Bonnie Chernin
Is Santa Claus harmful for kids?
By Bonnie Chernin

Every year it's the same story.
As Santa takes his toy inventory
Leftists don't like "Merry Christmas,"
Or Nativity scenes
Some places even bar reds and greens
Now, if a liberal professor has his say...
Even Santa Claus will go away.
I'm tired of the entire thing.
The more I look it up on Google and Bing,..
I like Santa Claus
I always did.
Even as a young Jewish girl, as a kid...
Many years ago, I wrote a song
Thinking it was innocent, with nothing wrong
I have a soft spot for the lyrics.
Even though they give liberals hysterics...
"The Rise and Shine of Sara Lynn"
Is a tale of a little girl who loves to grin.
"Waiting for Santa" is the song's name
And you can bet for that I'll take the blame
And if you don't want to show restraint
You can file a Secular Complaint
With the Elves Committee for Christmas Grinches.
My guess is they won't give you more than pinches.
To those who frown, or say "Tsk, tsk..."
Just so you know I like Christmas.
I love the carols, colors, reds and greens.
And just what does all these correctness mean?
It means if it's Chanukah that you celebrate
I will say: Mazel Tov! Please participate!
And if Christmas is your faith or preference.
Well, then to that, I bid you deference.
And to the person from the ACLU
To him I'll say "So long!"
Or else he'll sue.
Makes sense to me,
I hope we can agree.
And in good faith, with all good cheer
Can we still say, "Happy New Year?"
If the professor still states forthwith
That Santa Claus is just a myth
I'll tell him look, It's one I'm happy with
And maybe he should join the B'nai Brith!
Trust that no offense was e'er intended...
Still I will part now, this poem is ended.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Copyright 2018 By Bonnie Chernin.
Waiting for Santa

Sara Lynn got a glimpse of his big white beard!
"NO!" She cried.
"That man looks WEIRD!"
Sara Lynn was so afraid
Bundled on the floor she stayed
Please G-d, Change her mood!" I prayed.
"Dear child there's no need to cry
Cause Santa is a pretty nice guy.
Sara Lynn please come with me
It's time to sit on Santa's knee."
"Santa has to give out toys
To all the other girls and boys.
If you don't come here quick
You won't get to see St. Nick.
Santa's on a roll...
He's heading back to the North Pole!"
And off he goes...
Through snow that froze...
And off he went...
Christmas wishes sent.
Sara Lynn was so upset.
See, there was this toy that she hoped to get.
So I gave her a toy that I did pick.
And I told her:
"Guess what! It comes from St. Nick!"
I asked her...
"Sara Lynn, are you still afraid?"
She said:
"No! And I wish Santa had stayed!
And I hope Santa Claus comes back again...
Cause if he does...
I'll make him my best friend."
"I'll be a good girl...
Just like I should...
Please come back Santa
Please come back...
Come back Santa...
Come back Santa...
And so Santa
Went on his way
We slept late
On Christmas Day
And there she slept
Beneath the tree
With the doll
She got from me...
Though she never met Santa.
Sara Lynn never shed a tear.
For there will always be Christmas
And Santa will come back...
Next year.
Copyright 2000. Lyrics and music by Bonnie Chernin.
© Bonnie Chernin
December 22, 2018

Every year it's the same story.
As Santa takes his toy inventory
Leftists don't like "Merry Christmas,"
Or Nativity scenes
Some places even bar reds and greens
Now, if a liberal professor has his say...
Even Santa Claus will go away.
I'm tired of the entire thing.
The more I look it up on Google and Bing,..
I like Santa Claus
I always did.
Even as a young Jewish girl, as a kid...
Many years ago, I wrote a song
Thinking it was innocent, with nothing wrong
I have a soft spot for the lyrics.
Even though they give liberals hysterics...
"The Rise and Shine of Sara Lynn"
Is a tale of a little girl who loves to grin.
"Waiting for Santa" is the song's name
And you can bet for that I'll take the blame
And if you don't want to show restraint
You can file a Secular Complaint
With the Elves Committee for Christmas Grinches.
My guess is they won't give you more than pinches.
To those who frown, or say "Tsk, tsk..."
Just so you know I like Christmas.
I love the carols, colors, reds and greens.
And just what does all these correctness mean?
It means if it's Chanukah that you celebrate
I will say: Mazel Tov! Please participate!
And if Christmas is your faith or preference.
Well, then to that, I bid you deference.
And to the person from the ACLU
To him I'll say "So long!"
Or else he'll sue.
Makes sense to me,
I hope we can agree.
And in good faith, with all good cheer
Can we still say, "Happy New Year?"
If the professor still states forthwith
That Santa Claus is just a myth
I'll tell him look, It's one I'm happy with
And maybe he should join the B'nai Brith!
Trust that no offense was e'er intended...
Still I will part now, this poem is ended.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Copyright 2018 By Bonnie Chernin.
Waiting for Santa

It was December.
It was Christmas Eve.
It was a cold, blustery night.
There was Sara Lynn
There were candy canes
And the world was drenched in white.
We were waiting for Santa
As she lay in her bed.
Along came a sleigh of reindeer
And some tiny elves instead.
Where is Santa?
Where could he be?
As we wait so patiently
The candles are ablaze
Alongside our Christmas tree.
Where is Santa?
Where did he go?
I pray he doesn't leave.
Sara Lynn expects a toy.
She won't wait 'til New Year's Eve...
"Wake up! Wake up! Sara Lynn...
Hurry! Get up from your nap
It's time to sit on Santa's lap!"
Sara Lynn got a glimpse of his big white beard!
"NO!" She cried.
"That man looks WEIRD!"
Sara Lynn was so afraid
Bundled on the floor she stayed
Please G-d, Change her mood!" I prayed.
"Dear child there's no need to cry
Cause Santa is a pretty nice guy.
Sara Lynn please come with me
It's time to sit on Santa's knee."
"Santa has to give out toys
To all the other girls and boys.
If you don't come here quick
You won't get to see St. Nick.
Santa's on a roll...
He's heading back to the North Pole!"
And off he goes...
Through snow that froze...
And off he went...
Christmas wishes sent.
Sara Lynn was so upset.
See, there was this toy that she hoped to get.
So I gave her a toy that I did pick.
And I told her:
"Guess what! It comes from St. Nick!"
I asked her...
"Sara Lynn, are you still afraid?"
She said:
"No! And I wish Santa had stayed!
And I hope Santa Claus comes back again...
Cause if he does...
I'll make him my best friend."
"I'll be a good girl...
Just like I should...
Please come back Santa
Please come back...
Come back Santa...
Come back Santa...
And so Santa
Went on his way
We slept late
On Christmas Day
And there she slept
Beneath the tree
With the doll
She got from me...
Though she never met Santa.
Sara Lynn never shed a tear.
For there will always be Christmas
And Santa will come back...
Next year.
Copyright 2000. Lyrics and music by Bonnie Chernin.
© Bonnie Chernin
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