Michael Gaynor
Will the Delaware Senate race become a racist disgrace?
By Michael Gaynor
September 21, 2010

Pray not, but recall the disgrace known as the Duke lacrosse case and remember how the race card was shamelessly played in it, in the names of personal benefit and political correctness, by a black false accuser, a white rogue district attorney and "leaders" of the black community in North Carolina, especially in Durham.

Rasmussen Reports, September 16, 2010 (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2010/election_2010_senate_elections/delaware/election_2010_delaware_senate):

"Democrat Chris Coons holds a double-digit lead over Republican hopeful Christine O'Donnell in the first Rasmussen Reports post-primary survey of the U.S. Senate race in Delaware.

"Coons earns 53% of the vote to O'Donnell's 42%, with leaners included. One percent (1%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

"The Delaware race is now viewed as Solid Democrat in the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Senate Balance of Power rankings."

BUT...to Delaware voters, Coons' radical history soon will not be a mystery.

On May 3, 2010, Alex Isenstadt reported in "Coons took bearded Marxist turn" (www.politico.com/news/stories/0510/36726.html) that:

"An article Democrat Chris Coons wrote for his college newspaper may not go over so well in corporation-friendly Delaware, where he already faces an uphill battle for Vice President Joe Biden's old Senate seat.

"The title? 'Chris Coons: The Making of a Bearded Marxist.'

"In the article, Coons, then 21 years old and about to graduate from Amherst College, chronicled his transformation from a sheltered, conservative-minded college student who had worked for former GOP Delaware Sen. William Roth and had campaigned for Ronald Reagan in 1980 into a cynical young adult who was distrustful of American power and willing to question the American notion of free enterprise.

"Coons, the New Castle County executive who is running against GOP Rep. Michael Castle for the state's open Senate seat, wrote of his political evolution in the May 23, 1985, edition of the Amherst Student.

"The source of his conversion, Coons wrote, was a trip to Kenya he took during the spring semester of his junior year — a time away from America, he wrote, that served as a 'catalyst' in altering a conservative political outlook that he was growing increasingly uncomfortable with."

As America grows increasingly dissatisfied with a president who traveled to Kenya too, O'Donnell's previously relatively bare campaign coffer fills, voters focus and the race closes, will the race card be played in an attempt to hold the Senate seat previously held for decades by now Vice President Joseph Biden?

Both of the candidates are white, but that's not a guarantee that the race card will not be done. If O'Donnell wins, the embarrassment of the Obama/Biden Administration will be enormous.

Taking into account Obama's ACORN ties and lies and the reality that Obama's drop in popularity among black voters is significantly less than his drop in popularity among other voters, it would not be a surprise if something racial is done to try to turn out the black vote in a year when President Obama is not on the ballot.

Pray not, but recall the disgrace known as the Duke lacrosse case and remember how the race card was shamelessly played in it, in the names of personal benefit and political correctness, by a black false accuser, a white rogue district attorney and "leaders" of the black community in North Carolina, especially in Durham.

Nearly four years ago, I wrote an article titled "Duke Case: NAACP, Apologize!" (Duke Case: NAACP, Apologize! (December 17, 2006), noting that the NAACP not only jumped to the wrong conclusion, but wanted the white defendants muzzled.

I wrote in part:

"The North Carolina NAACP was right to demand that the [Crystal Gail Mangum gang rape] story be investigated, but it was much too eager for the story to be true. In its zeal it went so far as to call for the gagging of defendants Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty and David Evans (aka the Duke Three) and other potential witnesses in the Duke case....

"By now (really much earlier), it should be apparent to the powers that be in the NC NAACP and Durham's black community that the gang rape story was a lie. Reparations are in order and the Duke Three should be receiving, not paying.

