Bonnie Chernin
The New York Times, they're not a-changing
By Bonnie Chernin
Last month the New York Yankees and Philadelphia Flyers dropped Kate Smith's beautiful and unmatched rendition of the patriotic anthem, "G-d Bless America" because she sang two songs way back in 1931 – that would be 88 years ago – with racist lyrics that are undeniably offensive to everyone today.
Less than two weeks ago, The New York Times International edition published the most atrocious and racist anti-Jewish editorial cartoon since publication and mass distribution of Julius Streicher's Der Stürmer in Nazi Germany. The cartoon, which originally appeared in the Lisbon Expresso newspaper and immediately went viral after its appearance in the New York Times, depicted a blind President Trump being led by a dog with the distorted face of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a Star of David hanging from a collar around his neck.
The Portuguese cartoonist Antonio Antunes responsible for creating this filth blamed the Jewish right for taking offense to the cartoon – after all, sociopathic anti-Semites never blame themselves. As reported in The Times of Israel, Antunes followed up his cartoon with comments to CNN while expressing his real views on Jews:
The calls of anti-Semitism were "made through the Jewish propaganda machine, which is, anytime there's criticism it's because there's someone anti-Semitic on the other side, and that's not the case," Antunes told CNN.
Antonio Antunes goes even further, insisting that his cartoon was not even anti-Semitic as he makes clear in an e-mail to The Jerusalem Post:
"Trump's erratic, destructive and often blind politics encouraged the expansionist radicalism of Netanyahu," he wrote in an emailed response to questions from the Post. "To illustrate this situation, an analogy occurred to me with a blind man [Trump] led by a guide dog [Netanyahu] and, to help identify him, little known in Portugal, I added the Star of David, symbol of the State of Israel and central element of its flag."
So that explains it. I feel much better now.
Of course, the New York Times apologized for their part in publishing the cartoon, stating that it would never happen again. And then it did happen again. The New York Times must be full of apologies these days.
Maybe they should apologize for their follow-up editorial cartoon, this time by Norwegian editorial cartoonist Roar Hagan. His cartoon depicts the Israeli Prime Minister as Moses, taking a selfie while carrying a single tablet. Except instead of the Ten Commandments, the Star of David is emblazoned on the tablet.
The Israel Hayom newsletter provides details of this latest affront to Jews:
"Whatever your interpretation of this particular image, we can only conclude that The New York Times is deliberately giving the Jewish community the proverbial finger even while it apologizes for its other cartoon," tweeted HonestReporting, a non-governmental organization that monitors anti-Israel media bias, regarding the weekend cartoon."
With anti-Semitism spreading all over Europe, and in the aftermath of two anti-Semitic attacks on synagogues in the United States, the New York Times needs to take immediate action not simply to discipline, but to fire anyone responsible who allowed these cartoons to get published. This is not simply an oversight. There is an obvious breakdown in the editorial chain of command.
The New York Times has a long history of anti-Semitism and covering up the atrocities of the Nazi holocaust. They concealed horrific images and information about the Holocaust to the American people back in the 1930s and 40s. Radio and TV talk show host and best-selling author Mark Levin did a recent show in which he explains how The New York Times has been complicit in the rise of anti-Semitism in Nazi Europe and the genocide under Stalin's regime in The Soviet Union. Mark's show is essential viewing and can be seen here.
Law professor Alan Dershowitz, who has written extensively for The New York Times and is a frequent guest on Fox News' Sean Hannity show, denounced the New York Times for publicizing the cartoon, saying he was "shocked." Professor Dershowitz calls the cartoon dehumanizing:
"The distance between the New York Times editorial office and the synagogue in San Diego gets smaller and smaller...and the international edition of the Times is the paper of record. It legitimates what anti-Semites are feeling. Oh, Jews are dogs. Oh, Jews control the world. It legitimates it when it's on the pages of the New York Times."
The Democrat House and Senate leadership, along with their presidential candidates are silent on these anti-Semitic cartoons. They do not condemn these hideous reminders of Germany's history of Jew hatred and extermination of six million of European's Jewry. They don't condemn Rep. Ilahn Omar's (D-Minn) anti-Semitic hate statements. On the contrary, Rep. Omar was immediately appointed to The House Committee on Foreign Affairs, a highly coveted position.
Apparently, the New York Times they're not a-changing. Neither is the Democrat Party. But never mind. Let's worry about offensive lyrics Kate Smith sang almost a century ago rather than focusing on the anti-Semitism that is rising all over the world today.
