Michael Gaynor
NY's US Senate Race: Incumbent Gillibrand exposed herself as a phony, hypocritical disgrace
By Michael Gaynor
September 14, 2012

New York voters need a Senator who's principled and strong and they won't go wrong with Wendy Long

New York junior senator Kirsten Rutnik Gillibrand's own website trumpets(http://www.gillibrand.senate.gov/agenda/making-washington-more-accountable):

"Transparency and accountability have been a hallmark for Senator Gillibrand, who became the very first member of Congress to post her official daily schedule, all earmark requests, and personal financial reports online. The New York Times called it 'a quiet touch of revolution in Washington.'

"Now Senator Gillibrand is taking the next steps to clean up Washington, by passing commonsense, bipartisan legislation to make insider trading in Congress clearly and expressly illegal, taking on special interest influence, and making more of our government open and available to middle class families."

Gillibrand recently blogged (www.huffingtonpost.com/rep-kirsten-gillibrand/making-congress-more-tran_b_703899.html)

"The fact is, New Yorkers feel they're not being heard, that too much business is happening behind closed doors and too often the system only benefits the special interests that have way too much power. That's why I am traveling the state during August recess to promote my transparency agenda and let New Yorkers know that making Washington work for you is one of my top priorities."

Gillibrand was right about how New Yorkers feel, business behind closed doors and the system benefiting "special interests that have way too much power."


Sexual harassment OBVIOUSLY is wrong when a prominent Democrat commits it too and using public funds as hush money to try to cover up misconduct is more misconduct.

If Gillibrand doesn't get it, she's too stupid to be a Senator.

If she does, she's lacks the character we must demand.

There is no exemption when Gillibrand's family law firm — the Rudnik law firm in New York's capital, Albany — has benefited greatly and expects to continue to benefit greatly from its relationship with the man who approved the payoff, New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.

We need transparency and accountability from Speaker Silver and the Rudnik law firm!

When the woman who fancies herself a champion of women's rights, transparency and accountability sheepishly praises Speaker Silver instead of condemning abuse of power and confidential settlement of a sexual harassment claim against a New York State Assemblyman approved by the Speaker, it's time to vote her out.

Gillibrand's reelection hope depends upon voter ignorance about both herself and her opponent, Republican/Conservative Wendy Long.

All New York voters need to know that Gillibrand is loathe to hold Speaker Silver accountable for using taxpayer funds to quietly settle a sexual harassment claim against his fellow Assemblyman and then his own county leader Vito Lopez.

Voters should be disgusted and feel fooled and betrayed.

If the truth prevails, Gillibrand's reelection campaign fails.

As the "Gropez" probe widens, Long again called upon Gillibrand to end her support for Speaker Silver and tell him to step aside from his leadership position pending the outcome of investigations.

"It's time for New York's cheerleader-in-chief to back up her rhetoric with real action. The fact is Kirsten Gillibrand is promoting Albany's culture of corruption, and putting her political and personal interests ahead of young professional women," said Long.

Long asked, "Why would Gillibrand call for [former Republican United States House of Representatives Speaker Hastert to resign in similar circumstances, but call Speaker Silver the 'perfect' person to represent New York?"

Long added, "How can Kirsten Gillibrand hold herself out as an advocate for women, but stand silently by as hush money is used to silence victims of sexual assault?"


Shamelessly, of course.

The Long campaign has produced a devastating commercial that strips away Gillibrand's carefully constructed image to reveal the ugly truth.

Here's a link: www.wendylongfornewyork.com/video.

New York voters need a Senator who's principled and strong and they won't go wrong with Wendy Long.

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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