Michael Gaynor
Shame on Trump's Republican rivals for blaming his campaign for the violence in Chicago
By Michael Gaynor
March 14, 2016

It is Trump's effectiveness that motivates "progressives" to be violent, not his sense of humor or choose of words.

After Fox News gave Megyn Kelly its 9 PM weekday time slot, Kelly's "big get" was the notorious Bill Ayers. Ayers was ready to 'go public" after his friend in the White House was reelected, and Kelly gave him the spotlight he didn't deserve.

After a two-part interview, Ayers commented that Kelly "struck [him] as a very strange person. She's like a cyborg constructed in the basement of Fox News. She's very striking, but very metallic, very cold. Her eyes are very cold."

When it comes to the leading Republican presidential hopeful, Donald Trump, Kelly is Fox News' hit woman.

Last Friday, after trump won the twelfth and perhaps final debate of Republican presidential hopefuls, Kelly was "very strange" and Ayers was part of the protest that resulted in the cancellation of a Trump rally in Chicago. In the words of a Floridian supporting Trump, Kelly, "moderating her show which covered the nonsense (right out of the Saul Alinsky Playbook) in Chicago...was close to venomous about Trump."

Sadly, that's what a Fox News hit woman is supposed to be.

Chicago is the city of Ayers, a former terrorist with the Weathermen who belongs in prison for life for bombing the Pentagon, Saul Alinsky, cunning author of <="" i="">, a guidebook for subversives, and President Obama, Ayers' best known pal.

The last report was that five persons were arrested at the violent protest and police officers were injured.

Fox News covered it live during Kelly's show and minimized what was going on.

It may have been "balanced," but it is NOT "fair."

Donald Trump smartly canceled his event for obvious security reasons.

Good for him.

All people who believe in the form of government of the United States should have praised him and condemned the violent protesters without equivocation.

Sadly, Trump's remaining Republican rivals for the Republican presidential nomination – Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and John Kasich – could not resist the temptation to try to make political hay by blaming Trump for creating an atmosphere that resulted in the violent protest.

So much for Kasich's claim to be "the adult in the room." he's just another ambitious politician desperate to win.

Trump is campaigning to make America great again.

That means undoing the "fundamental transformation" President Obama has been pursuing.

That's the reason MoveOn.org., Ayers, etc. are trying to silence Trump and shut down his campaign.

It is Trump's effectiveness that motivates "progressives" to be violent, not his sense of humor or choice of words.

There was a reason for the violent protest, but there was no excuse for it.


Kasich is old enough to remember these words: sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me.

Cruz and Rubio grew up much later than kasich, but they are lawyers abd should know that freedom of speech is a First Amendment freedom and the freedom to swing onr's arm stops at another person's nose.

Nevertheless, Cruz commented: "[W]hen you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discourse."

Trump isn't disrespecting voters, he's communicating with them bluntly and striking a responsive chord.

Cruz has been simultaneously disrespecting Trumps' voters and being soundly beaten in a great majority of the primaries and caucuses held do far.

As a lawyer, Cruz knows that allegations prove nothing and relying on them to justify his charge that Trump is "creat[ing] an environment that only encourages...nasty discourse" is a sign of desperation.

Enthusiastic Trump supporter Ann Coulter tweeted: "Fox News & Cruz are American traitors, in league with the liberal establishment. Silent majority must face fire from a unified oligarchy."

"[T]raitors" is too strong, but Fox News and Cruz, in their zeal to keep Trump from being elected President of the United States, whether for business reasons or out of personal ambition, have been helping "the liberal establishment" and, yes, "Silent majority must face fire from a unified oligarchy."

The good news is that after witnessing Alinskyism in action in the streets of Chicago, the silent majority is up to the challenge, especially when it is fully appreciated what a Democrat win would mean for the United States Supreme Court. Conservatives who support the Democrat candidate by not voting or, worse, voting for the Democrat, will have themselves to blame as "liberal" judicial activists rewrite the Constitution under the guise of interpretation.

The silent majority will know that Hillary Clinton morphed from Goldwater to Alinsky girl and isn't likely to revert.

Clinton's Wellesley thesis should be posted online for all to read, together with those speeches for which she was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by Wall Street.

Ironically, shutting down Trump's scheduled Chicago campaign was the best thing "progressives" could do to boost his delegate take next Tuesday and all but lock down the Republican presidential nomination for him.

© Michael Gaynor


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Michael Gaynor

Michael J. Gaynor has been practicing law in New York since 1973. A former partner at Fulton, Duncombe & Rowe and Gaynor & Bass, he is a solo practitioner admitted to practice in New York state and federal courts and an Association of the Bar of the City of New York member... (more)


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