© Bonnie Chernin
May 5, 2019
Last month the New York Yankees and Philadelphia Flyers dropped Kate Smith's beautiful and unmatched rendition of the patriotic anthem, "G-d Bless America" because she sang two songs way back in 1931 – that would be 88 years ago – with racist lyrics that are undeniably offensive to everyone today.
Less than two weeks ago, The New York Times International edition published the most atrocious and racist anti-Jewish editorial cartoon since publication and mass distribution of Julius Streicher's Der Stürmer in Nazi Germany. The cartoon, which originally appeared in the Lisbon Expresso newspaper and immediately went viral after its appearance in the New York Times, depicted a blind President Trump being led by a dog with the distorted face of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a Star of David hanging from a collar around his neck.
The Portuguese cartoonist Antonio Antunes responsible for creating this filth blamed the Jewish right for taking offense to the cartoon – after all, sociopathic anti-Semites never blame themselves. As reported in The Times of Israel, Antunes followed up his cartoon with comments to CNN while expressing his real views on Jews:
The calls of anti-Semitism were "made through the Jewish propaganda machine, which is, anytime there's criticism it's because there's someone anti-Semitic on the other side, and that's not the case," Antunes told CNN.
Antonio Antunes goes even further, insisting that his cartoon was not even anti-Semitic as he makes clear in an e-mail to The Jerusalem Post:
"Trump's erratic, destructive and often blind politics encouraged the expansionist radicalism of Netanyahu," he wrote in an emailed response to questions from the Post. "To illustrate this situation, an analogy occurred to me with a blind man [Trump] led by a guide dog [Netanyahu] and, to help identify him, little known in Portugal, I added the Star of David, symbol of the State of Israel and central element of its flag."
So that explains it. I feel much better now.
Of course, the New York Times apologized for their part in publishing the cartoon, stating that it would never happen again. And then it did happen again. The New York Times must be full of apologies these days.
Maybe they should apologize for their follow-up editorial cartoon, this time by Norwegian editorial cartoonist Roar Hagan. His cartoon depicts the Israeli Prime Minister as Moses, taking a selfie while carrying a single tablet. Except instead of the Ten Commandments, the Star of David is emblazoned on the tablet.
The Israel Hayom newsletter provides details of this latest affront to Jews:
"Whatever your interpretation of this particular image, we can only conclude that The New York Times is deliberately giving the Jewish community the proverbial finger even while it apologizes for its other cartoon," tweeted HonestReporting, a non-governmental organization that monitors anti-Israel media bias, regarding the weekend cartoon."
With anti-Semitism spreading all over Europe, and in the aftermath of two anti-Semitic attacks on synagogues in the United States, the New York Times needs to take immediate action not simply to discipline, but to fire anyone responsible who allowed these cartoons to get published. This is not simply an oversight. There is an obvious breakdown in the editorial chain of command.
The New York Times has a long history of anti-Semitism and covering up the atrocities of the Nazi holocaust. They concealed horrific images and information about the Holocaust to the American people back in the 1930s and 40s. Radio and TV talk show host and best-selling author Mark Levin did a recent show in which he explains how The New York Times has been complicit in the rise of anti-Semitism in Nazi Europe and the genocide under Stalin's regime in The Soviet Union. Mark's show is essential viewing and can be seen here.
Law professor Alan Dershowitz, who has written extensively for The New York Times and is a frequent guest on Fox News' Sean Hannity show, denounced the New York Times for publicizing the cartoon, saying he was "shocked." Professor Dershowitz calls the cartoon dehumanizing:
"The distance between the New York Times editorial office and the synagogue in San Diego gets smaller and smaller...and the international edition of the Times is the paper of record. It legitimates what anti-Semites are feeling. Oh, Jews are dogs. Oh, Jews control the world. It legitimates it when it's on the pages of the New York Times."
The Democrat House and Senate leadership, along with their presidential candidates are silent on these anti-Semitic cartoons. They do not condemn these hideous reminders of Germany's history of Jew hatred and extermination of six million of European's Jewry. They don't condemn Rep. Ilahn Omar's (D-Minn) anti-Semitic hate statements. On the contrary, Rep. Omar was immediately appointed to The House Committee on Foreign Affairs, a highly coveted position.
Apparently, the New York Times they're not a-changing. Neither is the Democrat Party. But never mind. Let's worry about offensive lyrics Kate Smith sang almost a century ago rather than focusing on the anti-Semitism that is rising all over the world today.
© Bonnie Chernin
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