Bonnie Chernin
Our traveler is on the move
Trying to escape the blues
of his strange northern hometown
that has changed.
He makes his way to the Greater Mississippi
From a delta variant
to a Delta known
seeking out the happy blues
born of Mississippi mud
of music and relaxed expression.
The hopes of a new State of Freeing
from The State of Suppression
and Commanded choices.
But our southern sojourner
has been shot along the way.
There were no bullets
there was no blood
there was only a trigger
a false alarm,
an illegal entry
an extended arm
a momentary cry
the fear of doom
a sterile gauze pad
swiped all resistance.
He was shot
and has armed resistance
shouldering the jab of pain.
Recalling the memory
of freedom’s surge
that grows ever dimmer…
Like the brash band sound of
Beale Street Blues.
People laughing, tapping their feet as
his ears strain to hear what was.
The band plays softly in his head.
Our southern comforter is safe today.
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