Peter Lemiska
Yes, America can still be saved
By Peter Lemiska
January 1, 2018

On December 25th, the New York Times published an editorial by liberal columnist Paul Krugman. It was entitled "America Is Not Yet Lost," and it was a message wrapped in hope, but filled with hate.

Still fuming about the 2016 election and its aftermath, Krugman ranted that Donald Trump has proven himself unfit for office – morally and intellectually, and that the Republican Party is composed of "cynical apparatchiks, willing to sell out every principle – and every shred of dignity – as long as donors get big tax cuts."

He had no kind words for the media, either – the conservative media, that is – which, he argued, has given up even the pretense of doing real reporting. He failed to mention the Pew Research study showing that negative coverage of Trump in his first 60 days was three times that of Barack Obama during the same period.

Krugman appears to be a man consumed with anger, but filled with hope – hope that comes from the "highly energized resistance." He sees them as America's salvation. He's encouraged that "tens of millions of Americans have risen to the occasion" and may even slow down our transition into an authoritarian regime – presumably, our fate under Trump's leadership.

He didn't cite any real evidence of Trump's totalitarian tendencies, other than his personal observation that Trump is "clearly a dictator wannabe."

Why was Krugman not concerned about authoritarianism when Obama decided to bypass Congress and rule with his pen and phone, and when he decided to enforce only selected laws that suited his agenda? And isn't Krugman now a little concerned by the revelation that the FBI, a presumed independent government agency, worked so hard to absolve Obama's would-be Democratic successor from criminal charges?

It was Obama who brought our government to the brink of authoritarianism.

Krugman tempered his hope with words of caution. "Let's be clear," he wrote. "America as we know it is still in mortal danger. Republicans still control all the levers of federal power, and never in the course of our nation's history have we been ruled by people less trustworthy."

That statement boggles the minds of objective Americans. Where was he when Obama and his apparatchiks repeatedly assured the American people that Obamacare would allow them to keep their healthcare plans and their own doctors, and that it would save families $2,500 per year? Where was he when Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and the others told the world that an American Ambassador and three other diplomats died because of a protest that got out of hand? And after we learned that the IRS had been targeting conservative groups, where was Krugman when Obama smugly claimed there was not a "smidgeon of corruption" in that agency? And where was he when Clinton indignantly denied sending or receiving any classified emails over her personal server?

It may be hard to find a paragon of integrity anywhere in the world of politics, but the entire Obama Administration seemed to view deceit and deception simply as acceptable tools of the trade. Yet still, their loyalists muster up enough gall to call Trump and Republicans untrustworthy.

There was nothing new in Krugman's piece. It merely echoed Hillary Clinton's call to arms: "Resist, insist, persist, enlist." It means nothing to them and their ilk that "we the people" elected Donald Trump. And while they try to justify their endless obstructionism and protests with righteous platitudes, like "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism," their hateful rhetoric reveals something much less noble.

Political opposition is an essential element of every free society. We expect Democrats to push back when Republicans and the president put forth conservative policies. But blanket obstructionism only hurts the nation. No country can flourish when large segments of its populace are consumed with hatred for their leaders and blindly reject everything they say and do.

Voters knew about Donald Trump's assets and liabilities last November. They knew he lacked Obama's eloquence and his pretentiousness. They knew he could not match Clinton's cunning or her ruthlessness. They elected him because they had had enough of the Obama/Clinton Administration, and they wanted to reverse the direction of the country.

So far, President Trump has restored America's dignity on the world stage and decimated ISIS. He has made our streets safer by deporting vast numbers of gang members, dramatically decreasing illegal immigration, and restoring respect for our police officers. He also signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which promises to stimulate the economy and provide tax relief to millions of Americans. All of it was opposed by the left.

Yes, America can still be saved – saved from the dangerous and divisive policies of the previous administration. President Trump is trying to do just that.

© Peter Lemiska


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Peter Lemiska

Peter Lemiska served in the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Secret Service. Following his retirement from the Secret Service, he spent several years as a volunteer for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Like most of his contemporaries, he's always loved his country, and is deeply dismayed by the new and insidious anti-American sentiment threatening to destroy it. He's a life-long conservative, and his opinion pieces have been published in various print media and on numerous internet sites.


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