"The 'About the NAACP' blurb at the NAACP website (www.naacp.org) states: 'From the ballot box to the classroom, the dedicated workers, organizers, and leaders who forged this great organization and maintain its status as a champion of social justice, fought long and hard to ensure that the voices of African Americans would be heard. For nearly one hundred years, it has been the talent and tenacity of NAACP members that has saved lives and changed many negative aspects of American society.'

"In the Duke case, however, the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP not only championed the prosecution that is a persecution, but also the judicial silencing, of three innocent young white men, essentially upon the 'naked' word of a person who is not credible, an ex-convict stripper whose shocking gang rape charge against the Duke Three is not only unsupported by any other person at the party at which the alleged gang rape allegedly was committed (allegedly in a small bathroom somehow accommodating the Three and two strippers, one fighting hard to protect herself), but refuted by the presence of DNA of five males in or on the panties of the accuser (Crystal Gail Mangum) and the absence of any DNA of any of the three (or any other white member of the 2005-2006 Duke University Men's Lacrosse Team in Ms. Mangum or on her panties.

"Criminal procedure is supposed to be colorblind.

"If the facts in a hypothetical case were the same as the facts in the Duke case except Ms. Mangum was white instead of black and the Three and the other forty-three white lacrosse players were black instead of white, I'd be calling for dismissal of the charges instead of a trial and I think the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP would be with me.

"The folks in that chapter would be well advised to read Dr. William L. Anderson's latest article on the Duke case — 'Durham and Scottsboro' — available at www.lewrockwell.com/anderson/anderson156.html. In the article, Dr. Anderson 'revisit[s] the Scottsboro Boys case — recognized today as one of the great travesties in American jurisprudence — and show[s] how it has many parallels to the false charges of rape and kidnapping against Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty, and David Evans.'

"The North Carolina NAACP shamed itself by calling for a gag order in the Duke case, AFTER Durham County, North Carolina District Attorney Michael B. Nifong had done his rabble-rousing worst to win an upcoming Democrat district attorney primary by casting himself as the champion of black womanhood: 'I'm not going to allow Durham's view in the minds of the world to be a bunch of lacrosse players at Duke raping a black girl from Durham').

"Good News: That's NOT the public perception of Durham.

"Bad News: The public perception of Durham is a place where a desperate white district attorney decided to play the race card and pander to Durham's black voters by trying to railroad the Duke Three on bogus felony charges and, by doing so, succeeded in winning pluralities in both the Democrat primary and the general election (the latter with a share of the black vote about as great as Tennessee's Harold Ford, a black Congressman, won in his race for the United States Senate this year)."

What will the New Black Panthers do?

Considering what else the New Black Panthers did in the Duke case, concern is very much in order.

During the course of Reade Seligmann's initial court appearance, he was met by a mob including members of the New Black Panthers Party; once in the courtroom one of the members of the New Black Panthers Party told Seligmann that he was "a dead man walking." Nothing of significance was done in response to this threat; indeed, the person who made the threat was not even removed from the courtroom.

In addition to the Party leading a protest march, the head of the Party, Malik Zulu Shabazz, spoke directly with the then District Attorney Nifong and claimed that they discussed the case at some length. On April 27, 2006, the National Field Marshall for the Party reported that the accuser had received death threats. Herald-Sun. The Party was handing out brochures that asked "Had enough of disrespect and racism from Duke University" and showed photographs of defendants Reade Setigmann and Collin Finnerty. In connection with a demonstration that took place on May 1, 2006, the Party issued eight demands including a demand that defendants Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann be found guilty. During the course of the demonstration, Malik Shabazz (an attorney) led a chant: "'How do you find the two defendants in this case?' Shabazz shouted. "Guilty," the crowd shouted back.

The Obama Administration's kid gloves treatment of New Black Panther voter intimidation during the 2008 election was a disgrace.

The result is that New Black Panthers should be grateful and are not likely to be worried about going to far in helping the Obama candidate in the Delaware Senate race.

With control of the United States Senate seemingly at stake, what will the New Black Panther Party do for Obama's sake?

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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