Day, Valentine's, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas.
But who decided that April was "Earth Month" or that April 22 is "Earth Day"?
Why are we expected to worship the planet that was here billions of years before we showed up and will likely be here long after we manage to destroy ourselves with cataclysmic wars. And it is worship that is at the heart of these two events. That alone should tell you how essentially pagan they are.

Well, idiocy, if you think that it is in peril from us, the human species. This is at the core of the environmental mindset. It appears that merely using the Earth as a place to live is reason enough to hold us responsible for everything that naturally occurs to it.
Environmentalists do not like the human race and will not hesitate to tell you there are too many of us. They do what they can to reduce the population through disease by, for example, banning DDT and any other chemicals that protect us from insect and rodent pests that are major vectors for the transmission of disease.
According to the 2015 Earth Month Network, Inc. announcement "There are literally hundreds of problems and issues plaguing our global environment, i.e., climate change, global warming and their effects; and the continuation of polluting our delicate ecosystem just to mention a few."
Which is it? Climate change or global warming? There hasn't been any dramatic global warming in the past 19 years during which the planet has been in a natural cooling cycle, along with the Sun which we depend upon to warm us. So anyone claiming the Earth is warming is blowing smoke up your skirt.
As for climate change, that has always been occurring. Short term it's called the four seasons. Long term it takes the form of ice ages, major glaciations that have occurred every 140 million years, and other eras such as the Great Permian Extinction, the largest in Earth's history that wiped out an estimated 95% of every kind of life-form on Earth. It was one of four mass extinctions over the course of the 3.5 billion years that life has existed on Earth. Remember the mammoths? They died a mere 11,500 years ago.
Last year, the Earth Month theme was "Returning to Nature." Do you really want to return to nature? No electricity. No shelter other than a nice cave. No food except for the animals or fish you would have to catch for dinner. No vegetables or fruits except those you could find wherever you lived. That's right, no supermarkets! And, if you want to go anywhere, you will have to walk.
Yes, nature sounds wonderful and, in its own way, is wonderful, but the human species has devoted a great deal of time to finding ways to survive it.
I was reminded that April was Earth Month when I received an email from the Saybrook Point Inn & Spa which said this Connecticut site was "excited to offer a special package to honor Earth Day." It is "a Certified Green Hotel" and you will be treated to a "unique Ecotourism Getaway" that provides an "environmentally friendly stay without sacrificing comfort." Why would you want to pay them for their special package if it didn't include comfort and lots of it? Mostly what Saybrook Point wants is your money, just like any other perfectly ordinary inn and spa that isn't "certified."
One can be confident that we are going to be regaled with all manner of "environmental" messages and events throughout April, all of which have the same theme: the Earth is in danger from YOU!
Do yourself a favor. Ignore them. Get in your car and go where you want. Go to the supermarket and don't worry about the plastic packaging or the plastic bags. Set the temperature in your home or apartment to a level of comfort that you like. It's your life and you pay good money to benefit from all the conveniences of modern life.
Let's appreciate the Earth, not worship it.
Environmentalism is one of the great scams of the modern era. Its emphasis on "renewable energy" has been a huge, expensive failure. Its claims of disappearing forests are bogus and its demands for the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will only harm all vegetation everywhere. The Earth needs CO2 in the same way you and all other living creatures need oxygen.
Let's celebrate mankind's mastery of the Earth in the form of agriculture, ranching, sophisticated shelters from the log cabin to the skyscraper, the channeling of rivers to produce energy and the technology that provides clean water for us. And, yes, manufacturing. You can't even imagine what the world was like before the discovery of coal, oil, and natural gas.
The Earth is not in peril, only the truth and common sense are.
© Alan Caruba
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