Lloyd Marcus
October 16th: rare opportunity to win one for we the people
By Lloyd Marcus
August 31, 2013

Dear Patriots. Though apprehensive upon hearing Obama tell Joe the Plumber that he wanted to spread the wealth around, I understand America's extremely emotional response to electing its first black president. White America naively thought, finally, we can never be called a racist nation again. My 100 year old black grandmother wept. Never in her wildest dreams could she imagine a colored man sitting in the president's chair in the Oval Office.

But little did America realize that the beautiful articulate shiny golden black man that they opened the gates of our country and housed in the White House was really a socialist/progressive far left radical liberal Trojan horse.

Once inside, a hidden door opened in Obama's ankle and out poured his army of anti-America minions; programed to use every branch and division of the federal government to implement Obama's extreme agenda and destroy all opposition.

I know. Such strong accusations sound like over-the-top partisan rhetoric. Sadly and shockingly, they are dead on target easily confirmed truths. Our president acts as if federal funds are his own personal piggy bank to fund his voter seducing give-a-ways. Federal agencies are Obama's personal hit squad to punish opponents of his unconstitutional lawlessness. http://bit.ly/19a5FcS

Folks, could you ever imagine citizens of the United States of America living under such fear, corruption and tyranny from our government?

With great sadness and frustration we have witnessed the Obama Administration, without serious push back, use the IRS, DOJ, USDA and NSA to stifle, deter and as Obama instructed, "punish his enemies." http://bit.ly/1dkY3Yd

Despicably, the Obama Administration has joined the Race Industry (Al Shapton, Jesse Jackson, NAACP and CBC) using race exploitation as a political weapon. DOJ head, Attorney General Eric Holder sued Texas as part of a national initiative to stop voter ID law, claiming that it is racist. http://bit.ly/16oE7K3

Holder's claim is absurd considering that a photo ID is required to board an airplane, cash a check and numerous other transactions. Am I the only black person on the planet who finds Holder's claim an insult to my intelligence?

Voter fraud runs rampant in Democrat controlled precincts. In the last election, Obama won over 99% of the vote in over 100 Ohio precincts. http://bit.ly/UCqPV8 In some precincts, Obama received more votes than there were residents. Obama supporters were prosecuted for voting several times. http://fxn.ws/UCQSRx

If Holder and the Democrats can successfully ban states from requiring a photo ID to vote, it is game over. Democrats will magically win every election via massive uncontrollable voter fraud.

Displaying remarkable imperial dictator arrogance, Obama exempts his friends and congress from Obamacare while forcing his behemoth "train-wreck" business and job killing law down our throats. http://bit.ly/149NpsK

The establishment GOP is offering little to no resistance to Obama's tyranny and vowed "fundamental transformation" of America.

Many Tea Party patriots/conservatives are saying we can not fight back until the 2014 midterms. But they are seriously mistaken. We have a golden opportunity to push back, sending a powerful message to Obama that we are mad as hell and we're not gonna take it any more.

Obama clone, liberal Democrat Cory Booker is running against rock-solid Conservative Republican Steve Lonegan for US Senate in New Jersey. Lonegan is running his campaign Sarah Palin style, boldly challenging and exposing the lies and failed policies of Booker and Obama while touting the virtues of Conservatism; fearlessly articulating that Conservatism is the most direct route to achieving your American dream regardless of race, color or creed.

Lonegan's refreshing Palin style courage of his convictions has made the New Jersey senate race nationally relevant; a referendum on Obama – Liberalism vs Conservatism. Conservative Steve Lonegan pulling off an upset victory over liberal Cory Booker who is highly funded and endorsed by Obama, the Race Industry and Democrat's would be huge – giving Republicans a fighting chance to take the senate in the 2014 mid-terms; Obama's worst nightmare.

October 16th, We the People (the Tea Party and other Conservatives) can tell Obama, "No longer will you be allowed to treat us as your supplicants. We are Americans!"

© Lloyd Marcus


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Lloyd Marcus

(Lloyd Marcus passed away on July 24, 2020. His obituary can be read here.)

The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd Marcus the Tea Party Movement's most prominent African American, seen on Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for proclaiming, "I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus, AMERICAN!!!"... (more)


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